
Sitting Under Wise Counsel

February 27, 2024 Damien Long
Sitting Under Wise Counsel
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Sitting Under Wise Counsel
Feb 27, 2024
Damien Long

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Don't forget to subscribe to the God Facts Podcast on YouTube, on all streaming platforms. Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google, and all others. Don't forget to tune in next time we want to help you guys to have victorious living to come out on the other side of this more on fire for God, or wanting to be on fire for God than you ever have.
And if you don't know God, ask Jesus into your heart. Say, Jesus, come and be Lord of my life. And he will changes everything. It changes everything. So we love you. We'll see you next time on the God Facts Podcast. God bless.


In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen.

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Don't forget to subscribe to the God Facts Podcast on YouTube, on all streaming platforms. Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google, and all others. Don't forget to tune in next time we want to help you guys to have victorious living to come out on the other side of this more on fire for God, or wanting to be on fire for God than you ever have.
And if you don't know God, ask Jesus into your heart. Say, Jesus, come and be Lord of my life. And he will changes everything. It changes everything. So we love you. We'll see you next time on the God Facts Podcast. God bless.


In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen.

Podcast. But we teach you how to overcome sin and living life head wins. Christ said, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place. While y'all will come again. And receive you unto myself and where I am. There you may be also. That's right. Christ kid. I prepared time for you to table. Table for you. The place for you. Hey man. Hey man. Yes, that's us. It's the guy in facts, podcast. Welcome. Welcome. We are back. It's been a while. It's been a little while it's been a long while it can be a short while. So. Welcome back folks. Welcome back to the show. Welcome back to the podcast. If you're listening, if you're watching, if you're viewing, however you are doing this. We want to welcome you back for 2024. Our second episode of 2024. And so we're going to do stuff a little differently. Uh, this year for a lot of these episodes, we're going to a shorter format. And so short and sweet. And so we want to give you guys some meat. And then let you get about your day. And so we are going to be talking about this time he's sitting under wise counsel and what it means to not to go through your struggles on your own. Right. Two. Seek out people to help you. To seek out leaders to seek out people around you. Some friends, some loved ones. People you can count on. Right. Yeah. But we didn't introduce ourselves. Yes. I should do that. Yes. We will introduce ourselves once again. And if you didn't know now, you know, I'm your host Damian full of the holy ghost and my other co-host pastor JC, who is also full of the holy ghost up in here. All right. That's enough of that. Alright. Just wanting to make sure they know who we are. Yes, Jesus. Damian and pastor JC. So, uh, welcome back. Welcome back. So guys, we're just going to jump right into this so you can get it, get some meat, get into your day. And so the delegate and the title is sitting under wise counsel. And I'm going to go ahead and let brother JC take this verse and explain to us a little bit about And man we're going to jump right into Proverbs 2018. Proverbs 2018 says plans are established by council. By a wise guidance way by wise guidance, wage war. Or, oh, get your Bibles. Get your pens. Get your notebooks. This isn't an active podcast. I eman. And participate with the participate, follow along. Yes. And we can look at a new Testament. Cross-reference so we've got Proverbs 2018. And we can also look at Luke 1431 through 33. And it tells us. Or what king are, sorry, that's gonna be 28. We're going to be 28 through 33. Yes. For which of you design desiring to build a tower does not first sit down. And count the cost. Or whether he has enough to complete it. Otherwise when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish. All who see, begin to mock him saying this man began to build and was not able to finish. Or what king going out to encounter another kingdom more. Will not sit down first and deliberate. Or there he is able with 10,000 to meet him who comes against him with 20. 20,000. And if not, while the other is yet a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks for terms of peace. So. Damien. Yes. You hear the scriptures in Proverbs 2018 and Luke 14. And 28 through 32. Tell me. Or it comes to mind. Who comes to mind is a plan of attack. Um, of strategy. Uh, a battle plan, a. Uh, Uh, way to deal with my problems and my issues without getting stuck in my head. Without trying to play this. Tape over again. Of. Uh, plans and actions that didn't never work. Oh, that's what it means to me. It means to seek out those who already have a battle plan of action that might have been there before me. Amen. They can help me with putting that, putting these verses into action, because you can read a verse all day and you can pray all day, but until you see it in action, just kind of like a battle plan or like when you draw play on a basketball court, it just looks like a squiggles until you actually see the players moving around and were the players. The Lord has his battle plan in the word of God. And then he puts other people around us to help us with that. I man put that, put that play into action, right? Well, cause really there's like, uh, two ways that we go about making plans. And sometimes God. Uses this first way as a way for us to grow. But it's much easier when we use the second way. The first way is I see a bunch of squiggles. I see a, an idea. And I begin to try to figure out how to maneuver. I try to figure out how to connect the dots on my own accord. It means I have to try to go through greater links. I have to put in more time effort. Yeah more. More energy. To move myself and the direction. Versus taking the time to seek out wise counsel the second way. His Lord lead me to those that have been doing this longer. Lord lead me to those. And then whatever it may be, if I'm needing marriage counsel, let me find someone that's been married for a long time. Right? And is happy in their marriage. Yes. If I'm building something new in ministry, let me find someone that's been in ministry. For a longer than I have. Yeah.