
How to enter 2024 the right way_ Repentance not resolution.

January 03, 2024 Damien Long Season 2
How to enter 2024 the right way_ Repentance not resolution.
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How to enter 2024 the right way_ Repentance not resolution.
Jan 03, 2024 Season 2
Damien Long

Welcome back to 2024!!! 2023 was a long bumpy ride; but we made it. Together. Amen.

Are you going into 2024 with the right heart? Are things from 2023 you need to cut out of your life completely? Still making the same half hearted resolutions from 2008? If any of these are the case, stick around and let me show you how to have a repentant heart and truly resolve all your leftovers from 2023 with His Word! 

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Don't forget to subscribe to the God Facts Podcast on YouTube, on all streaming platforms. Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google, and all others. Don't forget to tune in next time we want to help you guys to have victorious living to come out on the other side of this more on fire for God, or wanting to be on fire for God than you ever have.
And if you don't know God, ask Jesus into your heart. Say, Jesus, come and be Lord of my life. And he will changes everything. It changes everything. So we love you. We'll see you next time on the God Facts Podcast. God bless.


In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen.

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Welcome back to 2024!!! 2023 was a long bumpy ride; but we made it. Together. Amen.

Are you going into 2024 with the right heart? Are things from 2023 you need to cut out of your life completely? Still making the same half hearted resolutions from 2008? If any of these are the case, stick around and let me show you how to have a repentant heart and truly resolve all your leftovers from 2023 with His Word! 

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Don't forget to subscribe to the God Facts Podcast on YouTube, on all streaming platforms. Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google, and all others. Don't forget to tune in next time we want to help you guys to have victorious living to come out on the other side of this more on fire for God, or wanting to be on fire for God than you ever have.
And if you don't know God, ask Jesus into your heart. Say, Jesus, come and be Lord of my life. And he will changes everything. It changes everything. So we love you. We'll see you next time on the God Facts Podcast. God bless.


In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen.

I just wanted to welcome everybody on here on this platform on the God facts podcast. This is our first broadcast or anything in the 2024 in this new year. And that's actually what I'm on here for God. The Lord put it on my heart to come on here and give you guys a 2024 intro. A lot of people out there. They make resolutions when I was not walking with the Lord, a resolution was something that you hyped up. You're like, when I get to, in the new year homes, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna drink as much. I'm not gonna do this as much. I'm gonna get in shape and you start doing through this whole list of nonsense that never gets done. And then here we go, a month into the new year, nothing happened, nothing changed, and you sit there kicking yourself, going this is just like the last year, this is just how it is every single time, and you wonder why you keep kicking the tires but never buy the car. Does that make sense? I Got some topics and some scriptures that we're going to go over on this live stream podcast. By the way, we are live right now on Facebook YouTube. If you're listening to me on Apple podcast, Spotify, Google podcast, thank you for tuning in. Welcome to the God facts podcast where we teach you how to overcome sin and live a life with win Christ said I go to prepare a place for you And if I go to prepare a plate for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself, and where I am, there ye may be also. Are you going into 2024 with the right heart? Are things from 2023 you need to cut out of your life completely? Still making the same half hearted resolutions from 2008? If any of these are the case, stick around and let me show you how to have a repentant heart and truly resolve all your leftovers from 2023 with His Word. It's the God Facts Podcast, a journey for all those seeking the truth of who God is and who we are, where we teach you how to overcome life struggles with His Word. I'm Damian, your host, full of the Holy Ghost, and Pastor JC, the other host full of the Holy Ghost that's normally here, is not with us right now. He's under the weather, so please keep him lifted and keep him in prayer. This is the topic of tonight. It's 2024 coming out of 2023. How are you going to be victorious and how are you going to move into this season and not just keep kicking the tires and never buy the car? I'm going to show you how to drive that car with christ with god Here we go right now get your notebooks get your pens get your bibles It's about to go down here on the god facts podcast the one and only God Facts Podcast. Again, thank you guys for tuning in on YouTube, Facebook, listening on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, all of the wonderful platforms. We are clicking live on all cylinders ladies and germs. We are clicking and here we go. So 2024, 23 was a crazy year. We all know it was a crazy year. We all know there was a lot of stuff going on. A lot of people took a hit in the pockets. They took a hit in their jobs with their families. There was a lot of sickness going around. A lot of people were struggling in 2023. And, I'm trying to give you guys some hope for 2024, trying to get you and move you into the next season, into 2024. with a fresh perspective and understanding of what the purpose of your life is. Why you're actually stepping into 2024. Is it just to redo a bunch of stuff from 23 all the way back to 08 back when cross colors were fancy and popular? Or are you trying to step into the new man, walk into the new life and really change for the better? And so what is repentance and why do we need it? That's the question. That's the whole topic of this thing. It's not about a resolution. It's about the heart and having true repentance and being able to come out of agreement with those things in your past and actually walk into the overflow and the abundance. And so today we're going to dig into what the word repentance means and what the word of God means when it refers to it. And so we're going to have some core verses here like we always do on our episodes and take note, write these down because these are the core verses that I'm going to be touching on and you're going to be able to go back to it and reference it from whatever platform you are listening or watching this on. So those scriptures are going to be 2 Corinthians 14 through 18, Hebrews 8, 8 through 14, Colossians 3, 5 through 10, Acts. 319 21, Mark 115, and Ephesians 4, 2 8. There might be one or two thrown in there after I put that up, but either way, those are going to be your core verses. And, like I do with all my episodes, guys, I like to start it off with the Webster's 1828 Dictionary, on what it says for the keyword that we're going to be focusing on in this space of time that we are in. And so in the Webster's 1828, the definition for repentance is sorrow. Now this is key. Sorrow for anything that, anything done or said, the pain or grief with which a person experiences in consequence of the injury or inconvenience produced by his own conduct. Produced by his own conduct, by our own conduct, by the things that we do, think, and do. Acting and all that stuff. There's also a couple other ones in theology The pain regret or affliction which a person feels an account of his past conduct because it exposes him to punishment the sorrow proceeding merely from fear punishment is called legal repentance as being excited by the Terror's illegal penalties and it may exist with without an amendment of life real penitent penitent sorrow or deep contrition for sin as an offense and dishonor to God, a violation of his holy law and the beset the basset in, yes, beset ingratitude towards a being of infinite benevolence. That would be the God, our father. This is called an evangelical repentance and is accompanied and followed by an amendment of life. Now, right here, guys, this is where it's key right here. Repentance is a change of mind. This right here. Or a conversion from sin to God, from the old man to the new man, from 2023 to 2024. Pay attention. Stick around. Godly sorrow works repentance to salvation, 2 Corinthians 7 and Matthew 3. This is the key here. We are to repent of our past conduct to be presently aligned with the salvation of Jesus Christ. This is how to be renewed. We're not about a resolution. We're about a renewal, a daily renewal, an annual renewal, whatever it takes. It's a renewal. It's a renewing of the mind and the heart. And I'm going to tie all that together right now. Repentance is the relinquishment of any practice from a conviction that it has offended God. Guys, anything you're doing that's separating you from God, anything you're doing that's outside the will of the Father, we need to cut it out. Get it out. It's not worth it. We don't need it in our lives. We take it, we cut it, and we ship it out. We send it return to sender. We don't need that anymore in our lives because that's what got us into all the muck and the problems in the first place. We don't need it. We don't need it. We don't want it. We must come out of agreement, guys, with anything not pleasing to God based. On his commandments in the Bible to truly be made new in this new year, 2024. And as we do with all our shows, I don't mean to start this out and we're gonna get into some prayer. So here we go. Here we go. fAther God, we thank you for this. We thank you for this podcast. We thank you for these wonderful folks listening. We thank you for bringing us out of 2023 and into 2024. Father, God, we thank you for the abundance, the increase in the overflow. Lord, I pray right now for those that don't know you, that through this podcast, through this live, Lord, that they will know who you are by a character, Lord, by an alignment, Lord, by a profession and a confession of faith, Lord work through me, Lord. Let it not be me on here, but let it be you by your Holy spirit that works through me, Lord. I don't want to be that works through the sons of disobedience, Lord. I want to be that's rightly aligned with the things of your kingdom, Lord, with the things of you, Lord, your word, Lord, father, God, it's about you. And Lord, I pray for each and every person listening or watching this Lord that they will have a change of heart, Lord, that they will not be the same, that they will not repeat the same cycle, that they will not just run in circles looking for the door when the room that has no doors. I pray that they can see the light. They can come to the end of themselves. They can trust in Christ. They can cry out and say, Abba, Father, help me. I need you. Come into my life. Make me right in your eyes. I don't have it all figured out, but you do, Lord. And your word says so. And so I pray right now, Lord, that your word hits alive and active like a sharper than a two edged sword cutting to the very division of bone marrow in these people, in their ears, in their minds, and in their heart. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. All right, so the scriptures that like I said how we're going to start this off guys And i'm gonna go through these a little quick Because there's a lot to cover But this is designed for you not to just watch once or listen to once if you're getting value out of it Like subscribe and go back listen to it again because I can guarantee you there's some gold in here so second corinthians 4 14 says that knowing that he That's God. Who raised up the Lord Jesus will also raise us up with Jesus and will present us with you. We're seated at the right hand of the Father, folks. For all things, verse 15, for all things, for your sakes, that grace, having spread through many, may cause thanksgiving to abound in the glory of God. Folks, we need to always have thanksgiving, okay? For what we do. For what we do have because God himself has provided it to us. Glory to God. Amen. So he's provided it to us. We're going to have, so now we're going to have Thanksgiving about these things. Always and continually, no matter what the circumstances, we still have to have Thanksgiving for the things that God is providing to us in our life. Verse 16, Therefore we do not lose heart, even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. There's that renewal piece, okay? You're going to see this more and more. Here we see that renewal, even when it seems like we are not able. to recover from our past. I know I was, and I thought I was never going to recover from my past. But even when we're not able to think that we can recover from our past, our faults, our hurts, our sickness, or our muck from last year, that we are still being renewed inwardly by the Spirit of God daily in order for that to happen. Guess what? We must first need to repent. We have to repent. That's the key right there and believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. He has to be priority in your life. He has to be the head. He has to be above you. You're not your own God. And if you think that you are, you need to repent and step out of that mindset and go, I need to submit to something greater than myself. I need to submit to the father. I need to submit. And come into alignment with him and second corinthians 4 verse 17 says For our light affliction, which is but for a moment is working for us a far more exceeding And eternal weight of glory. It's not about the things on this earth that matter. It's about the things that are eternal It's about the spiritual things that are going to get us From this earth from this dust rock up into the kingdom of heaven for eternity. That's the thing that matters Okay, it doesn't matter that Billy Bo Joe Bob took your parking spot it at Walmart. Who cares? It doesn't matter that you didn't get your paycheck on Tuesday when you're supposed to get paid on Wednesday It all that none of that stuff matters. It only matters the things that are eternal. So you gotta get your mind, right? And your heart right and your spirit all right, and you know where it says right here the eternal weight of glory Okay, eternal the weight of Lord His glory is it comes down from heaven and it weighs upon us and we feel his presence and then we go Okay, Lord, I repent I surrender I submit to your will knowing that you are supreme He's above everything that we could think or imagine He whatever you think you're going through here knows you're going through it and gonna go through it and he's right there with you If you ask him and what happened last year that seems immovable. God sees a light work and temporary It's nothing for him. There's nothing for him in verse 18 says While we do not look at the things which are seen with our eyes You'd be look around we see everything and that's what our focus is on but it's telling you right here We do not look at the things which are seen but the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporary But the things which are not seen are eternal. There's that eternal again. That eternal peace. And guys, this verse sums it up perfectly. Okay? It boils down to perspective. Kingdom perspective. We must, as believers in God, stop putting so much stress on ourselves and only what our eyes can see and our hands can touch That they are temporary and are not eternal. Only Jesus Christ is and faith in Him is. So remember that when you think it's getting too hard and you can't handle life and it's stress and you're depressed and all these things that are coming along that are, they feel like are kicking you down. Just know that it's temporary. And it's not eternal. Christ is eternal, and you believe in Him, and you're gonna be just fine. And in these next few verses, we're gonna be going into Hebrews 8, 8. And we got some comment, we got here. See, I'm new to this whole, what is this? Amen, praise God. Yes. Amen. Hallelujah. Praise God. Alright. I'll try to engage as much as I can. We have a lot of territory to cover. And let's get back into it. Hebrews 8. 8. Through, actually it's gonna be 8. 8 through 12, I believe. 8. 8 through 13. Alright. 8. 8. Now. It says right here, because finding fault with them, he says, behold, the days are coming of the Lord. So let me give you some context. These next few verses are referring to the old covenant and set of laws established with Moses and the 10 commandments in Exodus chapter 34. God knew that humanity needed a set of laws because of their disobedience. and lawlessness. What he told Moses was a foreshadowing of what to come by the way of the Son of God through Jesus Christ, our mediator and fulfillment of the law in our modern day life. Christ was the fulfillment Of the laws that cried the guy. See, God gave Moses the Ten Commandments. You wrote him on the tablets on the mountain, all of that took place back then. And then that was a foreshadowing of the new covenant that we have access to. They didn't have access to that back then. We do. And let me tell you what, if we had to try to keep the law today. Yeah. No, I wouldn't make it. Absolutely not. I would not make it. All right. So Hebrews 8, 8 says, because finding fault with them, he says, behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant. It's not about 2023 anymore. Forget it. Let it go. It's over. I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand To lead them out of the land of Egypt because they did not continue in my covenant and I disregarded them says the Lord Verse 10, for this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord, I will put my laws in their mind and write them on their hearts. There's the heart again, and I will be their God and they shall be my people. God only cares about our pureness of hearts, not our shortcomings in 2023. Okay. He only cares about the condition of this right here, this, the heart. Lining up with the mind, renewal. There's that word again. Verse 11. None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother, saying, Know the Lord, for all shall know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more. I'm going to read that again. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness. No matter what you did, God could be merciful to that. And their sins, no matter what you did, once again, and their lawless deeds. This is all encompassing here. And it says, I will remember no more. God's not keeping a record of your wrongs. Why are you? Why are you stop it here? We see the true compassion of God, knowing that his creation is forever flawed because of the sins of his original creation of man. And it goes back to Adam and Eve in the garden. So give yourself a break in 2024 and beyond. Don't be so hard on yourself if you don't feel like you met the expectations of yourself or others last year in 2023 or even long before. Stop it. Give yourself a break. Let yourself off the hook. It's okay. It's okay. You know why? Because if God ain't remembering it, if he's not worrying about it, if he's not having sleepless nights because of it, why should you? We serve a great God, a bigger God, than your issues, okay? And it's it's I just love the word of God because He gives you the confirmation that you need, that any questions you have, there's an answer right here. There's an answer in this book. It doesn't matter what your issue is. It doesn't matter if it's 2023 or 1933 or 2083. That's if we're still around then. It's in here. The answer is in there. That's why this word is alive and active. It's breathing. All right, a verse 18 says and here we go In that he says, a new covenant, there's the new again, there's the new, the new year, new covenant. He has made the first obsolete, pay attention to this. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. The old covenant passed away. So has your old dirt. That's passed away. It's gone. You're under the new covenant if you proclaim Christ as your Lord and Savior put the old away It's obsolete. It says it right there in verse 13. It's obsolete you can't follow all these laws and stuff Even the laws you create in your own head that you think you need to live by it's obsolete doesn't matter It's growing old. It's vanishing. So it's time to move into the new right In Christ, in 2024, you are made brand new. Let the stress and self hate go. Let the self condemnation and regret go. It doesn't matter and adds no value to 2024 or your eternal salvation in Jesus Christ. It doesn't add any value. Let it go. Let yourself off the hook. All right, I'm here to give you some good news. I didn't come, I didn't come to condemn, just like Christ. He came to give us life and life abundant in him. All right. Folks, I have good news. Once again, I have good news. If you didn't have good news, and then you do now, there's hope for all of us in 2024, but we must repent in our hearts. Okay. And cry out to God for him to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and anything that we feel is separating us from God. That's the question that we need to have for us. Are we living and loving as Jesus does? Okay. How you ask let's see what the word of God, let's see what it says because the word knows 8, 000 times more than I ever will. And this is where I get my source of information because if it's not in the word, it don't matter. I hate to break it to you, so we're going to go on to our next series of verses, folks, and it's going to be Colossians 3, 5 through 10, Colossians 3, 5 through 10, so you take this thing right here, you open it up, it's right in there, it's right in there, or your phone, whatever you got, digital media, now here is the key, these are they're all key, but this is really, Colossians You say, okay, how can I have this repentance or how can I have this How can I have this level? How can I have this this understanding of what this is all, what he's talking about? What are you talking about? This old covenant, new covenant? It gets simplified. That's the beautiful thing about the Bible. It's not complicated. We complicate it. Colossians 3. 5 says, Therefore, put to death your members which are on the earth. Key word, earth, it's not eternal. This is earth right here. Fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, covenants, which is idolatry. So anything that separates you from God, anything you make an idol outside of God. You got to put to death. You got to cut it out because of these things. The wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience. I just touched on that earlier in which verse seven you yourselves once walked when you lived in them. So when you said the Bible says, come on and be separate. That's what this is. This is referring you. You're separating from those things in the past and you yourselves walked in them, but now you. You're separated. You're not walking as a son of disobedience. At least you're not trying to be right. And now yourselves in verse eight says that are to put off all of these anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth. Guys, stop cussing. Stop. It doesn't, all the stuff, the filthy talk out of your mouth. You know the oh god knows my heart all that stuff. That's just you're tricking yourself You're lying to yourself and it's all not going to edify anybody. It's not going to build you up it's not going to all it's going to do is tear down because what you put out into the, what did you put out into the airwaves is what you're going to get back, whether you think so or not, it's the truth, because your words shift the atmosphere. So going to 2024, if you were cussing like a sailor in 23, stop it, make a conscious effort. It's, we have a decision up here to let those words out or not let those words out. And I'm going to tell you right now, you making that conscious effort pleases God, because you're not letting those things out, which the word says to avoid, it says to, to put them to death, literally, and you, by you not doing that, you're now showing God that your heart. Wants to be right in his eyes. You want to have a pure heart, your motives. You want pure motives. You're not going to talk the same. I'm not going to think the same. I'm not going to act the same. I'm not going to do the same things that I did in 2023. Yeah. You're going to, this is how you step into 2024 with that renewed mind that is talking about here. And so it says right here, in verse nine, also do not lie to one another since you have put off the old man with his deeds. So if you're separating yourself from the old man, don't try to portray yourself as something that you're not. Don't lie to yourself. Don't lie to your friends. Don't lie to anybody. Your coworker, you gotta be truthful with all things that the Bible says, let your yes be your yes and your no be your no. If you're not doing that in your conduct and your speech, you're not not defining your character, especially your character in Christ. Then what are you doing? You're not putting the old deans to death. Like it says here, because it, you have to put off the old man. And first 10 says that, and we have put on the new man, okay, who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of him who created him. Now here we see another example of being renewed in Jesus Christ. Amen. This is how to be renewed in the new year right here. It's simple. Society. In us and mankind, we really love to complicate it Don't we really love to say? I could but I was gonna but you know All the shoulda woulda coulda gonnas, you know those people That all that you could put that to death quick just by not Doing the things in this that it says to not do, it's putting the effort forth to saying you know what? It's not going to feel good to stop these things. It's not going to feel comfortable, but that's okay. Cause God's not a God of comfort zones. I hate to break it to you. God's a God of separating from your comfort zone, stepping out into the water like Peter did, and trusting in Christ, trusting in Him that no matter what you're in, or the storm you're in, or what muck you had in 23, that if you trust Him in 24, guess what? He's gonna calm that storm for you. As long as you start to stop doing these things, start to stop. Yeah, whatever. It makes sense. As long as you start and stop doing these things that it talks about here in Colossians and other verses I was in, then your mind starts getting renewed because you're consciously making an effort to please God. And that's a good thing. And here's the promise of repentance coming up. Okay. It's the promise of repentance. And I gotta tell you, who doesn't like repentance? I know I do. You know why? Because without repentance, I wouldn't have victory. Come on, somebody. I know somebody out there needed to hear that because repentance is great. It doesn't feel good. No, it's like ripping a scab off. It hurts, but it's necessary. Okay, so we're gonna be in Acts right now. So Acts 3 verse 19 through 21 Acts 19 3 through 21 Again, it's in this little thing right here or big whatever one you got I'm going to read what's on here, though, because the words in here are just a little small for my eyes. Lord, restore my eyeballs in the name of Jesus. Give me the eyes to see these little words. So Acts 3 19 through 21. Says repent. You don't say the first word that's, let me see if there's another word before it. Nope. That's the first word. Repent therefore and be converted. So being converted, what's that mean? When you take a Chevy three 50 and you add a blower to it, you're now converting that engine to go from 200 horsepower to 400. 50 horsepower or whatever it is you're converting, you're making it better. Okay? Repent the therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out. So at the times of refreshing may come in the presence of the Lord. So that refreshing. When you're in the desert, we, in Arizona, we, without water, it's like you're dry, your throat's closing up. You, oh, you're, you think you're dying. And you know that when you get that water, you have that refreshing. Okay. You have that time of refreshing. It's like you never had water before. That's what God is like to you in your life. When you repent, he gives you that living water. He gives you that water that you'll never thirst again. He gives you that water that will sustain you, that you'll never feel thirsty again. And it comes from the presence of the Lord, as it says right there. But it's saying you have to repent and be converted. Basically, you're turning completely from that sin. You're putting your back to the world and your face toward God. And you're saying, Lord, I don't want that anymore. I want to be refreshed. I want to be in your presence because. Everything else does not even come close to that. It's all a counterfeit. Holy spirit. It's all counterfeit trash it's these things don't have they have monetary value, but they don't have any significance. They don't have any long term Eternal value. They're not renewing me only God can renew you from the inside out Okay, first 20 says and that he may send Jesus Christ who was preached to you before whom heaven must receive Until the times of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began. So all the prophets, the minor and the major prophets in the Bible, they all, everything that they prophesied was leaning up to Christ. Everything tied into Christ. Everything, tied into Christ, His second coming, it's all intertwined. It's all woven together. All you gotta do is look and you'll see the nuggets. It's all there. And that's why it says right here, because this is the New Testament, right? And it says, until the times of restoration. So you see a pattern here, renewal. Repentance, restoration. So if you need to be restored, if you're like a if you feel like an old beat down 64 Mustang sitting in a rotting garage that is just begging for somebody to restore it and bring it back to its full beauty, its full glory, its classic stat to it, to just to be appreciated, trusting God, he's going to restore you. He's going to bring you back. He's going to put that coat of wax on you. He's going to make you feel a lot better and see things a lot different and appreciate the small things and love unconditionally, instead of putting a condition on everything around you and I'll only do this if you do that or this or that, and you take that condition out of it and you let him. Okay, him give you the time of restoration of all things. It says right here, it doesn't say some things. It says until the times of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of his promise. So all the promises of God, there it is. It says the times of restoration and it said who heaven must receive until the times of restoration So that's his death burial and resurrection So heaven had to receive him up so he could defeat Satan so you could have victory in him It goes full circle. God wants to refresh you in 2024, but it starts with you guys It starts with the true changing of the heart No amount of gym memberships and low carb diets are gonna bring you true happiness. None of them doesn't matter Only Jesus can and will bring you true happiness. Okay, that's the only thing that you can be sure of in 2024 is that only Jesus can bring you the happiness that you thought you didn't have in 2023 and are looking for in 2024. You want it? Ask God. Trust God. Look to Christ as the author and finisher of your faith. It's not just my faith. It's your faith as long as you trust in him Amen, and I don't know about you guys, but I'm having a blast. The Lord is good. His word never returns void I'm being filled and refreshed as I speak it because it changes my atmosphere around me And so I hope is doing the same for you guys because it ain't about me. It's about him mark 115 and Yeah, Mark 1 15 is the only one I got from Mark. All right. So if you got your Bibles go to Mark chapter 1 verse 15 and Saying okay, the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand Repent. Oh, there's that repent murder again and believe in the gospel so we just went from acts right here now, it's Now it ties into it. Okay, so I'm gonna read Acts 3 21 again right before Mark 1 15 in sequence And you're gonna see it all tied together whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things which God has spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began and Saying the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand repent and believe in the gospel two completely separate Books in the Bible, but man, when you read them together, they connect. That's how the scripture works. It connects. Connects the dots, the lines, the threads. That's the Scarlet Thread of Redemption right there. Come on somebody. So repent and believe in the gospel. It's simple. Repent, believe, repent, believe, Lord. And you say, how do I repent? Say, God, I screwed up. I don't have it all figured out. I shouldn't have been sleeping with so and I shouldn't have been, cheating on my taxes. I shouldn't have been, watching things I shouldn't be watching or talking to people I shouldn't be talking to or whatever the thing in your life that's holding you down. You just got to confess it and say, Lord, I believe that you died on the cross for me. And I want to be in the right relationship with you because these things are burdensome to me. All of this stuff makes me feel 20 years older than I am. And his word says right there, he's going to bring you the refreshing, the restoration, that living water. Okay. And so believe in the gospel, believe in what you're reading. This is not just a fairytale book. This is fact. There's so much fact and it's all fact. There's no nothing in here. That's not there's archaeological proof to pretty much everything in this Bible So far, they're still finding stuff. Nothing else out there ever written has as much archaeological proof as this does right here so you got to believe it guys if you're an analytical person to look up archaeological videos on YouTube of Places in the Bible that they've dug up and can prove literally with specific accuracy The time, the date, the place, the event. This is real guys. This is not fake. Trust me. Luke, we're going to go to a Luke 11, 13 says, if you them being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly father give the Holy spirit to those who ask him? So we were once evil. We're acting you. You might be evil now, who knows? But it says right here that you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children. How much more? Will your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit? So just, you think that, by all the stuff that you do for your children and you provide for them, God does more than that, more than you could even do for your kids. You pile up everything you bought your kids and all the schools you put them through and all this funds and all that, pile it all up to the roof. Everybody here listening, watching, pile it up, everybody on the planet, go ahead, pile it up, and he says that how much more will your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him? So he's the trump card. He's again, he's up here. So he's going to take and give you the Holy Spirit, the comforter, because He will not leave you comfortless. He has the Holy Spirit to give you. And that is what's going to guide you guys. That Holy Spirit is what's going to give you the ability to not talk bad, think bad, act bad. Do bad things. It's going to give you conviction. So when you repent, the Holy Spirit gives you conviction. Before and after. On a lot of things. Especially the more you walk with God and the deeper your relationship goes and the more your discernment is. Discernment is just a term for an awareness of the things of God. The awareness of right and wrong. Far deeper than you could ever have in the world without God. So you get this heightened sense of discernment. The Holy Spirit steps in and says, Man, I don't think you should be doing that. You probably shouldn't be going over, you shouldn't be doing this with so and you shouldn't, I don't think you, and you get that feeling inside you go, you know what, probably shouldn't do that, or I probably shouldn't think those things, or say those things, or think about, or talk about, Sally Mae like that behind her back. You know all of that stuff ties into it and he wants to give you the holy spirit as long as you says ask him That's it. You don't have to it doesn't you have to wait in line at starbucks to get the holy spirit folks You don't have to you know, wait on black friday at target for the ps12 For 14 hours, to pay all that money to get something that you probably shouldn't have in the first place I'm, not judging folks. I just you know, it's a reference You don't even have to wait in line. You don't have to wait in a 14 hour line for the Holy Spirit. All you do is ask him and he goes, boom, here, done. There you go. Boom. And cost you a dime. You didn't have to wait in that black Friday line. You didn't have to stay on Amazon until midnight trying to get your last minute shopping in. You just got to ask and the Holy Spirit gives you, he'll give it to you guys. And it's all about in this season through the holiday season that we just came out of and then the year that we're going into, remember that it's all about being a blessing to others, okay? In this season with the right mind and the right heart, like I was talking about earlier, the mind and the heart. It's simple, repent and believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ. And then all these things shall be added to you. It says that in the word, right guys, we must allow our inner man or woman to be filled by the Holy Spirit because that is what guides us into right decisions. That is what guides us. Like I was just talking about. It's the thing, the entity, it's the Godhead three in one guy, the father, God, the son of God, the Holy Spirit, Godhead three in one. That's what guides us in the right decisions. Okay, and you don't want to be in a position where you know the things of god and you completely turn your back on god because It says in the bible that he'll leave you to a d based mind, which means a corrupt mind. You don't want that You know the Bible says it is better to have sin, not sin, better to have not known the truth and sin than to have sinned and known the truth, I believe is the wording. And in other, it's saying that once you know the truth and it sets you free, don't go back to it. Proverbs says like a dog returning to his vomit. Don't go back to that because the more you walk into that, that D based life and that wicked lifestyle and all the things that we spoke about earlier that have to do with covetousness, idolatry, witchcraft, fornication, idolatry, all those things, that's going to pull you farther from the will of God, but the Holy Spirit's going to lead you closer to the things of God. He's going to say, don't do that. You're going to say, okay. And once you follow through now, guess what? You're in a better position than you were before you did. Jesus loves you. Okay. He loves you. He loves me. He wants you to love him back. Simple. Christ loves you. He loved you so much that he died for your sins. He died for my sins. He took it on the cross in the form of a serving. He got beaten, tortured, all the stuff that should be happening to us right now. Happened to him. So we could have freedom. So we could have the Holy Spirit. So we could have eternal salvation. So we could be refreshed. So we could have repentance. So we could be renewed. Okay. All those things tie together. That's what he, that's his heart's desire for us, for humanity, for his creation, for he, Christ is the word made flesh. Everything that I'm reading is Christ. He is the word made flesh. Amen. We got a few more scriptures here and then we're going to close this up. So Ephesians two, guys, this is going to, this is going to get a little bit deeper. It's going to let you understand that the love and the compassion, the grace of God. I'm not trying to be the hammer. Oh, don't do this. Don't do that. But it's reality. That's what this gospel is. It's not, this gospel is not a puppy dog and a butterfly. This is a reality check. This is saying, Hey, this is a life and death battle, and I need to figure it out and step it up. I got to stop. Thinking like a child because the bible says when I was a child I thought as a child when I became a man I put away childish things See we separate come out and be separate and put those childish things away be led by the holy spirit have discernment Now we walk in the right path and right standing with god. So right here in ephesians 2 4 through 8 says But god who is rich in mercy rich. He's so rich in mercy He's so rich in mercy because of his great love with which he loved us He loves us great love. It doesn't say just love it says great love even when we were dead in trespasses Even when we were dead in trespasses all the stuff that I was just talking about even when we were dead in those trespasses Made us alive together with christ by grace. You have been saved. It's not by Anything that we could will it's about the grace of god. It's that by grace you have been saved By His grace, by Christ's grace, there's nothing that we can purchase that's going to save us. There's nothing that we can offer up that's going to save us. There's not a sacrifice or anything that we can burn that's going to offer up redemption. It's only Jesus Christ. And it says that by grace you have been saved. Saved from all that stuff. Saved from the penalty of sin and death. Saved from eternal hellfire and damnation. You're saved from that. And it says in verse 6, it says, And raise us up together. Together, we're one body, and made us sit together in the heavenly places with Christ Jesus. That the ages to come, He might show the exceeding riches of His grace and kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. There's riches, grace. Kindness mercy. Oh, I love it for by grace. You have been saved through faith And that not of yourselves. It is a gift of god. It's a free gift of god doesn't cost you anything It's his riches. So it's his riches right the exceeding riches of his grace So he's pouring about this abundant grace and we don't have to pay him a dime for it We don't have to offer him up anything for except for giving ourselves As a living sacrifice, which means holy and separate from the world and right standing with him and what his word says That's it. It's Walking the narrow path by what the word says and then it's a gift of god It's he just wants to give it to you abundantly so we can walk out a new path into 2024 Not the same. We're not supposed to come to god and leave the same. We're supposed to be changed radically, he calls us a peculiar people and We are not of this world once we step into Christ. We are now sons of the Most High King, seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven. Okay? That's powerful stuff right there. Let us finish this powerful message, guys, of grace, repentance, and renewal with the words of Jesus himself. Now this is from John 14, 15 through 21. Now this is Jesus speaking. If you love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, the Holy Spirit, that He may abide with you forever, the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees Him nor knows Him, but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be with you. I will not leave you orphans. I will come to you a little while longer, and the world will see me no more. But you will see me, because I live in you, and you will live also. At that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. He who has my commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my father and I will love him and manifest myself to him That's powerful right there. That's a that's nothing but a profession of his love for us And his promise that his he's promising us this guys if you love me You will be loved by my father if you love me. So if we love him Unconditionally as to the best of our finite abilities. We're all gonna fall short guys We're all gonna fall short but if we make a confession and say lord jesus, I make you lord my life and I love you because you promised me this eternity this eternal salvation you bless me abundantly exceedingly above all that I can imagine and I just want to be right in your eyes because my heart was wicked before I knew you and he wants to dwell in you and it says right here that the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive in verse 17 because it neither sees him nor knows him, but you know him, he dwells in you and will be in you. So that's the separation I was talking about will may come apart and be separate. Guess what? Those scales are removed from our eyes and our eyes are open just like Paul when he got blind in the road to Damascus. His eyes were open and he saw a whole different perspective. His whole process shifted, just like mine did when I got Radically Safe and Transformed. Just like many of you listening and watching, it happened to you like that. You start to see things different. You start to see the world for what it is. You start to see and understand God for who He is. By his word. Now you're led by a whole different, your whole different set of ideologies and way of doing things because now that you're not an orphan, you're not out there by yourself and you don't, or don't want to. Think and act like the world because they don't they're not gonna know what you know until you talk to them Until you lead them to Christ But until that happens, they're not gonna understand what you know or see what because now You have the Spirit of God living within you. You have the Holy Spirit because you've asked him into your heart And so now you're being led a different way, a different path. Your eyes see the things, the spiritual things, the supernatural things, and you start to walk and think and act differently. Everything starts to feel lighter around you. You have more joy in your life. You have more peace in your life. You feel love more, you give love more. You know why? Because it's Christ in you. And he just said right there, if you love me, keep my commandments. And I will love him and manifest myself to him. There it is, right there, Jesus himself said it. Guys, it's all about relationships of love, to have a good year, okay? Ask Jesus into your heart, and his promise of the Holy Spirit will keep you in right communion and intimacy with God. It's the key word, intimacy. What are you intimate with? Are you intimate with the wrong things? It's time to get intimate with the right things. Time to get intimate with God. In that close communion. God the Father. It will. It will. He will dwell in you all the rest of your days. Leading you into right decisions. Good works. True happiness, true joy, and true self control, okay? We covered that in our nine part series, the last part of our Fruit of the Spirit series. He'll, he will call to you, he will come, you will come out and you will be able to function with self control. You won't just be running radical and grasping for straws. You'll think about things more, okay? And you won't overindulge. You'll have self control to not overindulge the things that had you in a cycle of false resolutions. Okay? False resolutions. I'm going to say it again, because it ain't about a resolution. Okay? Resolutions that don't add any real value or freedom in your life. If it's not God's facts, it don't matter, okay? If it's not God's facts, not Damien's facts, if it ain't God's facts in his word, it does not matter. And it's time to let it go, okay? That's how you're gonna have real freedom. That's how you're gonna have real value in your life. Purpose. Substance. That's how you're going to be renewed. That's how you're going to have the things of God manifest from you. It's going to start to come out of your pores. People are going to know who you are before you get there because your character goes before you, but it's not just you. It's Christ in you that goes before you. Okay. So we need to really focus on these things, guys, and we need to love each other. Okay. You get to love each other and ourselves. I know it's been tough and you're like, I, I hate my life and things are going bad and I lost this and that and people keep dying And I just feel like I just can't get ahead cry out to God if you're already saved repent there's something in your life that you're thinking, doing, acting, or saying that's holding you back from that freedom. Dig deep. Dig deep. Fast. Pray. Humble yourself. Hit your knees. Cry out to God. Say, God, I don't want this anymore. I'm burdened. I, I thought I was saved and now I'm dealing with all this stuff. The, he never said that we're not going to have trials or tribulations. He said that we will suffer persecution for him, for his namesake, right? But that doesn't mean we don't have a mediator in the Holy Spirit that's going to get us through that. You don't have to give up. You don't have to end it all. Suicide's a real thing, and I'm just gonna put it out there. Suicidal thoughts, that's a real thing, and I bind those up in all your lives, whoever has it, and I cast it out in Jesus name. It's a tactic from the enemy to try to get you farther from God, to get you stuck in your emotions and not in your spirit. And so it's a life in the pit of hell. Don't buy into it. Reach out to somebody. It's not worth it. Trust me. God has a plan for your life. There's value in your life. And it's not that's not the end all. He's the one that's supposed to call us home. He's the one that wants to bring us into glory. It's not our decision. Okay. So just remember that guys remember that. Addictions, a real thing. I had struggled with it for two decades, over two decades and it's a very real thing. And a lot of people, they're not coming back from this fentanyl stuff, from everything that's out there on these streets. This is a real threat. And if you're struggling with that, if you're in that mindset, if you're dabbling, if you're like, I just use this to cope. This is how I deal with my stress. God is the one that can fill that void. All that is a counterfeit Holy Spirit trash. I'm here to tell you right now that only Holy Spirit can fill that. Only the true God, the living God, can fill that void. There's not a drug ever made on this planet or ever will be made that can take his place. But the enemy, Satan, your devil, the, your enemy, he prowls around like a roaring lion seeking who he can devour. He wants you to think. That it's all over. That you could just do that. Oh, it's just a little. I'm just, I'm only doing a little here. Nobody knows that I'm doing it. Who knows? God knows. And and you can be your own worst enemy. And if you're out there struggling with addiction, I pray that you put it down. That you stop doing it. I could do it. You can do it. And many others listening here did it. A lot of everybody in my most everybody in my circle Has struggled with addiction and has beat it has come out the other side Stronger and victorious because they chose to put their armor on the full armor of god every day They walk out their door and they say not today satan I may have I may feel a certain way, but I know who my god is I know that he loves me because his word says so I feel his holy spirit. So I you know what? I'm not going to do that today. And you stop those thoughts. That's why he talks about being renewed. So when these negative thoughts come in your mind, call unto God, say, Lord, I'm thinking these crazy thoughts. I don't want to think them. Give me the peace of your Holy spirit. Help me take these thoughts from me, cast them out. Trust in God pray. And that repentance is so important and just keep doing it. If you don't see a result instantly, God's not Amazon. He's not a next day delivery. Okay. It's not, it's his time, not yours. In this, on-Demand Society, we're so programmed to be like, God, I didn't hear from you. I asked you I prayed for this breakthrough 20 seconds ago. How come you haven't answered me yet? And God's going. I don't work like that. I'm outside of time and space. I don't work on Amazon's clock. I work on my own entity. I'm my own. I am the creator. I created this world that you live in. It says in the Bible, and you have not because you ask not, it also says ask and you shall receive anything in my name. I will do it for you, right? Christ said that. So If you're struggling, pray. But if you don't get an answer right away, that does not mean give up. That's the easy path. That's the easy way out. It doesn't mean stop doing the good things that you want to be doing or trying to do to be right in your life. To provide for your kids, to be, to go, to that school, to get that job, or whatever the case may be. Marry that person or be a better husband or father. Just because you don't get the answer right away doesn't mean you give up. That's a lie and a trick from the pit of hell. And it's don't buy into it. Don't buy into it. Because it says these things too will pass away. It said it earlier, right? That they don't see it. The world doesn't see it. But God sees it. Okay. And you see it if you're in him and he's in you. Love each other ourselves in Jesus and watch how amazing 2024 will be okay If you do the things that I said in this podcast by the Word of God It's not me speaking as God speaking his word Will lead you to repentance because you will start to feel a different way You'll start to your spirit man will start to cry out and say I want more of this and then you'll read this and you'll Be convicted and go you know what? I'm not going to do that anymore because when you start doing a little bit more more, you'll start to, you'll start to understand more because you'll start to, you'll feel like a like a hunger and a fire, you'll feel like a blaze within you burning, a kindling within you, you'll start to feel like it hotter and you'll start to see more things in the spirit realm. And the more you read this, the more you apply it, the less you do things that you used to do. You'll start to feel that fire burn hotter. You'll start to want to go out and help other people. Lay hands on the sick and watch them recover. Pray for the dead to be raised. All the things the Bible says you can do through Christ. Cause you have the same power that rose Christ from the dead living in you, as long as you ask for it. He says, ask him. And yeah that's that's the God Facts Podcast intro for 2024 guys. I wanted to come in here hot and heavy, cutting the head off a snake. Cutting, chopping the ankles off of Satan right away, not give him any breathing room, put my foot on his neck right away, because we have to stick together. We can't run from the problems, but run towards them with the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God and cut through those things with God, with the Lord, it says he will never leave us or forsake us. And so we have to believe that in our heart guys. Believe it, and receive it. Okay. And you will have victory. I promise you, you'll be victorious. You're looking at the you're looking at victory. Okay. I was a tough total mess complete mess I was the mess of messes and I had victory because of christ and there's nothing else that did it. So just remember that Oh, man, that's good guys. The lord is good. The lord is good So that's going to conclude this episode You know coming into 2024, you know how to enter 2024 the right way repentance not resolution Stop that resolution stuff. It doesn't, it's not going to do you any good. Repentance will do you. We'll do medicine to the bones. I can promise you. So for all you free thinkers and fact finders, here's a little more you can take away from this episode on how to be brand new in 2024 and continue to reread the scriptures that we went over. 2nd Corinthians 14 through 18, Hebrews 8, 8 through 14, Colossians 3, 5 through 10, Acts 3, 19 through 21, Mark 1 15 and Ephesians 4 2 through 8 and then I think I threw a nugget in there Also, John 14 15 through 21 the words of Jesus because it's important No, so all those mentioned in this episode, okay with focus on acts 2 19 through 21 So go back look at acts 2 19 through 21 again and reread it and just believe it Okay, and all we see God in his word On how to build these in your life, how to build, how to have this, what we spoke about in your life. Okay. And don't forget to pray for the breakthrough in your life. All throughout the Bible, prayer is your weapon. Prayer is how you hear from God. Again, he's not Starbucks, he's not Amazon. Pray and wait. Doesn't mean don't go to work, just pray and wait. By your actions, I guess is one way I can say it. By your actions showing the Lord your repentant heart, the more you will hear from him because you're actively trying to separate from whatever problem it is that you have. And yeah, that's for me personally, that's when I hear from God the most is when I pray about something. A lot of times I already know the answer. A lot of times I know that I shouldn't have been doing something or I was I'm like lord, is this is this that and his holy spirit will you know A lot of times be like yeah, you shouldn't have been doing that. Or you shouldn't have been thinking, are you should do this instead or help that person or whatever the case may be. But there's times where the big things, the big decisions, I'm like, Lord, I need to answer it. And I'll get it. I'll get a still small voice. He just says, wait on me. Trust me. Trust me. Trust me. Yeah. All over and over again. I don't get the big long answer. A lot of times it'll be trust me. Sometimes I get it, right away. A lot of times I don't get it for quite a while. Could be weeks, could be months. Who knows? God knows. Okay, and also don't forget to like and subscribe to the God Facts Podcast. If you enjoyed this content, wherever you're watching, streaming, listening, if you enjoy what you heard, if you enjoy what you saw, don't forget to like and subscribe on YouTube. We are also on all streaming platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google, and everything else. Don't forget to tune in next time for more amazingly fresh and anointed God Vax Podcast content. We're going to have a series coming up also on the full armor of God. It's going to be a seven part series on the armor of God. So we're going to touch on all those parts of the armor. I'm going to have guests on for that. We're going to have some guest pastors locally here and abroad. They're going to chime in. And we're going to get in this thing and we're going to, we're going to really get down to the root of the fruit. Okay. It's going to be a good time. Put your bell on your, however it is on your platform that you get notified when new content comes out, but make sure you got that on. And also if you would like to be a guest on the podcast pockets, if you're a pastor, if you're a leader if you're somebody in the community who is leading the sheep is train the flock. a discipling people in the way that they should go reach out, send us an email. Okay. That email is godfaxpodcastatgmail. com. And it's just like it says on the screen right here. It's all together. There's no dashes, dots titles, none of that stuff. It's godfaxpodcastatgmail. com. And we'll do our best to get back to you in a timely manner. So thank you guys for tuning in. I'm going to pray for you guys, and then we're going to get out of here. Father God, I thank you for these wonderful people. I thank you for what you're doing in their lives, Lord. I thank you for bringing us into a place of repentance instead of resolution, Lord. I thank you for bringing us to that place of awareness, Lord, knowing that your Holy Spirit is there with us. It comforts us. It comforts all those who mourn in Zion. It gives us beauty for ashes and the oil of joyful mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. So we can become sons, Lord, we can be called sons, Lord, that by your word, Lord, we can be planted by oaks of righteousness, by rivers of living water, Lord, that we don't have to be the same that we were, Lord, that this podcast is going to reach the masses, Father God, people are going to be set free, Lord, by your word, Lord Jesus. And so I pray right now that those who are struggling that they have had a revelation Lord that those who didn't know you Now know you that those who didn't have you in their heart now do father god And that whoever is listening to this after this will have the same revelation lord and that they will be renewed That they will be restored That they will have the love the grace and the mercy abound in their life the Abundant riches of your grace pour down upon them in all areas of their life lord It's not about one area more than the other, Lord. It's about you being present in everything that they do. So Father God, while we go about our day, while we go about into our sleep, Lord, while we wake up, whatever it is, whenever they're listening to this or watching this, Lord, I pray that your word is going forth and abounding in their life abundantly. That they're being fulfilled, Lord, that they're repenting, Lord, that they're striving, that they're moving different than they moved before. They're seeing different than they used to see, Lord. They're acting different than they used to. That they've put to death the deeds of the flesh that kept them so down, Lord. It says, lay aside every weight and sin that so easily ensnares us. Lord, we got to run with endurance this race. Lord, we have to run with endurance. Let us, give us the strength to endure the things that come at us. Give us the strength to endure the attacks of the enemy. Give us the strength to endure the suicidal thoughts, the depressions, all the attacks that enemy, all the things that all the lives from the pit of hell. Lord, I pray that we can call on you in those times of distress, in those times of agony, of death, of loss of unforgiveness, bitterness, malice, envy, jealousy. Lewdness idolatry all those things in our life that pull us Farther from you lord. I pray that each and every person listening and watching lord can lay those down And know that you are there and that you love them unconditionally father god because you took it on the cross So I pray right now if they can ask you in their life And they can sit there right now if they don't know you and say lord i'm a sinner And I've fallen short. I don't have it all figured out, Lord. I pray right now, Lord, to come into my heart. I want you to come and dwell within me because I am a mess. And Lord, I ask that you come into my house. Come into my life. Come into my heart. Dwell within me and become the Lord of my life. And I promise to serve you all the rest of my days. In Jesus name. Amen. So I pray that this had value for you guys. If it did, please like share, subscribe, all those funtastic things that this social media planet does. And until next time, God facts, family, go and get in God's word and feed on his facts. Christ said, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again. And receive you unto myself, and where I am, there ye may be also.