
Are you in control of "YOU"??-Fruit of the Spirit Part_9_Self-Control

December 19, 2023 Damien Long
Are you in control of "YOU"??-Fruit of the Spirit Part_9_Self-Control
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Are you in control of "YOU"??-Fruit of the Spirit Part_9_Self-Control
Dec 19, 2023
Damien Long

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Don't forget to subscribe to the God Facts Podcast on YouTube, on all streaming platforms. Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google, and all others. Don't forget to tune in next time we want to help you guys to have victorious living to come out on the other side of this more on fire for God, or wanting to be on fire for God than you ever have.
And if you don't know God, ask Jesus into your heart. Say, Jesus, come and be Lord of my life. And he will changes everything. It changes everything. So we love you. We'll see you next time on the God Facts Podcast. God bless.


In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen.

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Don't forget to subscribe to the God Facts Podcast on YouTube, on all streaming platforms. Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google, and all others. Don't forget to tune in next time we want to help you guys to have victorious living to come out on the other side of this more on fire for God, or wanting to be on fire for God than you ever have.
And if you don't know God, ask Jesus into your heart. Say, Jesus, come and be Lord of my life. And he will changes everything. It changes everything. So we love you. We'll see you next time on the God Facts Podcast. God bless.


In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen.

Welcome to the God Facts Podcast, where we teach you how to overcome sin and live a life that wins. Christ said, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself. And where I am, there ye may be also. Do you find yourself saying yes to everything that the world has to offer? Do you feel trapped in repetitive mindset that you can't seem to break free from? Do you have control over you? Well, come on in and let us teach you how to have the self control of Christ in your life. It's the God Facts Podcast, a journey for all those seeking the truth of who God is and who we are, where we feed you nothing but the facts of God and how to overcome life's struggles. With his word, I'm Damian, your host full of the Holy Ghost. And please welcome back again, my co host full of the Holy Ghost, Pastor JC. Hey, hallelujah. Hey. What's up, brother? Welcome back. Welcome back to the God Facts Podcast. How are you doing today, brother? I'm ready to eat this final fruit. Eat that fun. Come on, somebody. Let's go. Man, we can do it. Nothing more filling than the fruit of the spirit. Amen. We are back and back once again. I am excited. I don't know about you folks, but I'm excited. So excited? Wow, there's a lot to be excited about. Amen. I pray all of you guys have had a wonderful... Week, weekend whatever time frame it is that you're using in between listening to us or watching us, I pray it's been fruitful. And I also pray that the stuff that you guys are watching and listening to, that you're letting it settle in and allowing it to witness to you. Into your spirit and that the Lord is speaking to you by these verses and scriptures that we have been covering and as of late present past and now present future One of those. All of those. Amen. If you guys are just tuning in, we've been doing a nine part series of the Fruit of the Spirit. There are nine parts of the Fruit of the Spirit. Today in part nine of nine, we're going to dig into what the Word of God means when it refers to the Fruit of the Spirit. There are, once again, nine parts of the Fruit of the Spirit in the Bible. And today's topic is the ninth and final part. Temperance, or mostly known as self control. Everybody's favorite part of the fruit of the spirit, the one everybody does so good at, having so much self control in this amazing world of ours. There's no temptations. Why wouldn't we all have self control, right? I control myself. Yeah. Is that how that works? Yeah, that's, yeah, exactly. It's, and I think the more we go along with this, uh, right here in this lesson, you guys will understand that we control a lot less than we think. Amen. And our core verses in this series are again from Galatians 5, 16 through 26 with emphasis on verses 22 and 23 for all you mathematicianses. Alright once again, we go to the Webster's 1828 for our definitions. I encourage you guys to get the app, or if you can find an 1828 one that's an original printing let me know. I might want to buy it off you. No, just kidding. Use it. Use it. It's great. And they're very hard to come by and very expensive. Get the digital one. It's free. And so Webster's 1828 defines temperance, self control, as moderation, particularly habitual moderation in regard to the indulgence, keyword indulgence, of the natural appetites and passions, restrained or moderate indulgence as temperance in eating and drinking, temperance and indulgence of joy or mirth. Temperance in eating and drinking as opposed to gluttony and drunkenness and in other indulgences to excess. What we're gonna do with this holiday season. Right. Yes, did you need the other 12 pieces of pumpkin pie? No, but you did it anyway. Then you couldn't move. You were stuck on the couch watching bad football. And it's basically to indulgence or excess, and then patience, calmness sedatedness, moderation of passion. And then he calmed his wrath with godly temperance or self control. And it's just, it's letting you know that it's the things of this world. That we're going to discuss and we're going to tie into a little bit deeper. tHat we indulge in. And it causes us to be drunk with these things. And to be overfed with these things. Gluttony and drunkenness is not just the physical food. You can be... Consumption of anything. It's overconsumption of anything. You can be, drunken with alcohol, you can be drunken with video games, you can be drunken with anything that's going to consume your mind and cause you to alter your thinking. Glutton, you can overeat, all kinds of stuff. You can binge watch too much TV and overfeed on that as well. Cell phones, prime example. Yes, none of us are guilty for that. All of these viewers and listeners are perfect. No, I'm a mess, you're a mess, we're all a mess, but that's why we're here. Amen. Amen. I'm gonna go ahead and start us off with some prayer because, once again, that's how we hear from God and that's how God speaks to us. Father God, we thank you, Lord. We thank you in this time. We thank you for these wonderful people. We thank you for this platform called God Facts Podcast, this blessed platform that is glorifying you and not man, Lord. This vessel that you've used us for, Lord, to speak your word, to speak your truth, Lord. I pray that these listeners and viewers can come to the understanding of who you are through these words. I pray your Holy Spirit ministers to them, that it speaks volumes into their spirit, volumes into their world, and that they don't leave the same way they came in here, Lord. That this is a faith that is one that is tested Just like a good piece of leather, you have to work it for it to be usable and soft, Lord. And so I pray that these people let you continue to mold them, to work them, and to speak to them through your word, Lord. Use us as mouthpieces for you, Lord. Speak through us, Lord. And I pray that these words don't fall on deaf ears or fall to the ground, Lord. That they will fall into good soil, fertile soil, and hungry soil, Lord. Continue to feed us in these words, in Jesus name we pray, amen. Amen. Woo! And we can stop there. Amen. I'm a little drunk in the spirit. That one's okay, though. Yeah. Yes. Filled with the spirit. Filled with the spirit is okay. Because it still looks like self control. Because it's, see, the things we were talking about before, those are not fruitful. Let's start it off here with... Mom, get your Bibles, by the way. Notebooks, man. Do you got your Bible, sir? Oh, look at that. And again, guys, we're, we, for the sake of this this channel, we use the New King James Bible. Feel free to use whatever one you want, as long as it is the Word of God, and it doesn't lead you astray. All right we're gonna start with Proverbs 3. Five and six very common verses, ones that are used very often. I use them almost every day. I speak them out to people. I speak them over myself. Core verses in the Bible. These are one of the core verses that we as evangelical people of faith stand on. It is, trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Whatever you think or hear, that's key. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, God. In some of your ways? No. Oh. Most of your what? No. No, not that either. All. All your ways. That means 100%. Everything. All in. If you're a poker player, you put all your chips in, but I'm not condoning gambling. I'm just saying this. Metaphorically. All. You're all in. You're all in. You're going in blind. Put all your eggs in one basket. You go in and you say, Lord, I trust you. There it is. And it says, in all your ways, acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths. thAt's key. And for me, what that means is when you trust God with your whole heart meaning a lack of love for the lustful things of the world, and seek after the things of God aggressively. He will literally carve out your walking paths. This will give you and us a greater self. Control there it is to resist the lust and the sins of the world like destructive addictions We were talking about those things earlier with the definition When it was talking about drunkenness and gluttony and this kind of ties into that Because when we you know, trust him and he carves out our past we have less I guess less desire to stray off of it into paths that lead us to those things, those destructive gluttonous, drunken, um, slothful type of things that don't have any self control in there. It's all go and no fruit. It's like eating, it's like eating a box of Twinkies for breakfast and a box of Twinkies for lunch and a box of Twinkies for dinner. Yeah, it may taste good. At first, but it's giving you no nutritional value. It's not giving you anything back. But what it can do is producing you some physical bad things. Diseases diabetes. It can do all kinds of bad things, right? So just cause it... Tastes good doesn't necessarily mean it is good. Most things that taste good are not. Bingo. Just say. Just because it feels good doesn't mean it is good. Too much sex is dangerous. Yeah. Especially if it's not in the will of God or with your wife or husband. And something to keep in mind, something to keep in mind. What do you have on that? Anything you want to add on that? I'm just thinking, as you're sharing the scriptures, it takes action for us to move in a different direction. We don't just get saved and give our life to Christ and then stay in the same place. And if we are trusting in Him and leaning not on our own understanding, that means that we're leaning in the other direction. And we're no longer leaning into the things that used to make us comfortable and that now the things that we used to find joy with, we don't find joy with anymore. Yep. It's not that God is telling us that we have to give up all the things that were good in our life. He just begins to show us the lies and the destruction behind most of the things. And if there are things that are good for us, that we usually will tend to overindulge in them. And so it's learning to balance. And yeah, so I just think, man, God is such a loving God that He gives us the ability to walk away from the death and destruction in our lives. And being one myself that is having an addictive personality, anything that's enjoyable in my life, if I don't have self control, I will make it unhealthy. Whether it's drinking coffee, whether it's watching TV, if I sit down and watch a TV show, And I'm not using self control, I will sit there for 12 hours and just binge a whole entire series, right? I'm not saying that sometimes we indulge in it, but what God is asking is, could you be doing something better with that time that's more fruitful? Yeah, absolutely. It's it's being conscious of your efforts, being conscious of your time. You have to remember folks. That we don't have unlimited, unlimited time on this planet. That this, from the second we're born, we're already, our clock is already ticking down. So you have to utilize it. Like for me and him, we spent most of our 20s and 30s, at least for me, my 20s and 30s in a complete mess of... Mine was like my teens to 20s. Yeah, and... And I was in complete indulgence and gluttony and drunkenness from all the physical, tangible, feel goody things of the world. And I wasn't doing really much for the benefit of others. It was all for... self, but there was no control in any of those. And it's like going bowling. If you just whip the ball down the lane without even trying to aim, you're going to hit it in the gutter almost every time, or nothing's going to happen. But if you think about it, you look at it, you look at the lane, you plan out your attack and you have some control over the ball and how you throw it. Your chances of getting a strike are that much better. That's the same with life and walking with God. If you let him carve your path, and then you're not steering off left and right, your ball is gonna go where you're supposed to go. You're gonna, you're gonna go right where you're supposed to go, and God's gonna lead you down a strike every time. Yeah, so that leads me into Titus 2. 11. I know everybody's like, Titus, where's that? It's actually... One of the, one of the most powerful books. It's short, but very powerful. So Titus 2, 11, if everybody's there says, are you there? Sorry, I'll catch up. That's a wearable, well worn Bible. Look at that. Look at this folks. That's how you can tell someone uses their sword. It's sharp on the inside, but the outside looks a little funky. That's how, as it should. My, I have a lot of, I don't know, look like that, but. There's a couple I have that I've had for a long time, amen. So Titus 2 11 says for the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. Some? All? Was it some? Not some men? Not the chosen righteous? No, all. All men. That's key. You guys honing in on this these are, any time it says in the Bible all, or shall, or will, those are very important because God is speaking and He's letting you know His omnipotence and His omnipresent how powerful He, how He is in the kingdom of God. It says, For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly. Righteously and godly in the present age. Our world is a mess folks. Our world is a complete disaster Turn on any media outlet for longer than three minutes You're gonna think your world's gonna explode right then and there it's just it's chaos And that's why we need this word to keep us grounded. And deny those things that are ungodly. Live righteously. Soberly. If you struggle with alcohol, quit. Go get some counseling. Go to AA. Go to a treatment program. Go to a, Teen Challenge or a Salvation Army. Go somewhere where you can be around like minded believers. It truly helps. And then it says right here, Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. That's our hope. That's our hope right there. That's the only hope we have, guys. That's it. There is no other hope. Jesus is it. And it says, Who gave himself for us? That's me and that's that all part, it's us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself, His own special people, zealous for good works. So it's Christ that redeems. It's Christ that pulls us from our lawless deeds and purifies us from all the wickedness and stuff that we've been trying to do without any self control, right? We must literally deny. There's no. Write this down. Put your mitt up. Catch this one. As Deborah George would say, We must literally deny and walk away and divorce and reject all forms of ungodliness in our lives. The present age is filled with My truth. An excessive consumption of sex, drugs, and idolatry like video games and cell phones we just talked about. The only way to avoid this is looking for and to Jesus Christ in everything we say or do. He is our only hope. Our only hope, like I said it before. That is the only thing that gives us true self control. So it's not like Proverbs 6 will go back on to that. It says, lean not on your own understanding because our own understanding won't do anything for us. But if we trust in Christ as our hope and our true hope and our Redeemer, that's that His power through us by the Holy Spirit is what's going to bring us into a right alignment. So we can have more self control. So we will have godly fear of the Lord, which is a good thing. It stops us from going, I probably could drink that, but I probably shouldn't. Right. I probably could sleep with her, but I probably shouldn't, cause I this, Last time I did that this, and this happened. Yeah. And it was all bad, right? It gives you, an understanding beforehand before you act on things before you overindulge in something before you eat all the Twinkies before you binge watch Netflix for 22 hours straight when you could have been doing homework. Working on something, spending time with your wife, spending time with your kids, whatever, spending time in God's word, whatever. And Christ is what's going to keep us from that, guys, for all people, for us, that he might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify himself. Yeah. It's amazing. It's It's sometimes hard to describe, but, and I think we've talked about this on here before, but, when we were in the world and without Christ, Um, we did whatever we wanted, right? And it was self centered. When we come into a relationship with Jesus Christ, this divorce of the world that you speak of, when we come into a relationship with Jesus Christ, this is where a lot of Christians get stuck is because they... In that moment of receiving Christ, they acknowledge and receive the wisdom that they are to repent and turn from their sin. But a lot of Christians never move past turning away from. And so they stand in a position where their whole walk is a lukewarm, as they would say, or double minded walk with Christ because they turn from their sin. But they don't draw near to him. They don't read the word. They don't get fed. Maybe more than showing up on Sunday. And maybe a Bible study here and there. And when you live that lifestyle, what happens is that we're still filled with the world. We're not divorced from the world. We're not moving into our new right relationship. And so what happens is we stand still. And then we wonder why we keep going back to the same junk. Why we keep going back to the same sin. And as much as we try to will ourself. See, that's the key, is we try to, in our own strength, will ourself Our own understanding Out of the sin that we know we're feeling convicted of But we're not being self disciplined to move and fill ourself With the presence of God And so as long as we stay in a position where we're not moving And our walk with Christ looks like us going back and forth We'll stay in a lukewarm position till the day we die And I fear for you and I fear for myself to hear those words that Christ is in his word that I did all these things and God says, I never knew you who don't want to hear that. I don't want to hear that. So self discipline is such a vital part. Of us not only having a relationship with God, but to set us free. He didn't come into a relationship to marry us as prostitutes that stay, keep whoring ourself around. Ooh, there it is. And I was just, not to cut you off, I was just literally listening to that this morning in Ezekiel, where it talks about their whoredoms and with the Assyrians. Right. And that... Right, and if you guys haven't read Ezekiel 1 or 2 I'm talking about, but it's the Bible's metaphor for being harlot to the world being Seeking after those lusts and whoredoms and willfully and in excess And that's not what he called us to. He says, I'm returning from my bride without blemish. So we need to have self discipline to find ourselves in the right position that God always intended us to be in. Absolutely. Absolutely. So the spiritual wounds, emotional wounds. Right here, right? Yeah. Biblically, self control or lack thereof goes. to the deepest parts of who we are, which is the heart. It begins with control of our emotions and then includes our minds as well. And if we look in Jeremiah 17, 9 through 10, it says, The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who can know it? I, the Lord, search the heart, test the mind, even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings. So this is, we must learn to control our emotions, which only can be done through letting Jesus heal our emotional and spiritual wounds. And I think we talked on this before, but I encourage you guys to seek the word in this, but it's this really beautiful thing that only can be found in understanding his word as we study him and study what he says, because when Adam and Eve were in the garden, they were in a right relationship where their heart knowledge, the mind knowledge hadn't been awoke. Right? They were in a heart knowledge, in a relationship with Jesus, with God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, right? All were there in the beginning, all three are one, and yet separate at the same time, and... And so Adam and Eve, the original humans, were in a right position of a heart relationship. When they ate the tree, the fruit of the tree of knowledge, it awoke their brain. It awoke this knowledge that was never meant to be. Because God wanted the fullness of our relationship to be dependent on Him. Yes. And to have this free will. And when we allowed sin to come into the picture, it separated us. It says in the Word that they hid themselves. From God and clothed themselves because they were ashamed of what they saw their mind was awoke to this And so when we come into a relationship with Jesus Christ until he returns Jesus Christ the second Adam awoke our hearts again and made it so that now we have the knowledge of both the mind in the heart And so this separation that we talk about is a struggle for most of us because we have the knowledge of the mind, we have the knowledge of the heart, the mind has been awake much longer than the heart has, and if we don't divorce it and we don't separate it, then the heart becomes just a piece that's dictated by emotions, and it says that it's deceitful. So to know it and discern it means that we have to step into the knowledge of God more than the world. So it's self discipline that we have to do something to fill this new knowledge of. It's not going to just fill itself up. We have to fill it with understanding of who God is. Which then separates our mind from the things of the world. And then we can begin to understand the parts that need the healing. So that we have control over our emotions. Yeah that's powerful because in order to have control over the emotions, you have to be in tune with what the father is putting into you and speaking to you and trying to cultivate in you. And that. I just want to touch on a verse that God put on my heart. It's 5. Now this is talking about, and here are the principles of marriage. Concerning the man and woman, sexual immorality. Talks about having one wife. it's talking about the husband with giving his wife the affection due to her and her the same to him. But in verse 5, this says, Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer. That, and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self control. That, I think, is very important because fasting is going to give you greater self control in things that are natural. Because you're taking everything into subjection, you're taking, you're saying, Lord, I'm going to fast from these carnal things. I'm going to fast from, indulging in food. I'm going to fast from overeating. I'm going to eat less. I'm going to go on a different diet. I'm going to do whatever, fast from TV, fast from a phone, fast from something. When you do it unto the Lord, that gives you self control. That gives you greater self control. That gives you the ability to walk out with fear and trembling, the things that, that God has called you to do. Because you'll be in a right standing with Him. You'll be in a You'll be in a mode, an attitude of gratitude. You'll be in a mindset of God and say, okay, Lord, take me. I'm gonna sacrifice this today because I really want to fix this and to work on this. Go deeper with you. Go deeper with you because I am lacking in these areas. I don't have control of this area. And And and then just as you're sharing, I also think it's, even good emotions are deceitful. Yeah. I've heard many times people say, well, I just don't feel his presence. I just don't feel. It's like, well, God was never about your feelings, right? There are times that we will feel a joy and then we'll relate that Especially if the church has hyped you up to think that every time you have a joyful Experience or you have a intense emotional experience that is the presence of God. Yeah, he can be in that But that is not his presence. His presence looks like those still moments where we're, where we feel so alone, but yet we trust that his. Word says he's with us never returns void and we have to understand that you know So yeah, it's important to know that even good emotions. That's not what we're seeking after right where we're seeking to have Self discipline. Yes that transcends through emotional experiences that taps into A faith in a disciplined, obedient walk with God. Amen. And self control over the mind and thoughts before actions can be controlled. Turn with me to Romans 12, 2. Romans 12, 2. Romans Buehler. Old school. Oh, that dated me. aLl you over 40 crowd will understand that, what that means. Romans 12. 2 says, And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of... Your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God. That's the perfect will of God. It's not your own understanding. That's not conforming to the world. It's letting God transform your mind through the things we were just talking about. Which means it takes action. Exactly. It takes effort, it takes action, it takes sacrifice. But obedience is better than sacrifice. 2 Corinthians 10, 5 says, Casting down arguments in every high thing, That's key. Hone in on that. Every high thing, That exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Basically, anything in your life that's trying to play God. Anything that goes before Him. Anything that goes before Him, whether it's serving Satan, the demons the sex, the drugs, the wrong... Anything you put higher than God in your life and make it your God. That we have to cast it down. Even ministry. Even, yeah. If you're making it an idol. Absolutely. That's why it says, Casting down every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. It's pushing against the, it's trying to be God, but it's not. And it says, Bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. Again, like I said before, obedience is better than sacrifice. Sacrifice is good. To bring your body to subjection, but the true nature of the sacrifice like fasting is you're being obedient with the word God says you're sacrificing yourself by your obedience to trust in the word, your obedience to trust in God, your obedience to want to be better, your obedience to have a repentant heart, your obedience to say, God, I don't want to be this person anymore. Change who I am. This is how I'm going to show you that I want to do this. And it's just all these things that tie in together. And, breaking old thought patterns is so key in our walk because Yeah. That the old way that we thought before will keep us captive in our old lifestyle. tHe thoughts of, less than, the thoughts that make us think we're more than. The thoughts that were there because of what people spoke over us. All these thoughts will keep us. Because it's out of our head knowledge of who we used to be. Not who we are now. And as long as we align ourself with the thoughts, and allow them to control us, just like the emotions, then we'll keep ourselves continuously stuck. and captive rather than moving into the freedom of Christ. And so we must take them captive and discern them. Are these thoughts from God? Or are these the thoughts that were of my flesh and of the enemy that speak of who I used to be and not who I am? That's it. And and that's because when we were in the world or apart from God, our thoughts controlled the way we speak and act. But now... We operate out of heart knowledge, a relationship with God, and must practice self discipline to take brain thoughts under control and act only upon God's word. Lean not on your own understanding. Amen. Amen. I'm telling you, Proverbs 3, if you don't have it memorized, memorize it, because it is important. Take that self discipline. You can tie Proverbs 3, in with Romans 8. Romans, the whole chapter of Romans 8. Powerful stuff. Well, speaking of Romans, that brings us to our next section that we're going to cover. Amen. Romans 12 one. I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service, or in the ESV it says, as your spiritual worship. When we show self control over our bodies, we are literally worshiping God with our sacrifice. It is pleasing to God. Amen! Amen. And again, we have to completely divorce, separate from the sins of the world in order to be married to the lamb of God, Jesus Christ. Amen. So if we're gonna be married to him, he doesn't want us to be in a multi marriage relationship. He wants all of us. No, no polygamy. No polygamy with Jesus. Amen? And then 1 Corinthians 9 25. Again, that's 1 Corinthians 9 25. For those in the back, 1 Hopefully you have your notebooks and pens with you. Don't let us do all the heavy lifting for you. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate. In all things now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable 26 Therefore I run thus not with uncertainty thus I fight not as one who beats the air verse 27, but I discipline my body and bring it into subjection less When I have purse one less when I have preached to others. I myself should become disqualified So we disqualify ourselves from winning the race with God when we don't show restraint and discipline physically and spiritually. We must be temperate in all things. We hope in an eternal promise of a crown that cannot be taken from us in Christ Jesus. That's eternal salvation. Amen. Amen. Amen. The thing that's so beautiful about walking in a relationship with Jesus Christ and is that He doesn't say here's everything that's wrong with you. Yes. Now go fix it all right now, right? He doesn't say you're just a hot mess and every single part of you is junk right now. Go fix it in the self discipline What's so beautiful is he will be bring conviction into areas in our walk, I think about you know With lustfulness when I began my walk with the Lord. I used to have lots of figurines and stuff that were very like lustful characters, lustful, just magazines, not even porn, just lustful and the things I would watch. And God began by correcting me and saying, are these things what I would want in your life? And then as I removed him, then he began to show me other things. And then he said, okay, now you need to work on this part of the loss. Now you need to work. And so it's beautiful is that the self discipline is that he walks us through this to set us free from the sin. And when that sin is no longer in our life, it's not like we go, Ooh, I'm free. He says, Oh, the question is, okay, what's next Lord. Right. And sometimes it's a couple of things that he's working on. And so there's always something in our life. For us to be working on right now. I'm working on self discipline in the area of my eating habits. There you go I'm working on self discipline in my exercise. So there's Continuously and in what's beautiful is it builds our character? He doesn't just do it to chastise us He doesn't just do it to hold authority over us He asked us for self discipline so that our character can be built And that we can find ourself on a firm foundation that can't be shaken Built. Keyword, built. You have to build the house. You have to build your faith. What's the, what's that what's that verse? I know this too, and I should know this. It's just, it says all things are purposeful, then all things are profitable. Look that up. It's, I know there's going to be a lot of people that are going to be like in the comments, I know what it is. I know what it is too. I'm just drawing a blank here. It's been a long day. First Corinthians 10. First Corinthians 10, 23. What's that say? Read that. In the New King James. The New King Jimmy. This is important guys too. This is a powerful verse. The Holy, see the Holy Spirit put that on my spirit and. Because he wants you guys to hear this. All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient. All things are lawful for me, but all things edify not. Mmm. It's, we have to be careful, right? We have to be careful, uh, when we present our bodies as a living sacrifice. We have to remember that... It's, all things. Is it all things? Is it going to benefit me? How's it going to benefit me? Just because it, does one thing for the physical, will it do it for the spiritual? Yeah. Is it going to feed my spirit? And that's the important thing. What you do in the natural, it affects your spirit, big time. Especially if you're not lined up with what the Word says. It can either benefit you or it can hurt you. You can open doors to the demonic if you're not sacrificing and being obedient to the things of the Spirit. And the beautiful thing is, you guys, no matter where you're at in your walk, God just asks you to start to step out in faith. He asks you just to start to apply... Self discipline. He doesn't expect you to get it perfect. He knows you're gonna fail at it. But as long as we continue to work at it. Yes. What we will find, and I can speak as one that has found myself, that as we work out our salvation with fear and trembling, as we work on our walk of developing the fruits of the Spirit, that we begin to fall in love with the process. And I desire, not that I, no longer do I look at it as a burden, But I desire to go deeper in my self discipline because I know it draws me closer to God. It brings me into a better relationship with Him. I can hear from Him clearer. I can go into the world without having any hindrances in my emotions or my thoughts. Because when there's active sin, it draws our attention away from God, right? When we have active sin in our life, and we are being convicted of it, it draws our attention, our prayer life, our focus is on, I shouldn't do this, but I do it. I shouldn't do this, but I do it. And as long as we stay in that, then we don't move anywhere. And so we have to begin to be obedient, to work out our salvation, to be obedient to the self discipline, to desire that so that we can draw closer to Him and to be in the fullness of Christ. And I know I, for myself, it's like, I can't ever get enough of it. What else do I need to do in my life to have more of you? What else do I need to give up in my life? Because the things. Of the world, I no longer consider joy. That's it. The things of the world no longer bring me pleasure. Right. So why am I going to go back to temporary pleasures when I can plug into the fullness of Christ that fulfills every desire and need? And so I must be obedient to my self discipline and I just encourage you guys, just start to walk it out because the more you have of it, the more you'll desire it. Amen. Paul said something like, why do I do what I do? And I know it was wrong. I know it is bad. What verse is that? If you guys haven't noticed, I'm not an address. I know where the word says, but hopefully this guy can find it because Paul, if you study Paul, we've talked about him a lot because. He's my favorite character in the Bible. A lot of people it's Job or Peter or Matthew, but Paul I resonate with a lot. Just because of the former... my former self and the now guy that you're seeing talking to. Because I had that moment. I had that encounter with Christ. Not necessarily completely blinded, but it was radical. So we're gonna be in Romans 7. 15 for that. Romans again. Romans 7. 15 for that. And I'm gonna read... I knew it was somewhere around there. I was gonna say Romans 8, but that's not it. Romans 8 talks a lot about the mind being transformed. For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will do... For what I will to do, that I do not practice, but what I hate that I do. Mmm. For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice, but what I hate that I do. See that? It's a whole lot of self right there. Yeah that's Paul who was so sold out for Christ, to the point of imprisonment and torture and eventually being killed you have to remember that his conversion was so powerful and yet he still felt, still struggled with things and he's like, why, Lord, I know that it's not, I know I'm not supposed to do this, but why am I still doing it? I know it's wrong. We should find some grease for ourself in that. Yeah. And, cause he was completely sold out for Christ, so everything he talked about was Christ Jesus. He even said it was not about me, it's about him. And then, but he's also being transparent here with his confession of faith too, that says confess your faults to one another. That's him doing it through his words, because he knew, hey, I'm going through this, I gotta put this down, because other people are gonna go through this, and they need to know that you can be healed. You can have self control in Christ. Yes, we can. Even if you fall, because it says, all have fallen short of the glory of God. There's that all again, amen. Yeah, not some, not most. That includes you and me, hallelujah. All, you will fall every day. It may not be an extreme cat catastrophe, but we're all gonna sin, we're all gonna struggle, we're all gonna fall. It's how you get up that determines how you finish your day. We're ready for some key takeaways. Absolutely. Key takeaways from today, our last fruit of the spirit, self discipline. And because it's our last, we added a fourth. We have four takeaways. Come on, four. Man, are they ready for that? I don't know if they're ready for four takeaways or takeaways. Get your pen and paper ready. You hit him with the okie doke. Number one, self discipline begins from denying our were our old ways. To learn ourselves as new creations in Jesus Christ take away number one self discipline begins From denying our old ways to learn ourselves as new creations in Jesus Christ deny Takeaway number two. We must heal and learn to discipline our emotions. Oh Number two is that we must heal And learn to discipline our emotions. Number three, we must discipline our thoughts. Number three is that we must discipline our thoughts and our last. And fourth, take away of the fruit of the spirit, we must divorce or separate from the world and learn to fully be married or connected to God's will for our life. Yes. Amen. Come out and be separate. Amen. The word says it, not me. And we are of this world, but not, or we are in this world, but not of it. That's that divorce. Christ serves the enemy, the forces of darkness and evil. He serves them. Notice you have been bought with a price that you're no longer bound by contract to those things, which you once were before him. And so that is essentially your decree of divorce from those things of the world because he says you're bought with the price. So he signed his, he signed it, his, the price that he signed it in was blood. He signed your contract in blood, the ultimate sacrifice. And so divorce in this sense is not to be taken lightly. It's if it's, you're only to be married to one and that's Christ. You can be married to your wife in the natural, but. It's Christ we have to come and become one and become married with and joined with and be in communion with and love and have covenant and relationship. That's the most important thing because everything else falls into place. Once we do that. Man, that was a powerful episode. Amen. Amen. That is good stuff. Whoo, 49 minutes, man. Hopefully everybody didn't fall asleep on us. They're like, man, that's the longest podcast I've ever heard. So for you freethinkers and fact finders, here's a little more for you to take away from this episode 9 on self control. Continue to reread the scriptures. Mentioned in this episode, we'll focus again on Galatians 23. Always seek God and His Word and how to build these in your life. Don't forget to pray for the breakthrough in your life. All throughout the Bible, prayer is your weapon. Prayer is how you hear. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing comes out of the Word of God. How you hear from God. And don't expect an answer right away. Pray. Sit. Wait. And then see if he speaks to you, if he doesn't speak to you right away keep waiting It doesn't mean don't go to work. It just means continue to wait on him and also guys don't forget to subscribe to the god facts podcast on youtube all streaming platforms apple podcasts spotify google and all others Don't forget to tune in next time for more amazingly fresh and anointed God Facts podcast content. This is just the first guys, a many powerful series to come on this channel. We're going to branch out. We're going to be doing more interviews, pastors, leaders. We just use this series to break the ice and give you guys something tangible. That you can go back to re watch or re listen while we're preparing the rest of the content that we're going to have coming for you. And hopefully eventually we can have stuff coming out every week for you guys, right now it's, I think every two weeks, but as time progresses and the Lord wills we'll have stuff for you every week and maybe every day. We just don't know. Maybe twice a week. I appreciate you guys sticking around. Thank you guys. We appreciate you so much. Hopefully you're getting some value out of this. And, again, if you're leaving here different than you came in, then we did what we were supposed to. Amen. Then God used us, spoke through us, his word never returns void. And that should give you, it should give you hope. Your heart's being healed. Right? On that note, I'm gonna let JC pray us out of here. Amen. Let these folks get about their day father guy. Thank you for this. Yes, podcast today about self discipline I know it spoke to me as we were going through it lord. I pray that we feel convicted lord I pray that the lies of the devil that would condemn us that we rebuke and bind in the name of jesus But we would allow you to convict Does to move us into action. Father God, may we not be satisfied with our walk. May we not be satisfied with our relationship, but desire to go deeper into your presence, to go deeper and to be set free in the fullness of Christ, to walk from glory to glory, to know that we are above and not below our problems. Father God, that the fruits of the spirit would abound plentiful in those lives. That are listening in the lives of us that are speaking right now. May we be continuously found in the presence of God. Jesus Christ, we ask Lord that as we become self disciplined over every area of our life, Father God, that the world would see you before it sees us. And that the, when we look upon the world through the eyes of the discernment of the self discipline in our self, that we would see the world through the cross before we see it in the flesh, Father God. And so Lord, as we leave here, we give you glory and honor. We thank you, Lord. For your chastising and your rebuking. We thank you, Lord, for the areas in our life that you correct us so that we may become into the fear of the Lord as we work out our salvation and fear and trembling, knowing that it brings us into eternal existence here and now, and not just for eternity, but right now in this moment, we give you all the glory honor. We pray these things in Jesus. Amen. And we will see you on the next one. God bless. Christ said, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself and where I am, there you may be also.