
how to ACTUALLY be gentle to those you hate-Fruit of the Spirit-Part 8_gentleness

December 05, 2023 Damien Long Episode 8
how to ACTUALLY be gentle to those you hate-Fruit of the Spirit-Part 8_gentleness
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how to ACTUALLY be gentle to those you hate-Fruit of the Spirit-Part 8_gentleness
Dec 05, 2023 Episode 8
Damien Long

The Promise of Christ: 'I Go to Prepare a Place for You'

This video reflects on the message of Christ, promising to go and prepare a place for believers. He assures that he will return and believers will be able to join him where he is, reflecting a message of hope and comfort.

42:56 Introduction
00:06 Christ's Promise
00:09 The Second Coming
43:03 Eternal Togetherness

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Don't forget to subscribe to the God Facts Podcast on YouTube, on all streaming platforms. Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google, and all others. Don't forget to tune in next time we want to help you guys to have victorious living to come out on the other side of this more on fire for God, or wanting to be on fire for God than you ever have.
And if you don't know God, ask Jesus into your heart. Say, Jesus, come and be Lord of my life. And he will changes everything. It changes everything. So we love you. We'll see you next time on the God Facts Podcast. God bless.


In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen.

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The Promise of Christ: 'I Go to Prepare a Place for You'

This video reflects on the message of Christ, promising to go and prepare a place for believers. He assures that he will return and believers will be able to join him where he is, reflecting a message of hope and comfort.

42:56 Introduction
00:06 Christ's Promise
00:09 The Second Coming
43:03 Eternal Togetherness

Support the Show.

Don't forget to subscribe to the God Facts Podcast on YouTube, on all streaming platforms. Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google, and all others. Don't forget to tune in next time we want to help you guys to have victorious living to come out on the other side of this more on fire for God, or wanting to be on fire for God than you ever have.
And if you don't know God, ask Jesus into your heart. Say, Jesus, come and be Lord of my life. And he will changes everything. It changes everything. So we love you. We'll see you next time on the God Facts Podcast. God bless.


In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen.

RODECaster Pro II Chat:

Welcome to the God Facts Podcast, where we teach you how to overcome sin and live a life that wins. Christ said, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself. And where I am, there ye may be also. Are you gentle to all the people in your life? As the world gets crazier, do you stay calm? Is your temper anything but soft? Come along with us right now and let us show you how to truly have the gentleness of Jesus Christ every day of your life. It's the God Facts Podcast, a journey for all those seeking the truth of who God is and who we are, where we feed you nothing but the facts of God and how to overcome life struggles with his word. I'm Damian, your host for Little Holy Ghosts, and please welcome back my co host for Little Holy Ghosts, Pastor JC. Bye bye. Oh, we're going high five up in here. Look at that. Welcome back, everybody. Welcome back. Welcome back. So we are here, everybody. For episode eight. Come on, somebody. Eight sessions in. Eight sessions. Can you believe it? This is exciting times to be alive. Amen. Amen. Ladies and germs. That's what they used to say back in the day ladies and germs and that dates me a little bit Johnny Carson days welcome back again, welcome back brother welcome back into the studio guys we love doing this we'd love being part of this, and I hope that you guys are receiving as much as we are. Praise God in this scape that we call God. Facts, studio God. Facts, missions. Thank you Lord. Yeah, we're gonna take this thing to the end of the earth. This is just the beginning. This is the tip of the iceberg. Just a little bitty tip. So thank you for guys for watching. Thank you for joining us on YouTube and listening to us on AVO podcasts and all the other streaming platforms, or whatever it is. Amen. Amen. Whatever you're listening to. And I've heard, I've been hearing feedback about people wanting this on Facebook, so I'm working on getting that as well going. And so just have some patience with us and soon enough we will be everywhere. Everywhere. I'm gonna try to get the podcast on the Facebook the Instagram as the kids call it. It's the Instagram. And try to get those lined up without any further ado, so if you've been along on this journey for a little while You will understand that we are doing a nine part series on the fruit of the spirit I'm feeling a little fruity feeling a little fruity for the Lord. Yes, and Yeah, I was how was your day? How was your week? I'm in fruitful Amen. Fits, fitting. Today, in part 8 of 9, we're going to dig into what the Word of God means when it refers to the fruit of the Spirit. Once again, there are 9 parts of the fruit of the Spirit in the Bible, and today's topic is the 8 part Gentleness or Meekness, depending on your translation. And once again, guys, get your Bibles out, get your notebooks and your pens. We want you to be able to follow along. with your sword, and I don't know if I've mentioned it before, I think I have, but we use the New King James as our scripture references you'll probably hear us with the New King James the majority of the time, or the King James, but feel free to use whatever translation it is that you have. And our core verses in the series are once again from Galatians 5, verse 16 through 26. With emphasis on 22 and 23. If you don't know what they are, look it up. Look it up! Or listen to the other podcasts, because you'll hear all about it. Absolutely, you're gonna get some, you're gonna get some meat, some steak. Amen. You're gonna, you're gonna get a full 7 course, 9 course meal. 9 course meal. 9 course meal, yes. Like, like an Italian family, just gonna eat all day long. Amen. And so once again, we'd like to go to the Webster's 1828 for our definitions because they have scripture in them. I really think that's a lost, not a lost art, but a lost Necessity. It was, it used to be our whole foundational, uh, foundation of life was rooted in scripture, even in the dictionary. And we've gotten so far away from that. And so that's why I use it. And so in Webster's 1828 defines gentleness as meekness, which is a noun, softness, of temper, mildness, gentleness, forbearance under injuries and provocations. And then it has in an evangelist, in evangelical sense, humility, resignation, submission to the divine will, that's the father, without murmuring, uh oh, or peevishness opposed to pride. Arrogance and refractedness. That's a big word there. And then it uses a scripture reference. I beseech you by the meekness of Christ, 1 Corinthians 10. And then meekness is grace which Jesus alone in, whoa, what is that word? Inculcated. That's a big one. And which no ancient philosopher seems to have understood or recommended. it's the grace of God that only Jesus can provide. And praise God for that. And, brother, I think that it is your turn to lead us into the prayer for this podcast. Let's bring the Holy Spirit up in here, would ya? Thank you, Lord. Thank you. Hallelujah. I thank you for a fresh Wind I thank you father God for a fresh breath upon our lives Lord Father God, I pray that you just breathe upon us Lord and that all of our distractions all of our worries and stresses=Would be laid at the foot of the cross to be laid at the altar that we may lay it down To sit at your feet and to hear the word father God. I pray that you would come have your way That you would have your way with our conversations, that you would have a way with our words, and let everything we speak be in alignment with what you say. And so Lord, Father God, as we speak on gentleness and meekness, we say, Lord, come teach us. Teach us a deeper revelation and understanding of what it means. When to have the fruit of the spirit in the wisdom of gentleness and meekness. So we just pray these things in your name, Jesus. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. All right, brother. Take it away. Take me away. So what I'm going to start with is what gentleness is not. Ooh. Let's define first and foremost what gentleness is not. Gentleness is not softness. Some people say, I may be saved, but I'm not soft. Amen. So gentleness is not softness. The world wants Christians to be soft or passive to keep our mouth shut and either keep Jesus to ourselves or present a false gospel of Jesus. And they make statements like Jesus says, love Jesus is love and you are to love all. And to accept all. No bueno. But Jesus teaches we are to love by boldly speaking truth. I can love you, but it does not mean I have to accept the sin that you live in. Amen. And it says that, I do not judge you, but I judge the sin. That's good. If we look at Colossians 2. 8, Colossians 2. 8 says, Beware lest anyone cheats you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men. Amen. According to the basic principles of the world and not according to Christ, and so it's important for us to understand What God means by gentleness and in an example that you know I was thinking about is if I knew you were going to get hit by a train by standing on the railroad tracks It would not be very loving for me to say You are great standing right where you're at. That's a wonderful place you're standing. Yeah not pretty not a good idea. If I let you live in sin, apart from God, knowing you are going to go to hell, how is it loving for me not to speak truth to you? Amen. That's good. Romans 1 16 says, For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes. For the Jew first and also for the Greek, so we must not be ashamed. We must be bold. So it's important that the gentleness or the meekness of the fruit of the Spirit is not to be passive. It's not to just do what thou will or let others just be where they're at, but it's within love to speak truth. Yeah, and it's a salvation for everyone. Amen. You can partake as well. And you can see when we... Our gentle, not gentle, but when we are soft or passive, how wild the church looks with all kinds of sin running rampant because too many are accounting gentleness. Or the false gospel of softness. Yeah, definitely. It's I I like, I love, Not like, I love Romans, and I love where, We cannot be ashamed, right? Yeah. Because, the word says if we deny Him, He'll deny us. And we can't be ashamed, guys. I know you've had a rough day. I know you've had a rough week. I know you've been facing adversity. The whole world has. The whole world is facing all kinds of chaos right now. And even though that is all going on we can't deny our faith because that's all we have. Our faith is all we have. And so we cannot be ashamed of that faith. You're not to hide it. No. Can't hide it. It says don't hide your lamp under your bushel under a lamp stand under your bed. It's, you want it to be known what you believe in. And how you believe and why you believe. Because Jesus is the definition of gentleness. And he comes unashamedly to the cross for us. And he was put through all kinds of tortures and all kinds of physical abuse and stuff. But he unashamedly took it to the cross. He bore it for us so we, we could be excited and want to profess to the rooftops of the gospel because it's power it's truth, it's life, it's it's increase, it's everything that the world isn't. And so that's why I said, that's why Paul was like, I'm not ashamed. Yeah. He rocked my world on Damascus and therefore I can't deny, I'm not ashamed. He rocked me. That's the truth right there. When people get to know you, one of the first things that we should say is I believe in Christ. I follow Christ. Yes. What do you like to do for hobbies? Christ. What do you do for fun? Christ. That's it. Yeah, what's your favorite team? Jesus? His disciples, maybe?,Amen? That's why it says your speech and your conduct to let it be as such and we the more you think about the things of God and talk about the things of God the more you're gonna do the things of God. And then you're gonna bear the fruit that we talk about in this series. Quick side note thing that fits right in with this and it's funny. And I say this with humbleness, which leads us into our next thing, not with pride or arrogance, but it was really funny was I just I opened the door, God made the things happen, but one of our church members, one of my disciples just got a job where I'm at and they were going through the hiring process. It's called any they're going through it. And so they go around and they ask everyone, how did you find out about this or how'd you get this job? And so she's saying now this is another site not on the same place. I am totally different site the guy that's running it I met this guy one time and he came in he was introduced himself met him one time Haven't spoke to him since and she goes. Oh, she goes Yeah, my friend and my pastor got me this job our guy, you know opened up the opportunity. He goes Oh, you're talking about Jeremy. See, your character went before you. I thought that was just hilarious that she mentioned that there was a Christian, a pastor, he immediately knew of. The thousands that work in this place, who she was speaking of. Yeah, when you bring your faith into the marketplace unashamedly and people bring up, especially in a more secular environment, when they bring up anything about God, they're automatically going to refer to you. If, especially if you're outspoken, if you don't compromise your faith with the topics of conversation around the water cooler or going out. A church on Sunday and like a bar on Saturday, if you're not like compromising your walk. It'll show. It will show. It'll show because you stand out from the crowd. It says come out and be separate. Amen. And you are at that point coming out and being separate. And to show gentleness is to humble myself before the throne of God and dealing with God's people, saved and unsaved alike. Amen. This is another character of Christ. In 1st Corinthians, why don't you guys go ahead and flip the 1st Corinthians. There's a 1st and there's a 2nd. Neither is better than the other either. One's just before the other. One is right before two. Depending on the school system you have went through. And 1 Corinthians 4 is where we're they're very powerful and they're gonna have a lot of bearing. 4. 17, 1 Corinthians 4. 17 says, For this reason I have sent Timothy to you, who is my beloved and faithful son in the Lord, who will remind you of my ways in Christ as I teach everywhere in the church. And now some are puffed up as though I were not coming to you, but I will come to you shortly. If the Lord wills, and I will know, not the word of those who are puffed up, but the power, that's key, power. For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power. And then it says in verse 21, what do you want? Shall I come to you with a rod or in love? And a spirit of gentleness. And we were just talking about this before we came on live, he was bringing up about the money changer tables, and Jesus didn't come viciously, he came with gentleness, and the spirit of gentleness that Paul was a vicious man before he got saved. Do your research, people, and he will You'll see that he was a killer, murderer, persecutor, Jailer Pharisee of Pharisees, he called himself. He was not a nice person, and if you talked about Jesus, he wanted you to know that he was, you wanted, you were gonna feel pain. Yeah. And it wasn't gonna make it. Suffering, yeah. And for him to say, what do you want, shall I come to you with a rod or in love and a spirit of gentleness? I can guarantee you guys, before Christ, he didn't even have anything close to of, a spirit of gentleness. Rod was the softer option. Rod it was either Rod or nothing else. That was, uh, it was the Rod or the Rod er, right? Even if you've come from a hard life, even if you are in a hard life, even if it, all you've known is abuse or anger or whatever, and that's how you dealt with your problems, that's how you dealt with your issues. In Christ, you can still come with the spirit of love and gentleness. anD be faithful, right? And have the power, because that power comes with you in Christ. You start to have the power within you, you start to have gentleness within you, and the spirit. That intercedes for us, as it says in the word, that's gonna go before you, and now your character's gonna go and people are gonna be like, man, that's, he's not the same person. Amen. You could be working at the same job for 10 years and then get saved and a week later be completely different, look different, talk different, act different. Did, people are gonna tell you there's something different about you. What'd you do? Did you, what? You have a glow about you. That's the Holy Ghost. That's the Holy Spirit. That's the joy of the Lord that you cannot deny. And Paul had that same thing when he got blinded on the road to Damascus. Rocked him. Rocked him god reminds us in diverse situations of how much we need his gentleness. When people come against you or us in a vulgar or pride filled way, love always, for this will produce patience. Another one of these fruits endure all things with Christ as co workmanship. yeah, and that's powerful stuff right there. That's so good. I love it. I love it. And yeah, and I love in the King James version it uses, and then when we looked in the dictionary another word for gentleness is meekness. Ooh. And in Matthew 5. 5 it says, Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are the meek. So you have to, first of all, you have to produce gentleness. You have to produce meekness. For that shall, and I think a lot of times people, Have lost or un misunderstand meekness. Another one that we like to say, right? Like save but not soft. Another one is that meekness is not weakness. Yeah, it's good. I like that. Meekness is not weakness. So meekness is to not see oneself more or less than God sees you to walk in meekness is to know your authority. And use it to serve rather than be served. Ooh. To walk in confidence and boldness, yet humbly. That's amazing. tO serve and not be served. And real quick, I want to touch on something. It says, because when you read it right there, it reminded me of something we were talking about earlier in a class. And it says that to not see yourself more than God sees you, right? Yeah. And to walk in confidence and boldly, the meek shall inherit the earth. And we have to remember that fellowship, he talked about produces. It produces in the Greek, uh, to another word for fellowship. It means koinonia. Koinonia is for us to gather together. And when we gather together in the spirit of the Lord another uh, part of the koinonia means inter, inter intimacy intercourse. It means to produce so fellowship it means to produce in a manner that is fruitful. Amen. So when we come together, we have that koinonia. So we now are producing something that's gonna be good. Amen. For all those involved, including what's within ourselves now. Yeah. So I just wanted to, and so touch on that. These are the ones that shall and hurt here, the earth. And, I was thinking about when I was thinking about this meekness and when it really was something that just like was heavy on me, was. When I had my, not my, they're God's people, but when God had put together the team with me that went to India and there was the five of us and we're walking in the evening in the darkness, getting ready to go preach to a thousand plus Muslims and Hindus and that, that meekness to have a fire and boldness. To speak truth with love, and so without meekness, you won't so many, so often we won't go where God calls us because if God's hand is upon us, then there's a meekness that comes upon us that, that feels us to go and to be moved to do what God has called. And so if I see myself less, I will discount myself and often I won't go where God has told me to go. That's good. If I see myself less, I won't apply for the job. That's more than I think I deserve if I don't see myself the way God sees me. I won't step into that relationship There's so many things that we disqualify Ourself because we see less than and on the other side of that is when we see ourself more than what you just spoke on The pridefulness right and God will sit us down and put us in timeout if we need to oh, yeah, right So so this meekness is to walk this narrow and difficult road that he speaks of To be able to see ourself the way Christ sees us. To know your authority with a boldness. To walk into the room as if you know you deserve to be there, not because of who you are, but because of whose you are. That's it. Right? I walk into a place. Knowing that I deserve to be there, not because I have done anything, but simply because of who Christ is that goes before me. And to walk with that confidence with my head held high will get me that job position I don't deserve. Will get me into the place that God has called me to go. That seems like so far out of reach of where I deserve or think I should be man, and so we need to walk in meekness. This is a fruit that is necessary to be a Christian that is not lukewarm meekness is needed For us to walk in the authority and resurrection power. so many of my people, they walk in defeat. Constant. They walk in constant defeat, so they don't even challenge themselves to be the creation God had made them to be, originally. And their defeat is like a cancer as well. Defeat is something that... We can walk in constantly, and sometimes not even realize we're doing it. Yep. Because we're so conditioned to, to think a certain way to act a certain way. Or maybe it's a sociological bubble that we're in, and that we think that we're just, that's the bubble we're going to stay in the rest of our lives. Generations of it. Exactly. And if I already have a defeated mindset, I don't have to try. I can use that as my crutch or my excuse or whatever the case may be. I'm just going to stay in this little defeated state. And God's like, no, I'm right here. Come to me. I'm gentle, I'm lowly, I'm meek, come to me. And that way you can walk in the fullness of Christ and not the defeatedness of the world and the programmed mindset that a lot of us came out of. This is why it says that they shall inherit the earth. Ooh, yes, exactly. Because it's not, we were inherited, right? The earth inherited us. Yeah. When we were walking in the flesh. Yeah, but it flips the script and we inherit the earth It becomes subjective to us because of our walk with Christ because of our position and in Having a relationship. Yeah with Jesus Christ. It's no longer above us It's no longer equal to us, but it is beneath us. Ooh We walk with it and it's an inherited That is given to those that are adopted and grafted into the relationship of family. Yeah, he puts the enemy at our footstool. That's it. He makes the enemy our footstool. And like he said, we're engrafted at that point. We're engrafted so we don't have to worry about what's gonna be next. Or, God's like, look, put your feet on the enemy. Put it, put them there. Because I'm holding you up at my right hand. You're seated with me in the heavenly. You're seated at the right hand of the Father with Christ. Come on now. So why would you be, why should you be concerned about I'm not smart enough to get that job. I don't know if I should, if I can get accepted into that school. Why should I even try, My whole generation up to this point, none of them went to college, so I might as well just follow them and do what they do. But God's saying, come out and be separate. Come out and be separate. But I encourage you to read Ephesians 2. Oh yeah. It's like one of my, you'll hear me preach over it all the time. I love it because Ephesians 2 Talks about the defeat it talks about the sin that we were in it starts off in the beginning of Ephesians 2 of listing All this debauchery all this brokenness the sin that we were in and then it has this but God moment That when we received Jesus Christ And then it goes on to say that he takes us by the hand and he lifts us up into heavenly places He takes us out of the earth And when we were simply receive him, the, his response to our receiving Christ to accept him as Lord and Savior is that he takes us by the hand. He lifts us up into heavenly places where everything becomes below. And then not only does he lift us into heavenly places, but he says, now go walk in them. This is to be in meekness, to know your authority, but not to use it to be served, but rather to serve others. There it is. To be of service so you're not being selfish because when you're, they, I heard somebody say before, if you're in service, it's impossible to be selfish. Amen. Because you're, your attitude's different. You're not putting, you're not just being selfish about everything you need. You're looking at the condition of the broken people around you and you're wanting to help them because that's what Jesus did for us That's what he did for you. Matthew 20 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served But to serve and to give his life a ransom for many. Yes We are to use our meekness to be a blessing to all around us. That's right. That's it and they're gonna go into 2nd Samuel right now because it's so powerful and 2nd Samuel is it's, David is... He, David's been through a bunch at this point. So if you go and read the story of 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, you'll see a young David. You'll see here, you'll see a David and a Goliath. You'll see a Saul, King Saul. And you'll see a Jonathan, Saul's son. You'll see all these characters that lead up to this point. David was a submissive. He trusted in God. He respected the king. Saul didn't do what he was supposed to do. He had the anointing taken away. And Satan entered his, it says it in the scripture, the Lord sent Satan to him because he did not do what he was supposed to do, he wasn't obedient. And Then David got, he became king and he started off great and then he fell into temptation as well. And then his sins led him down a really rocky path of, infidelity, leadership, but, in the midst of all of his sin and repentance, because he did both, he was up and down. Like a lot of us, a lot of us, even after we come to Christ, we're up and down. And we have to constantly repent, and constantly show Our, uh, appreciation and admiration and love for what God does for us, even in the midst of that. And so this is one of the most powerful confessions, professions, praises. It actually is a psalm also. So 2 Samuel 22 and Psalm 18 are basically a mirror of each other. And I think that's so powerful. They took that story and they made it, they, they structured into a psalm because it is. It's his song to the Lord about, Man, he just carries them. So in 22 36, it says you have also given me the shield of your salvation Your gentleness has made me great. There's that gentleness piece again from God. You enlarge my path under me, so my feet did not slip. God is going to hold your feet on solid ground. He will do that, and He will enlarge your path, even if you've been walking the wrong one your whole life. And this is, again, this is from David's Song of Deliverance. Here Dave is professing all of the attributes of God that has sustained him through all his ups and downs. Trials, sins, war. He's acknowledging that the gentleness of God has made him great. It's only by that he's great. Nothing else. David was confused, just, he was all over the place for so long, but he still knows it's only by God that he is great. And he knows without a doubt that God is his salvation. Guys, God is your salvation. His only source of strength and hope. His path of safety. For he truly is a gentle God. You too have full access, say it again, full, you guys listening, watching, you too have full access Corinthians 10. 1 says, now I Paul myself am pleading with you. He's pleading with the Corinthians. I'm pleading with you. By the meekness and gentleness of Christ. Once again, Paul is bringing gentleness and meekness of Christ not himself, that by the meekness and gentleness of Christ who is in presence and am lowly among you, but being absent and bold toward you. Paul's saying I'm basically absent here in the body I'm in the spirit. I'm being led by Christ to you guys. Don't look at me Don't listen to me. Listen to Christ for His meekness and gentleness. And Paul was just wanting to let them know that it was going before him. And man, that's powerful. Source of strength and hope. And here's the thing. Is that, the fruitfulness of gentleness is not just to attain it. Right. But to actually apply it in real life situations. Yeah. And when we begin, and I say this to encourage someone that's listening, When we begin to really seek the Lord to produce fruitfulness of his spirit in us. It often looks like us Reflecting back on when we fell short when we begin It's not like all of a sudden I say Lord fill me with gentleness and now I walk around and I'm gentle in every situation Right, it's continual. It doesn't work often I would say for most of us including myself when we begin to produce The fruits of the spirit, what it looks like is us actually going back and say, Hey, in that time when you spoke to me, man, I responded in my flesh demon. Yeah. He said that thing. And my immediate response was to defend myself. My immediate response was to be passive and not speak up on your behalf because I was fearful of man. Yeah. Right. Often it looks like the things that we don't do, but when God begins to work in us, we reflect back on and say, Lord, I repent. Yeah. I fell short. And as we seek Him, as we eat His Word, and allow it to begin to transform the way we think, the way we speak and act, then slowly over time, it transforms us. It transfigures us. And then what it looks like, and this is a great example, the other night, I had a situation that most people that I shared what happened, their response was, man, I would have beat that person up. Mmm. Man, I would have just railed into them. But with, Gentleness, I corrected the situation and I told the individual that they needed to leave, but I did it with love. Yeah. Right? And that wasn't Jeremy, that wasn't JC responding out of my immediate response. It's like, Paul right here, that Christ went before me. Yeah. It allowed the fruit that was produced in my life to speak on my behalf. Right. Because my flesh would have beaten that individual up. My fish, my flesh would have at least tore into them and made them feel less than because of what they did into my space. But rather I responded because of time and allowing God to correct me, to discipline me, to teach me, to not see myself less than or more than Christ says I am. I was able to respond with love. And I thought it was really interesting because even Christians. I said, man, I don't know what I would have done if I was in that situation. Yeah. It's in it and you get that's and that's why Paul said I mean do you want me to come with a rod? Yeah with gentleness he you know, he could do both very easily He was good. You want the old me or the new me? Yeah, he was good at being he was a tough guy He wasn't this tallest guy in the world, but he was a tough guy, And when his presence and lowly among you right but being absent and bold Man that's he's acknowledging You know what he once was and he professing what he is now and saying that's the only way I'm coming to You want me to respond in the way Paul used to respond or Saul used to respond. I'm not Saul anymore. I'm Paul I'm a man of God. I'm a warrior for the king, And then you know We can only have we can only have and show true gentleness just like Paul in this context if we are of Christ and in Christ Paul just like us was showing gentleness and humility To a church who truly needed it, just like all of us, just like the church does now. And even if we know more than a body of believers like this, or just, in our workplace, gentleness goes a long way in how we are able to be received positively or negatively, just like Paul. We must learn how to be unconditionally gentle, meek folks. It's an all encompassing Change, Jesus endured so much throughout his ministry mocked, hated, ridiculed, made fun of, called out, just and he was the only person in history that didn't respond out of complete fleshly activities. He still had to remain meek gentle, just like you talked about earlier with the money changer tables. He still responded in a manner of meekness, right? He sure did. And that's what we have to do. Self control. Yeah, that's next. That's next week. That's what we have to do, guys. Remember, think before you respond. If you're not walking with Christ, ask Him into your heart, amen. Say, it's a whole lot easier. Say, Lord Jesus, I'm a sinner. I've messed up. I haven't put you first in my life and I ask I want and say Lord Jesus come into my heart dwell in me I want you to be the Lord of my life I believe that you died for my sins and you rose in the third day and I want to serve you the rest of my days Come and dwell in me and make me whole again Come and be the Lord of my life and he will in Jesus name. He will come into your life That's all you have to do. Just ask him in, invite him in, and then walk it out. Seek out how you can be more gentle, more meek, instead of a rod, of offense or anger, yOu'll start to notice a difference. So that's, I love it. I love it, bro. What else you got? Key takeaways? Yeah, any thoughts? I don't know what we talked about before the key takeaways. No? Man, I think we covered it. We did. I think we gave him a lot to think about. Gave him a double whammy. I think the last thing I'll just share is You know, don't look at to someone else's fruit and think that you're lacking, right? Don't look to someone else's fruit and say I'm never gonna produce like they did don't do that because When you look to see what someone else's fruit is you don't know what they've gone through for that to be produced, right? And what you really need to do is seek the Lord and say, Lord, if anything, let that be an encouragement to me, Lord, let me not be jealous of the fruit that Damien has. Let me not be jealous, but rather let me know it's a process. Right? And if I'm not there yet, father, God, give me the, we've already been through these, right? Give me the endurance. Give me the patience. Yes. Give me the perseverance. Give me the. Fruitfulness to endure what I need to go through so that I may be in a state where I constantly produce fruitfulness in my life and those around me. So if you are lacking or don't find yourself where you're at. Begin to be intentional with your discipline and obedience to Christ for he will produce it in you it will guaranteed 100 percent become a natural occurrence in your life if you will be submissive to God Yes, but as long as you hold on to the fruits of the flesh and the things of deadness You don't have room for him to be produced don't get placed to see so you gotta let it all down and Pick him up put him in And let him begin, submit, resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Submit to God. That's all you got to do. Submit to God. All right. What do you got for us? All right. He take away. Take away. Guys, if you made it, this far through the podcast, 40 minutes in, you guys are doing great. That means you want the meat. Amen. You're chewing on some steak right now. You're probably pretty full. I know I am. Amen. Amen. Go ahead and take it away. Takeaway number one is meekness is not weakness, but lovingly speaking truth. Let me say it one more time for you. Make sure you got your pens and write this down. Come on. Speak it over yourself in Jesus name. Meekness is not weakness, but lovingly. Speaking truth. Yes. Yes. Key takeaway. Number two. Thus meekness is to see oneself no more and no less than God sees you. That's it. That's it. Meekness. Number two. Meekness is to see oneself no more and no less than God sees you. That's right. And key takeaway. Number three for tonight. You too have full access. To the same gentleness we are talking about through Jesus Christ number three you listening You watching you too have full access to the same gentleness We are talking about through, and only through, Jesus Christ. One way to the Father, that's through Him. And you'll receive all the fruits of the Spirit. Amen! Man, that's great stuff. Once again, I think that God knocked it out the park. Guys, it's not about us, it's about Him. So we're on here for Christ and for you guys and, application of the revelation. That's what it is. I'm telling you. I like that. Make sure you stay in this, stay in your word, stay in that Bible. Don't take our word for it. Dig deep, dig go dig for some pan for some gold. For you free thinkers and fact finders, here's a little more for you to take away from this episode 8 on gentleness. Continue to re read the scriptures mentioned in this episode with focus on Galatians Once again you guys will have this thing memorized frontwards and backwards by the time we're done with this. If you don't remember any other verses in the Bible, you'll remember these. Always see God in His Word and how to build these in your life. And don't forget to pray for a breakthrough in your life. All throughout the Bible, prayer is your weapon. Prayer is how you hear from God. Bonus scripture. Ephesians 2. Go read it. Yeah. The whole book of Ephesians is power. Yeah. Amen. It'll explain to you your position in Christ. For sure. And don't forget to subscribe to the God Facts Podcast on YouTube, all streaming platforms, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google, and all others. Don't forget to like, leave a comment down below the video. And just give us your input. Let us know, if you're watching on YouTube. What it is that you like about God, what it is that you're fearful about God or coming to Christ or just some your hangups, your testimonies, your, your professions, your confessions, whatever the case may be, we're all a body believers. There's no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, and there's no judgment on our part to those who haven't come to him yet, but just want some information that you're here just listen along, test the waters. This is for me. I was that guy. Trust me. I know he was that guy. We both were that guy. Amen. Don't think that you're alone. Just because we talk all this biblical stuff doesn't mean we weren't once Amen. Saul's. Come on now. We were some pretty bad Saul's, okay? Before we had our Damascus moment. Holy. and the next time we're gonna, the final episode 9 in this series. Number 9. Self control. Everybody's favorite. And that's going to conclude our nine part series. Stay tuned. We're going to be doing more interviews with pastors and leaders and we're going to switch it up a little bit, but we wanted to get this out because we felt like it was valuable. Something you can go back and reference over and over again. So I'm going to pray for these fine folks, pray us out of here and let them get to bed, get to work, get to wherever they need to go. So Father God, I thank you once again for this amazing platform, for your podcast, Lord. This is God Facts Podcast. This is your podcast. Facts. This is your podcast, Lord. Thank you, Lord, for using us as a vessel of hope and truth, grace and mercy. Thank you for using us to have gentleness towards the believer and the non believer, Lord. Thank you for making us meek in your image, Lord, created in your likeness, Father God, just as you were to us. Just as you took it to the cross for us to have freedom, so we can have freedom and life abundant more. So I pray as these wonderful fine folks go about their day or lay down to rest Lord, that they will be ministered by you, by your Holy spirit. And if they don't know you, father, God, I pray they cry out to you. And ask you in their hearts, Lord, and see that we are fired up because this is real. We are fired up because this is truth and that it gives us victory. It gives us joy. It gives us happiness and peace. All the things that the world cannot offer. Yes. I pray that they see that and understand it's only by God, only through Christ, that these things can be possible. So I pray for them to have a Damascus moment. I pray for them to come to the end of themselves, Lord. And for them to pick up the cross, Lord. Cry out to you, say, Abba, Father, help me. Help me. I'm struggling. Help me. I'm sick. Help me. I don't know who you are, and he'll come into your heart, come into your life, and reveal himself to you because his word says so. Amen. So I thank you and I praise you Lord for all this, and I will see you next time in Jesus name. Jesus name. Amen. Amen. you. Christ said, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself. And where I am, there you may be also.