
Are you faithful to the ones closest to you?-Fruit of the Spirit-Part_7_Faithfulness

November 21, 2023 Damien Long
Are you faithful to the ones closest to you?-Fruit of the Spirit-Part_7_Faithfulness
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Are you faithful to the ones closest to you?-Fruit of the Spirit-Part_7_Faithfulness
Nov 21, 2023
Damien Long

Are you not being faithful to the ones closest to you? Is infidelity in your marriage becoming the norm? Find it harder to be faithful to God because the lifestyle choices that you were stuck in? Well, stick around and we will show you how it is possible to be faithful to everyone around you, including God.

There are nine parts of the fruit of the Spirit in the Bible. Today's topic is the seventh part, Faithfulness. Faithfulness. Your faithfulness, what does that mean? What does that mean? And once again, guys, our core verses in the series are from Galatians five verse 16 through 26, with emphasis on verses 22 and 23, because that is the block that has the nine parts of the for the spirit.

God's a god of covenants. And so when you're faithful to him he's always faithful to you no matter what. But he being faithful to him while he's being faithful to you, brings a covenant to, or that new covenant, that new, and Jesus is better than a new Cadillac!!!

I truly hope that these episodes are blessing you to hear and watch as much as it is for us to do them. Just know guys that we are going to be expanding our territory into other areas for this podcast not just in structured teachings. We will be having some amazing guest speakers on pastors and leaders, and just people in recovery and coming out of poor lifestyle choices, giving their powerful testimonies to hope help those were watching and listening to become free indeed in Jesus Christ!!

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Don't forget to subscribe to the God Facts Podcast on YouTube, on all streaming platforms. Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google, and all others. Don't forget to tune in next time we want to help you guys to have victorious living to come out on the other side of this more on fire for God, or wanting to be on fire for God than you ever have.
And if you don't know God, ask Jesus into your heart. Say, Jesus, come and be Lord of my life. And he will changes everything. It changes everything. So we love you. We'll see you next time on the God Facts Podcast. God bless.


In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen.

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Show Notes Transcript

Are you not being faithful to the ones closest to you? Is infidelity in your marriage becoming the norm? Find it harder to be faithful to God because the lifestyle choices that you were stuck in? Well, stick around and we will show you how it is possible to be faithful to everyone around you, including God.

There are nine parts of the fruit of the Spirit in the Bible. Today's topic is the seventh part, Faithfulness. Faithfulness. Your faithfulness, what does that mean? What does that mean? And once again, guys, our core verses in the series are from Galatians five verse 16 through 26, with emphasis on verses 22 and 23, because that is the block that has the nine parts of the for the spirit.

God's a god of covenants. And so when you're faithful to him he's always faithful to you no matter what. But he being faithful to him while he's being faithful to you, brings a covenant to, or that new covenant, that new, and Jesus is better than a new Cadillac!!!

I truly hope that these episodes are blessing you to hear and watch as much as it is for us to do them. Just know guys that we are going to be expanding our territory into other areas for this podcast not just in structured teachings. We will be having some amazing guest speakers on pastors and leaders, and just people in recovery and coming out of poor lifestyle choices, giving their powerful testimonies to hope help those were watching and listening to become free indeed in Jesus Christ!!

Support the Show.

Don't forget to subscribe to the God Facts Podcast on YouTube, on all streaming platforms. Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google, and all others. Don't forget to tune in next time we want to help you guys to have victorious living to come out on the other side of this more on fire for God, or wanting to be on fire for God than you ever have.
And if you don't know God, ask Jesus into your heart. Say, Jesus, come and be Lord of my life. And he will changes everything. It changes everything. So we love you. We'll see you next time on the God Facts Podcast. God bless.


In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen.

Webcam Recording:

Welcome to the God Facts Podcast, where we teach you how to overcome sin and live a life that wins. Christ said I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself, and where I am, there ye may be also. Are you not being faithful to the ones closest to you? Is infidelity in your marriage becoming the norm? Find it harder to be faithful to God because the lifestyle choices that you were stuck in? Well, stick around and we will show you how it is possible to be faithful to everyone around you, including God.


It's the God Facts Podcast, a journey for all those seeking the truth of who God is and who we are. Where we feed you nothing but the facts of God and how to overcome life struggles with his word. I'm Damian, your host. Full of the Holy ghost. And please welcome back with me. My co host pastor J C. Welcome back. Welcome back. Who's loving the Lord today. Hey, Jesus, he always gets a round of applause here in the God facts podcast. Welcome back, everybody. Welcome, I hope you guys have been getting some value, once again, out of these episodes. Some fruitfulness. Whether you're listening, watching riding your bike watching your kid, driving your car riding the space shuttle, whatever you're doing, listening to this, I hope that You're learning something from, and God, more importantly, is speaking to you about what we're saying. Because we we let the Lord work through us so He can work through you, and that's the important thing. And we've been on this, journey now for six episodes, and this time we're into episode seven. And today in part seven of nine, we're going to dig into what the Word of God means when it refers to the fruit of the Spirit. There are nine parts of the fruit of the Spirit in the Bible. Today's topic is the seventh part, Faithfulness. Faithfulness. Your faithfulness, what does that mean? What does that mean? And once again, guys, our core verses in the series are from Galatians five verse 16 through 26, with emphasis on verses 22 and 23, because that is the block that has the nine parts of the for the spirit. Amen. Amen. And once again, we are gonna start off with the Webster's 1828 and how it defines faithfulness. It defines it as fidelity, loyalty, firm adherence to a legion and duty as the faithfulness of a subject, truth, veracity as in faithfulness of God, strict adherence to injunctions and to the duties Of a station and the faithfulness of servants or ministers, that's important. And then this one, strict performance of promises, vows or covenants. Remember guys, God's a god of covenants. And so when you're faithful to him he's always faithful to you no matter what. But he being faithful to him while he's being faithful to you, brings a covenant to, or that new covenant, that new, and Jesus is better than a new Cadillac. Guys, come on now. And and that's Promises, vows, or covenants. Consistency in affection as the faithfulness of a husband or wife. Covenant. Covenant. Blood covenant. Just like Jesus is with us, that's what you are with your husband and with your wife. That's why it says Jesus is married to the church and the church is the bride. That's in covenant. That is right. Come on that's, that'll preach right there. Ah, who doesn't love the Lord? And so I think the greatest way to start this out would be prayer, and Did I pray last time? Did you pray last time? No, I started last time. Did you start last time? Well, Lord, here we go. Father God, we thank you once again for these amazing people out there. I thank you again for the opportunity. Of this podcast and what we get to do lord. This is never something we have to do This is something we get to do serving you brings us the most joy. It brings us the most peace love goodness Kindness and faithfulness lord And so I pray right now that as these words come forth as your holy spirit works through us lord That it ministers to the hearts of your people lord that it cuts through the very divisions that are bone marrow cuts through the false ideologies. It cuts through religiosity. It cuts through suicidal thoughts. It cuts through negativity. It cuts through offense and pride and arrogance. It cuts through a pain and torment, Lord. And it ministers to them, Lord. It gives them healing. It gives them rest and it'll teach them how to be faithful. We just pray this in your son's name, Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. Amen. Woo. Woo jesus name. Come on somebody. I don't know about you guys, but I can feel the flames already Getting hot Holy ghost fire. Holy ghost fire Holy ghost. Amen. Amen. Yeah, so Brother pastor jc here. Let me let me let you get this going.


Amen you know when we were looking at faithfulness, I wanted to just point out is That I'm hoping you guys are seeing is we're seeing a pattern that all the fruits of the spirit are placed within us like a seed from God that reveals these fruits as attributes of who God is. And then they begin to sprout in us and become our attributes. We have to receive before we can comprehend or even give to someone else. And I want to start us off with 1 John 1, 9. 1 John 1, 9 says, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just. To forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Mmm. All. Every bit. All. Of unrighteousness. Not some. Right there, that's the seed being planted. And what does it say? If you have faith of a mustard seed, then you can cast the mound. You can't even see it. It's so small. If you have faith of a mustard seed. Where does the faith of mustard seed start? It starts with us confessing the Lord as our Lord and Savior. As soon as we confess. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. It instantaneously begins to be planted in good soil. And what does it say? It says He is faithful and just. To forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. By that seed being planted of faithfulness, then it begins our relationship and we can begin to produce the fruits of the Spirit. Thank you, Jesus. Amen. That's fire right there. First Corinthians 10, 13 no temptation has overtaken you except such as a common to man. But God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you're able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape that you may be able to bear. And so I, I picked this scripture because but God is faithful and what this scripture is telling us is that we can trust God. Yes. Faithfulness builds trust It says no temptation has overtaken You except such as common to man, which means it's uncommon to God It's common to man, but uncommon to God because he knows all things been there through all things. Nothing is Inside or outside of his realm of understanding. Yes So but God is faithful and who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able But what the temptation will make the way of escape that you may be able to bear it and that's the key part is that His faithfulness to us makes it so that we can bear what we're going through I was talking to a lady the other day She's 74 and an atheist and she said you know When Christians say to me that God won't give me more than I can handle she goes that's not she's like that doesn't do Anything good in my life. She's like that makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong because You tell me God won't give me more than I can handle, but I have things in my life that I can't handle. And I told her, I looked at her, and based off this scripture right here, I said, Ma'am, I'm sorry, as a Christian, that they lied to you. And she looked at me baffled. I said, I'm sorry they lied to you. She goes, what do you mean? I said, you can't find that in scripture. Nowhere in scripture does it say that God won't give you more than you can handle. What it says is that you'll be able to bear what you go through. Because of His faithfulness. He will make a way through it. He will make a way out of it. But it's not because of us, it's because of the faithfulness that's been planted within us. That we can see a different way. And trust God as we go through it rather than giving up and going back to our sinful ways to deal with it. Yeah, that's powerful right there. That's absolutely true. It's he takes the burden and we have to let him take the burden too. It may feel like we're drowning in a sea of debt or health problems or whatever it is. But he, his grace is sufficient and his love is sufficient and his faithfulness is sufficient. And once we get a hold of that concept. Our whole thought process changes and this controls a lot of this, Yeah I think that when we change This will line up and you'll see a radical change in your life because your heart will be right with God And I know it's a little off but fits in there is just you know, I encourage you guys is In our life, when we've been growing up, there are many people that have been unfaithful to us. People that we thought we could trust, that were unfaithful. Our parents didn't follow through on the word of something they said they were gonna do. A person promised us one thing and did another. We can't limit our understanding of faithfulness by the failures of man. That we, we, have to unlearn what faithfulness is to trust God. Because if we put limitations... On our understanding of faithfulness, based off of people that we trusted in our life that let us down. Yeah. Then we're gonna always fall short of understanding and giving God the fullness and trusting Him. So often, we go into situations, and we say we trust God until he gets to a point where we feel like we can't bear it. And then we pick it back up. Ooh. And then we end up going, why can't I just get free from this situation? It's because we have not given God the full trust. There it is. In His faithfulness.


Full trust. And guys, just like in these last few episodes, this is an example of our pre, pre perceptions. And Are we faithful to the things in this world that are common and take life? Or are we faithful to the uncommon one who gives life abundant, which is God the Father through his son, Jesus Christ. The, he was mentioning the the common and the uncommon and the world wants to, wants you to just fall in line, like the rest of the herd into the commonality and God's the uncommon one. He's the outcast from the world and he's over here and he's like, Hey, just follow me. Yeah. There may be more people in this line. But there's more fruit in this line you don't have to be in this line just because everybody else's walk over here this theater may only be showing one movie, but it's the one movie that's gonna give you the freedom It's gonna give you the pad It's gonna give you the ending in this movie and God's movie is far better than the movie that they're all lined up For trust me. Trust me. This one is eternal salvation. This one's eternal damnation. What line do you want to stand in? And this is the reality. We're not trying to, like, scare anybody. This is the truth. And that brings me to Psalms 5 9. It says, For there is no faithfulness in their mouth. Their inward part is destruction. Their throat is an open tomb. And they flatter with their tongue. And here's another example of you can either be a faucet or a drain. We talked about this a few episodes back. Are you one that gives? Or are you one that just takes and is never satisfied, just like sin is never satisfied. And you can't you can either be a faucet or a drain to those around you and how you are inside is how you reflect. To those around you, period. And what your heart is like inside determines the level of your faithfulness to not only the ones closest to you, but God the Father. And so we have to understand that it's, gonna come out eventually. You can hide it for so long. You can, put that shiny suit coat on and look real good. You can walk around and be like, yeah, everything's fine. And, but inside you're terrible. You're horrible. You're, crying nonstop. Just cause the tears are on the outside doesn't mean your heart's not crying. And in pain and agony and you're like, I don't know why I don't know why I just feel like giving up it's right here It says that there is no faithfulness in their mouth three more parts of destruction It's talking about those who are willfully going against god's word. It's going against his precepts It's going against his faithfulness just like the one line here and the one line there And their throat is an open tomb. They're always spewing death. Death. Death. Death. And, Jesus talked about that with the ferrets. He's called them whitewashed tombs. Because their insides were filthy. Their outsides look real good. And so that's just another way of looking at even though It says that right here, their throat is open to them, they flatter with their tongue. God doesn't want us to flatter people. He wants us to give them His truth. Not our truth, but His word, His truth. And so it can minister to them. The tongue is sharper than any two edged sword. Right? It's like a double edged sword, they say. It just, it can either cut good or cut wrong. It's like, if you're always keeping the word in your mouth, which is the sword, Of the spirit now you're speaking life into people and you're not speaking death or a tomb out of your mouth It's going to be something that gives like a faucet and you know psalms 40 10 says I have not hidden your righteousness within my heart Oh, yeah, get your bibles if you don't have them out and a pen and paper and your pen and paper your abacus your fountain pen your whatever it is your big pen bent pen your four color big pen Yeah, I have one of those. Whatever it is you need. Psalms 4010 says, I have not hidden your righteousness within my heart. I have declared your faithfulness and your salvation. I have not concealed your loving kindness and your truth from the great assembly. Here's a contrast. This is a profession. This is a complete, almost a complete opposite of what Psalms 5 9 is saying. This is a profession. He's saying your faithfulness, your salvation, I'm not going to keep it inside. I can't conceal it. Your love and kindness, your truth, the Great Assembly has to hear this, and that's why we do this podcast, because we, you have to hear this, because just like back in those days, they wanted nothing more than to share what God's done in their life. Right? The goodness, the mercy, the faithfulness. They wanted to get it out. And the Great Assembly. And I think that's just, these are really good contrasting scriptures about the faithfulness of God and how we can be faithful to not only ourselves, be true to ourselves, but stand up for what's right. And for what he says is right, and then the others around you are going to benefit from it. Your family is going to be better, your marriage is going to be better, your job is going to be better. Everything is going to start to improve in a real fruitful and faithful way.


We will never have the ability to be faithful to others if we're not. Amen. We have to be faithful to God. And we were faithful to God in response to his faithfulness to us. I've declared your faithfulness in your salvation. It's that seed that's been planted within. And I wanted to share with you guys that what that looks like for us, right? So faithfulness we've spoken on God's part. We've talked about talking about it. And so faithfulness on our part is the act of remaining. steadfast and committed to God and his teachings. It is a demonstration of loyalty and trust in God's promises, even in the face of adversity and or temptation. In essence, faithfulness is a reflection of our relationship with God. And to back that up, I'm going to read a revelation to 10. It says, do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. Amen. Faithfulness is produced through trials and tribulations. It isn't faithfulness unless you've walked through it and claimed it before it's even here, right? I can be faithful after God's brought me through things. That's easy. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. God took care of that Yeah, I knew he was gonna take care of you. He always does Yeah, but were you faithful in the moment before you received it? It sounds like conditional faithfulness. Come on Oopsie, were you saying that Lord, even unto death, I will be faithful and proclaim sometimes man, and I thank you. I think the Lord for this, cause I believe it's a gift. And sometimes I have dreams of being tortured and martyr, and I'm being asked in these dreams to denounce my faith in God. And I'll tell you what, that's something to really think about, especially as things are getting more difficult in this world. When you're starving, right and, not to get too deep into it, but when you're starving and the mark of the beast is the solution for the food that your belly needs, are you willing to be hungry to stay faithful to God? When you're in a situation and someone's asking you, and then we can even take it a little lighter, okay? When you're at work and everyone around you is making coarse jokes, Will you be faithful to God? And not allow the coarse jokes to come forth in your mouth to fit in. When that person makes you angry, will you be faithful to God? To stay calm and trust Him to handle your situations? Do not fear any of those things. Which you are about to suffer. And so this is a promise, you guys. We are going to suffer. The world does not hate us, but hates the Christ that dwells within us. Yes. Yes. So you are going to go through suffering. This is a promise from God. Prosperity is not a promise from God. Prosperity is something that is only given to you when you've earned it through faithfulness. Yes Lord. And you can be trusted with it. But a promise that God gives us is that you will suffer. That's a key word. You just said they're trusted with it. So it's key trust and faithfulness We build and God trusts us as he can see that we're obedient and disciplined with our faithful What's that verse?


Those were faithful with little shall be faithful and much That's it. And I don't know about you Damien, but in my life God started with giving me little things You know as I was obedient and disciplined with those things he added on. Oh, he added on to my marriage He added on to my children He added on to my jobs. Every little time I've been faithful, God has continued to add things on to expand my territory when he sees that he can trust me with what he's given me. Yeah, it did the same thing to me. When I first got started my walk with God, it was almost nine years ago. I didn't, wake up and have a house. I didn't wake up and have a marriage. It was he had to, make sure that I was faithful with the little that he was providing to me, which was the bus, my bicycle walking to get to my jobs and, I had to make sure, hey, I had to be there on time, take four buses just to get, but I knew that job was going to get me to the next level. And it was always a stepping stone and he was always like, okay, you leveled up. All right, I'm going to throw something else at you. Boom. Now level up to there. And it was just enough that I could still reach it. It was just enough, it costed just enough to where I could afford it. Like, he always made a way for my finances and the increase and the abundance and I was I was working a part time job and I still always seemed to have money left over. I'm like, how is this possible? Like, how am I, do I still have cash left over after I bought all this stuff and I, work minimum wage and part time hours? That's God. He's providing the increase. He's making the way because of my faithfulness and trusting in him and saying, God I, don't know how I'm going to make it to the end of the month, but I believe you can help me with that. You're going to, you haven't let me down yet and you never will. And you got me out of my pit. He pulled me up, put me on solid ground. Why wouldn't I put my trust in him? But I was faithful to him before he even started giving me these things. I was faithful to him because I believed in him and I wanted a better life. I said, I'm done running down and smacking my face onto the ground over and over again, expecting a different result. That's insanity. And I said, I trust in you. I believe in your words. Your word says that you're faithful. I had to go to this first. Your word says so. So I am going to step out in faith and believe what it says. And I'm going to be faithful by believing what this says.


And what you just shared right now, the Lord was speaking to me right before you just said this, was that there if you're out there and you're saying, man, that's nice that your faithfulness has been a blessing in your life, but I don't have blessings in my life. Or maybe you're saying, man, I've trusted God. But yet I've gone through these tribulations and trials that seem unfair, unjust, or I can't seem to get past this loss. I can't seem to get past This addiction, I can't seem to get past and Damien just gave us the key right there that we have to let go and let God, which means, and we've talked about this before, that means that I get the word and I begin to read it and I begin to proclaim it over my life. I begin to proclaim it and meditate and renew my mind. Lord, it says that I am more than an overcomer. Father God, you say that I'm adopted and chosen by the God. Your word says that you will not give me more than I can bear. And it feels like I can't bear this. So show me a way out. So begin to read the word and begin to, pray over your life. If you're not seeing the fruitfulness of trusting God and you're like, man, my faithfulness just doesn't look like what you guys are talking about. Then I w I would go back to what we talked about earlier and say. That you are most likely having conditioned faithfulness based off of things that you are portraying from your previous life before Christ.


Man, that's great. And also, that kind of before I get into the next scripture, don't let somebody else's miracles and blessings dictate your faithfulness. Just because somebody else who got sober at the same amount of time or came to Christ at the same amount of time, Is got that job for six figures or just got the brand, the big truck and the, beautiful wife and right away, don't get discouraged. Everybody's walking path and time frame is different. God doesn't live by a man's clock. Remember that. We are the one that's trying to put him inside the clock. God's saying, I'm outside of space and time. Just cause Billy Joe Bob over here got blessed and with all this doesn't mean that you're gonna get in the same... Cause you know why? He knows everybody can handle responsibility differently. Everybody's created different in their minds. And just because we're sitting here with a clarity and being able to speak to you on this side of the table, I just feel like it's really important to understand. That, that, that faithfulness, there are many situations of travailing crying in our lives.


I can say for myself. Oh gosh, yes. Right, there are times where I lacked trust. There are times where my faithfulness was tested through trials and tribulations. It wasn't just, okay, well, I trust God. So everything's easy peasy. It says that you will suffer. So I just want to encourage you. We're on the side of the table of being able to say we've been through these things. Yes But if you were a fly on the wall in the midst of the loss of some of the things that we've gone through When you would be a fly on the wall through some of the things that we had to relinquish and let go of yeah, some of the things that were in our lives from our previous that literally was Hours and days on our knees crying out to God before that thing came.


Oh yeah. And then and it's, and then the, lifestyle leading up to it it's a miracle. I can even form a complete sentence now. Amen. And that's a real, that's real. There's, I've lost months in my life to my addictions, and the fact that I can even form a thought now and remember things is a miracle. That's God in it. That's nothing else but God. Because of his faithfulness. Because of his faithfulness. And I, he said, that's not what I called you for, and let me show you what you were through my word. Amen. And through my actions. And through my compassion so that brings you right into these next scriptures that are gonna think paint a really good picture for you guys That's Lamentations 3 22 through 25. Now, this is Old Testament and Lamentations to lament is you know to lament you're you know, you're showing God That you're expressing yourself to God. And Lamentations 3. 22 says, Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness. Great is your faithfulness, Lord. Great is your faithfulness. Verse 24, the Lord is my portion. Says my soul. Somebody say my portion. My portion. My portion. My portion. Hallelujah. Therefore, I hope in Him. I don't hope in me. I don't hope in Him. I hope in Him. Cause I don't fail every time. Come on somebody. And then verse 25, the Lord is good to those who wait for Him. He didn't say wait PLS, the line of PLS. He didn't say. Wait for those tacos you don't need. No, you wait for Him. That's that patience. To the soul who seeks Him. There's a lot in there, but these are all in there for a reason because it's a they're, proclaiming and declaring His fruit of the Spirit, so to speak. His ways, His mercies, His grace, His truth, His loving kindness, His faithfulness. They're professing this. out into the airway because They're so filled with his love and they know what he's capable of doing and they're testifying And we need to believe that god will come through for my family. He will live up to his declarations And promises in his word. He has to be guys. He has to be our everything in everything holy And completely. Amen, Just like the verse says, complete and lacking nothing. Lacking nothing. Hallelujah. Lacking nothing. And holy and completely we have to, He has to be our everything and everything. And in those four verses, The words that stick out are mercies. Write these down. Mercies. Write these down. Mercies, compassions, new, faithfulness, portion, hope, good, wait, and seek. Now, by now, by this episode, you should know that these are the patterns of promise all throughout the Bible. Patterns of God's promise, what He will, grace through faith. He is all these things embodied. This is the character of God, and he wants to impart those into you. He wants you to have these things. Amen, He wants you to know that you're, he's your portion and that... If you wait, and seek Him, and know that He is good, know that He, is your hope, that you can hope in Him, that you can trust in Him, and that He is faithful, so you can be faithful, that He will do a new thing in your life. That He will, do a new thing, which is faith and salvation through Jesus Christ. And then, Christ is mercy and compassion. On that cross, Was him being merciful and compassionate for God's people, for the condition of their hearts, for their sin, nature, for the problems that they were enduring. And he said, here's a way out, something new for you. Amen. Amen. And yeah, go back and study those verses. Lamentations 3 23, 2 22 through 25. They're powerful verses and they give you a really good picture. Read the whole chapter. That whole chapter's good. But these are just a little snippet of. They're, professing all the characteristics of Christ and the characteristics of God. That's what makes it so powerful because you have access to those, too. You have access to those. Full access. Full access as long as you trust in God. And then that brings you to my last scripture, Romans 3, 3. For what? If some did not believe, will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect? And what that saying is, and you have to understand this, is that our shortcomings and failures are unable to cancel God's faithfulness to His covenant promises. Thank you, Jesus. faithfulness. To see us made whole lacking nothing, just like back to lamentations, this lacking, nothing, lacking, nothing, his covenant promises. What they professed in lamentations is his covenant promises of hope and goodness and mercy, compassion. All the things that he said he would do and said he would give, he does, and he gives liberally and abundantly. And man, the, these, all these verses are powerful and they help us.


The thing that's beautiful is when we walk by faith. When we walk a life of faithfulness, it just continues, right? We talked about it starts with the faith of a mustard seed. Yeah. But it grows. Yes. Many times people continue to just have to continuously be told, Well, if you would have just trusted me, it could have gone this way. Well, if you would have just trusted me, this is God speaking to us. And so often, We forget the things that He's done, just like the Israelites did. We forget what He's done, when in the midst of the situation, we put our eyes on the storm rather than on Him. And if we would walk a life of faithfulness, a walk, a life of faith, then when that storm comes, that giant comes, we don't see that we were like the Israelites, like Joshua that saw the abundance of overflowing fruit. We see the promises we see the things that God spoke and we, with a boldness and a fierceness walk through every situation, walk through every suffering with our head held high with a confidence. Man, and you know what they didn't have back then, guys? They didn't have this. Tell somebody. They did not. Most of the scripture of the Old Testament was by mouth. There was maybe one manuscript in the whole town, maybe. Maybe two, maybe three whatever synagogues was around, they had it. But not every house had, scripture. It wasn't commonplace for every individual to have scriptures, only in the holy places. It was only But we do. And what we do, we have access. This, is, in the New Testament, they were living it while they were writing it. We have both. We have the old and the new together in so many formats. It's so accessible. Amazon, Ebay, whatever, go into a store. Walmart. Everywhere has a Bible. There's no excuse to not have one of these in your hand. And most places you can get them for free too. All you have to do is go to a church and ask them. And yeah, I love this. So I just wanted to encourage you is that it is a fruitful life of abundance that we are called to walk in. Yeah. That this faithfulness is not just to make it so that we can survive, but that we can thrive in this world now and forever more. Amen? Amen. Our key takeaways for tonight, you guys, all right? Write these down, meditate on them, think about them, get into God's word with them, find your own scriptures on faithfulness. Yeah. Maybe even write one down and carry it with you and every time you're struggling, just read it over yourself. Drop us a comment down and if you're on YouTube if there's an available, whatever platform, if you can leave a comment, let us know what scripture you found. Yeah. Let us know what, is one of your favorite scriptures on faithfulness? There's so many. So our key takeaway number one. Our failures cannot cancel God's faithfulness to his covenant promises. Number one is our failure cannot cancel God's faithfulness to his covenant promises. Man, that's good. Number two, faithfulness and loyalty to those closest to you and God will continue to bear good fruit of the Spirit. Faithfulness. Number two, faithfulness and loyalty to those closest to you and God will continue to bear good fruit of the spirit. Amen. And three, amen. Number three is faithfulness is produced through trials and tribulations. Jesus is our faithfulness. Number three, faithfulness is produced through trials and tribulation, and Jesus is our faithfulness. Amen. Amen. And I'm gonna go ahead and pray us out. Okay. Father God, we just thank you for this evening. We thankful, thank you that you are our example of faithful. We thank you that you allow us to participate in being faithful men and women of God. Hallelujah. Father God, we thank you that we build trust with you. Lord, I pray right now, Father God, if anyone has damaged trust in their life and they've limited What your faithfulness is in their life. I pray right now that would be undone. We bind that hurt and that wound. Jesus. In Jesus name, we loosen your love and your fruitfulness of your spirit upon them. We ask Lord that those that have been seeking And I have been just feeling stuck, Lord, that they would take a deeper dive into being faithful, that they would take a deeper dive into understanding who you are, that they would seek you with all their mind, their heart, and their soul, Lord, to begin to unravel the lies of the world that they used to live in and understand the faithfulness of you, that they may become themselves faithful, trustworthy, that they would even begin able to trust themselves, Lord. For they've lacked trust in themselves. And so we just ask Lord that you would just help them to build that trust. Lord, we just give you all the praise and honor. In Jesus name. Amen. Jesus name.


Amen. Man, I don't know about you guys, but I think that deserves a round of applause for the Lord Jesus Christ. Awesome body. Worthy to be praised. Oh, that was the wrong button. No, we're not wah for God. We are happy for God. So All right guys, so for you free thinkers and fact finders Here's a little more for you to take away from this episode 7 on faithfulness Continue to reread the scriptures Mentioned in this episode with focus on Galatians 5 22 through 23 Always seek God in his Word how to build these in your life Don't forget to pray, for the breakthrough in your life. Amen. Declare it. Declare it, because all throughout the Prayer is how you hear. From God. That's how you hear from God. That's how you receive. That's how you build your faith. It's important. Truth. And don't forget to subscribe to the God Facts Podcast on YouTube, all streaming platforms, Spotify, Google, and all others. If you guys want to reach out to me, if you want to reach out and do any collaborations, if you're somebody who is walking with God, who has a testimony, who would like to be on the show and to be on this podcast and to share your heart, feel free to send me an email at GODFACTS PODCAST at gmail. com. Again, that's godfaxpodcast at gmail. com. Reach out. Send us an email. Let me know who you are, what your testimony is. Leave a testimony. Let us know what your heart is. And, we would love to get you on the show. We're gonna start bringing more people on. We just want to make sure that we have this series solidified. But we're gonna be bringing more people from across the world on to share their heart, share their testimony. I think it's gonna be a blessing. I know it's gonna be a blessing. Amen. Amen. Don't forget to tune in next time for episode 8, titled Gentleness. Amen, I would like to say I'm a gentle giant. My wife would say I'm a gentle giant, I think. Depends on the day of the week. But that's episode 8. of gentleness for our nine part series of the fruit of the spirit hallelujah all right guys that's our time in jesus name i appreciate you guys i love you guys and we will see you next time on the god facts podcast christ said i go to prepare a place for you and if i go to prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you unto myself and where i am there you may be also