
How do you show goodness to others? Godfacts-Fruit of the Spirit-Episode_6-Goodness

November 07, 2023 Damien Long Episode 6
How do you show goodness to others? Godfacts-Fruit of the Spirit-Episode_6-Goodness
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How do you show goodness to others? Godfacts-Fruit of the Spirit-Episode_6-Goodness
Nov 07, 2023 Episode 6
Damien Long

Are you operating from a place of genuine goodness? Find it difficult to show the less fortunate goodness from a place of love? Well, come along with us right now, and we will show you how to walk in the compassionate goodness of Christ. 

And this episode six, we walk you through some of the struggles that people have, and showing goodness to those they don't know. Showing goodness to the less fortunate, and to those who willfully come against you. Showing goodness to your enemies. Showing goodness dear friends, and spouses. 

Because at the end of the day, it's the goodness of God within us through Christ Jesus that we want to come out into the atmosphere around us, Jesus name

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Don't forget to subscribe to the God Facts Podcast on YouTube, on all streaming platforms. Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google, and all others. Don't forget to tune in next time we want to help you guys to have victorious living to come out on the other side of this more on fire for God, or wanting to be on fire for God than you ever have.
And if you don't know God, ask Jesus into your heart. Say, Jesus, come and be Lord of my life. And he will changes everything. It changes everything. So we love you. We'll see you next time on the God Facts Podcast. God bless.


In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen.

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Are you operating from a place of genuine goodness? Find it difficult to show the less fortunate goodness from a place of love? Well, come along with us right now, and we will show you how to walk in the compassionate goodness of Christ. 

And this episode six, we walk you through some of the struggles that people have, and showing goodness to those they don't know. Showing goodness to the less fortunate, and to those who willfully come against you. Showing goodness to your enemies. Showing goodness dear friends, and spouses. 

Because at the end of the day, it's the goodness of God within us through Christ Jesus that we want to come out into the atmosphere around us, Jesus name

Support the Show.

Don't forget to subscribe to the God Facts Podcast on YouTube, on all streaming platforms. Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google, and all others. Don't forget to tune in next time we want to help you guys to have victorious living to come out on the other side of this more on fire for God, or wanting to be on fire for God than you ever have.
And if you don't know God, ask Jesus into your heart. Say, Jesus, come and be Lord of my life. And he will changes everything. It changes everything. So we love you. We'll see you next time on the God Facts Podcast. God bless.


In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen.


Welcome to the God Facts Podcast, where we teach you how to overcome sin and live a life that wins. Christ said, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself. And where I am, there you may be also. Are you operating from a place of genuine goodness? Find it difficult to show the less fortunate goodness from a place of love? Well, come along with us right now, and we will show you how to walk in the compassionate goodness of Christ. It's the God Facts Podcast, a journey for all those seeking the truth of who God is and who we are. Where we feed you nothing but the facts of God and how to overcome life struggles with his word. I'm Damian, your host, full of the Holy Ghost, and welcome back my co host, Pastor JC we can only hope to complete every single day with. Mercy and grace, truth and goodness. And so we just want to welcome everybody back to the show, to the podcast, everybody who's listening worldwide. We really appreciate you guys and what you're doing listening and tuning into us right

now. I hope you


guys are just following along on

this journey. This


Nine Fruit of the Spirit series that we're doing. It's fruitful. It's fruitful. Amen. We had a pretty incredible weekend, didn't we? We did. It was a fruitful weekend. Fruitful weekend. Full of God's Spirit. Had a local event here. Many people were touched by the power of God. Set

free. We had


three water baptisms. Amen. People getting delivered. It was an amazing time

here. In the


local body of Christ. Amen. Yes, it was. What was the biggest takeaway for you this weekend?


Having the right people in your journey.


Amen. People getting put into lead roles and mantles being released and and you got a lot going on in your world too. Amen. And so God is good all the time. He's faithful. He's abundant and his goodness never ceases to amaze

us overflows and


so we're gonna overflow

right into this


episode here. Amen. Amen. Thank you

lord. Amen and


so would you like to open us up in some prayer brother? Please do amen.


Oh father god. We thank you for your goodness. We think the thank you for the overflow father guy. I pray For those that are finding themselves watching or hearing this, I think we'll just pause and take a breath for a moment to reflect on where they're at and where they're at in their walk with You, Father God. I pray right now for all burdens to be laid down, Lord. I pray right now, Father God, for any distractions. I pray right now, Father God, for anything that's just hindering from us. Receiving the fullness of what you're going to release this evening That you just would remove it from our way right now I feel like I would just ask that you would come have your way Help us to keep on the timeline as best possible and lord We just ask for whatever you've written for it to line up and be within your will of your word I

pray that we would


receive as much as we give and so we just say come have your way Teach us about your goodness. Teach us what it means to have the fruit of goodness We pray these things in Jesus name. Amen.


Jesus name. Amen. Come on somebody. Give it up for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He never ceases to amaze us. Amen. The name above all names. The name above all names.

The King and the


Lord of Lords. My Jehovah Rapha. Jehovah Jireh. Jehovah Nisi. He's our banner. Rapha's our healer. Tell somebody. Jehovah Shalom is our peace, which, well, we need a lot of right now in these days



part six and nine, we're gonna dig into what the word of God means when it refers to the fruit of the Spirit. There are nine parts of the fruit of the Spirit of the Bible. If you're listening to an earlier episode before this, you'll probably see it said seven, and it's actually nine. Just a little brain hiccup that I had. That's


right. Luckily, yeah, God is the God of love and mercy and grace. And forgiveness.


And forgiveness. Yes. I repent, Lord. And today's topic is the six part goodness. And last episode, we touched on kindness and goodness and kindness really go hand in hand. They're very similar in a lot of ways. Amen. And so they're, they all tie into the, characteristics of God. And goodness is a good thing. It's a great thing. And our core verses in this series are again from Galatians 5, 16 through 26, with emphasis on verses 22 and 23. Webster's 1828 defines goodness as the state of being good, the physical qualities, which constitute value, excellence, or perfection as the goodness of timber, the goodness of a soil. And that's important there because if we have good soil. Good things are going to happen, good fruits going to come and it, and it also says the moral qualities which constitute Christian excellence, moral virtue, religion, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness. And it makes a reference to Galatians 5 again. And I like where it says goodness of the soil. That's, that just speaks so many volumes on where you'd choose to put your roots. Is how you're going to be fed. If you choose to put your roots in not fertile soil, in bad soil, your tree's not going to grow right. You might grow, but it's not going to be one that's going to grow to where it needs to be for the benefit of others. It might grow for self. It might grow into what you want it to be, but not necessarily the people need or what God wants you to be. Amen. But yeah, praise God for, our time with you guys. Praise God for this podcast. Praise God that people all around the world are going to be getting some value out of this. And that's the important part. So go ahead, Pastor JC, take it away.


Oh, we're going to start by looking at the goodness. Is not a quality we can manufacture on our own. That's good. Goodness is not a quality we can manufacture on our own. If we read Jame read James 117 says, Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above coming down from the father of lights Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above and so we only Can really operate in the goodness of God and the goodness of others and the goodness for ourselves When we've received the goodness of Christ Oh,


man, it's everything, right? It says that every good thing, right? Every perfect gift.


Yeah, and goodness is virtue and holiness in action. I love that. Goodness is virtue and holiness in action. It results in a life characterized by deeds motivated by righteousness and a desire to be a blessing. It's a moral characteristic of a spirit filled person. Goodness for the benefit of others, not goodness simply for the sake of being virtuous. We've talked on this here before and I'll say it again is, when we look at the fruit of the spirits that is possible to be good without God, but it will be for selfish intentions. Bingo. And as soon as you don't treat me the way I'm treating you or the way I, people say the golden rule, right? Treat others as how you want to be treated. Right. Well, I'll tell you, I'll be honest. That without God I treated myself like junk. I treated myself like garbage. If I was gonna treat others that way, man, that's not goodness that he, without God, we're all left to our own moral standard to be a judge of what we think goodness is. Right.


It's a, it's an artificial goodness. Yeah. It's not, like he said, it's not genuine. It's not real. It's not from the kingdom of heaven. And so it's more of a manufactured goodness. Yeah.


And Ephesians Ephesians 5, 8 through 9 says, For you were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the world. Walk as children of light, for the fruit of light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth. So we were in darkness. Those of us that receive and call upon Jesus as our Lord and Savior, Brings us into the light and I love it says walk as children of light for the fruit of light consists in all goodness and righteousness So as we walk more and more with Jesus Christ the more and more will produce goodness in our life


Yeah, absolutely. And you know formerly darkness, but now light so That goes back to what we just touched on with the artificial goodness. So we, when we walk in darkness, what we thought was goodness or our created goodness for other, for our selfish ambitions and not really for the benefit of others, we weren't walking right. Our roots weren't going into the right soil. And here it says that, now you are light and in the Lord. So walk as such. It's a continual, every step that we take has to be calculated. Amen. And ushered by the Lord. And, Proverbs talks about that, right?


we cannot manufacture it on our own. We may have bits that look like goodness. We may have good intentions. But as soon as someone does something that we don't like... Or we justify is not a healthy response of how we've treated them. We will always fall back into our selfish behaviors even as we walk with Christ Often we have to repent because we do not produce the fullness. The only Christ can do constant goodness but it's something we strive for and the more we you know, I just feel led right now to share is The more we fill our mind with his word. Yes. The transformation of our thoughts. When I was in the world, I watched and listened to things that molded and it transformed the way I thought. And so even in my best days, when I thought I was doing good, fall way short of God's standard of good. It's only through the reading of his word, where it says things like how to treat your enemies. How to love your brothers, how to love yourself, that I begin to understand the goodness of God. And it's only through the transformation of understanding the goodness of God that I can begin to see myself the way God sees me as good. And as I begin to see myself the way God sees me, and is pleasurable to him, then I want to freely give as he gives to me. Yeah. It's only something I can release when I've received it. I can't give it away unless I've gotten it myself


first. Bingo. Cause you don't have anything to draw. There's no relationship point. There's no... A true, genuine place to draw from, for you to share it, if you don't, if you're not getting it, if you're not getting it from the right source, if you're not, if you're not drawing your water from the right source or the right well, then you're not going to want to share true goodness. exodus 33 is a chapter that talks about Moses, and he goes up to, he gets called up to the mountain by God, and God comes down in the glory cloud, and Moses, he goes and he builds a tabernacle of meeting, and he goes, he basically builds his secret place, he builds something so he can go and continue to build this intimate relationship that he's been building with God, like him and God had such a powerful, one on one relationship. God spoke, He did things. Now Moses didn't do everything God wanted him to do, like hitting the rock twice. The first time He, God said, the second time He just did it. But, you can go back and study the history of the Israelites, and, and how they were pushing Him, and, making demands, but in this specific context in Exodus It says in Exodus 38 17. So remember, the glory clouds there, there's a tabernacle of meeting and then the other people. So while he's out there in his tabernacle of meeting the other people in that are in. In the camp, they decide that they want to go and do their own thing, and they don't want to wait anymore. And then now they want to make an idol, and they want to make the golden calf, and they start doing all this stuff that's contrary to what he's trying to do. The reason he's there petitioning God, and that's the reason the glory cloud is literally above them while they're doing all this. And so God gets angered. He gets mad. And he wants to wipe out the people again, just like in the flood with Noah. And in verse 17 it says, So the Lord said to Moses, I will also do this thing that you have spoken, for you have found grace in my sight, and I know you by name. Verse 18 says, And he said, Please show me your glory. 33 19 says, Then he said, I will make all my goodness Pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. And so I think that's an ex it's an amazing picture because God you have to remember Moses, who is a man, is petitioning God to not destroy these people. He's like, no, there has to be another way, we can't you know, there has to be another So this is following his petition to God, and God is listening. He's listening to his heart, the cry of his heart. And here we see an example of Moses wanting to display the goodness of the Lord, and he saw everything going on and the abominations happening within his own camps and knew that the goodness of the Lord is what we... It's what we triumph over all when God wanted to wipe out the people again, just like he did in the flood, right? Like I said, but it's the goodness that Moses displayed that became his petition to God and He was holy in an intimate relationship with God. He knew how important time in the presence of Was to his goodness It's that presence piece for us to receive the fullness and the goodness and in the things of god his characteristics. We have to be in his presence I heard a pastor say not too long ago pastor monte. He said are you in the Sight of God or in the presence of God, and that's something to really take a look at that's pretty powerful. Yeah, absolutely You know the sight of the presence and you know with Moses he was in the presence Yeah He always wanted to be in the made the tabernacle to be in his presence And so you guys get make sure you have that place you can go to that secret place So you can get in his presence so you can understand how to receive the goodness and in this society getting that secret place and finding that tabernacle of meeting that place You can go just to be with God away from all the distractions It gets it seems like it gets harder and harder because we're always in demand There's always with these phones and all this technologies There's so much flooding in for us to be able to take that time to sit down And disconnect to be in his presence, so let that glory come down so we can understand the goodness of God. And


I think as you're sharing that, it comes to my mind, and we've spoken on this before, and I'm sure we're going to speak on it more as we go through these fruits, but it is through obedience and discipline that we find ourself in the goodness of God. Moses was obedient and disciplined in his walk with God. He was intentional with his relationship. And through the, being intentional with his relationship, God's favor rested upon him. And when God was going to do something that, he was justified to do. Right. Moses heart moved for the people. And it's like, man, we have to be obedient and disciplined. It's such a vital thing that God's been showing me in this season and as I'm walking into a new levels of my walk with God is the more we're obedient and disciplined, the more His goodness flows in us and through us and spills over and out of us. No, absolutely. It's an overflow. It's an overflow, and that leads us into this idea that a life characterized by goodness. A life characterized by goodness. In letting the Holy Spirit control us, we are blessed with the fruit of goodness. Someone who bears fruit of goodness selflessly acts on behalf of others. And so I'm gonna, before I go into some of what that looks like, listen to that. Letting the Holy Spirit control us. And a lot of us are like, I don't want to be controlled. I'm in control. I'll give him this much broom. I know what's best for me. I know what's best for me. I'll do it within my parameters. How far did I get you? And can I tell you? That even then, you're being controlled by something that's not yourself. You think you're in control. That's why the devil gave... Alex Craw Cross what's his last name, Alex? Aleister Crowley?


Yeah, Alex Crowley. The Satanic


Bible guy? He gave him the, do what thou will, right? Yeah. And we see that all over. Do what thou will, which really means that I can do whatever I want, and I can dictate my choices, but the truth is that those choices are really being dictated behind the scenes by the devil.


Oh, Crowley, I'm thinking of Anton LaVey. Oh yeah, no. But yeah, no, I don't know what you're talking about. He wrote a couple books, yeah.


And, oh, did I get the wrong guy? Is it Alex or Crowley,


right? Crowley's the one that wrote the books. Anton LaVey's the one that started the First Satanic Church.


But, so I just wanted to encourage us, We get to choose who controls us, but we don't control ourself. Amen. We have free will to choose what our minds are transformed by. And we can tell, they characterize the characteristics of someone that operates in goodness. They let the Holy Spirit control them. That they are blessed with the fruit of goodness. And someone who bears fruit of goodness... Selflessly acts on behalf of others like Moses. Amen. Confronting someone about a sin demonstrates goodness. So do giving to the poor, providing for one's children, visiting the... Sick, volunteering to clean up after a storm, and praying for an enemy. Ooh, wait.


Praying for an enemy? Praying for an enemy. Why on earth would I want to do something like that? I don't like that person. Heh.


Cause it's not about you.


What do you mean it's not about me? I know what's best for me. I do what I want. Come on


now. And that's a selfless act, right? Cause that's what it is. Right, exactly. That in the flesh, I don't pray for my enemies. Ooh. In the flesh, if I do pray in the flesh, my prayer looks like, Lord, judge them. Lord, smite them.


Smite thee now,


Lord! Right? That's what it looks, but no, this is talking about pray for your enemies and, Father God, bless them abundantly. Father God, overwhelm them with your goodness. Father God, use me as a tool to selflessly act on their behalf. So that they may see the living God we serve. This is what it looks like, right? And it's okay to point out someone's sin. It's actually in love for me to point out when you're sinning. Please


do. Let me know. I have to.


It's silly for me to think that Goodness means that I just, oh, love however you want to love, be whatever you want to be. Co exist. Right? No, we do not co exist. We set the standard because God sets the standard.


We don't bow, we don't accept everything, we, none of that. We we, he said, like we set the standard, we set the mark, the kingdom of God. We don't coexist and just, everybody's, everything's fine. And it's not, that's not even the case.


No, the goodness of God compels us to move. Absolutely. The goodness of God compels us to speak truth. In love. And in Acts, it talks about that when they were in the upper room and Peter goes to speak that he convicted them he said, you are the ones that hung Jesus on the cross. You are the ones, and they say, what do we do? And he convicts them and says that they were cut to the heart. He was showing the goodness of God. He said, this is what you've done, but here's the response that Jesus loves you, receive him, accept him. Amen. Surely goodness and loving kindness will follow every single one of us when we walk in his ways, you guys. And so I just encourage you guys, is that's how we work. We operate in the goodness. It follows, it flows, it moves in us and through


us. Yes. It does. it's a mighty rushing wind. It's a mighty river. It's there's so many symbolic ways of that being explained through all throughout the word. Yeah.


And Psalms 23, six says, surely goodness and loving kindness will follow me all the days of my life. And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. There's that piece that Damien was talking about. To dwell in the house of the Lord forever means to stay continuously intimate with God. And surely goodness and loving kindness will follow me. It follows us. It's a trail that we leave. When people see the works we've done, they say, Man, look at the goodness of the God that he serves. Look at the goodness that Damien has done in our community. Look at the goodness that Damien has done in his workplace. It follows. It's not because he seeks after it, he seeks after God and the goodness of God flows in him as he dwells in the house of the Lord. Amen. It's a light that clings to us. It wraps us and develops us in our character. It chastises us and corrects us so that we may walk in an abundance of the goodness of God.


Man, that's, and when you said trail. I know there's somebody out there listening right now that What you're doing is leaving a trail of chaos. Mmm. I sure did. It's leaving a trail of destruction, and you can't figure out why everything you touch and everywhere you go, that there's conflict. There's chaos. There's destruction. There's turmoil. Everything seems to be going wrong and like you're behind your bills and your car's not working right and your girlfriend left you, your boyfriend's mad at you, whatever the case may be, your boss you hate you you've, you had five jobs in three months, constant resentment, and you're like, what is going on? And I can almost guarantee you that it's a direct result of where you're putting Your efforts, where you're what you are putting in and what kind of trail you're leaving or you're dwelling exactly where you're dwelling. Are you dwelling in a tabernacle of meeting of peace of God, of love, or are you dwelling in a tabernacle of strife and conflict and in talking about people and resentment and holding unforgiveness in your heart? And it's everybody else's fault. And, if they only knew. When you're always looking for something that's wrong, you're going to find it. Yeah. If you're always looking for the wrong in everything, there it is. Yep. There's, because you know why we live in an imperfect world. People are imperfect. You're imperfect. I'm imperfect. He's imperfect. Hate to burst your bubbles out there, but it's, we're never going to have that Hollywood movie we can live a great and abundant and fruitful life in Christ and leave that tail. And that trail of goodness of abundance, of good things, of love, you want to leave a trail that people want to follow, they leave those breadcrumbs of goodness and mercy and truth and love. So something come along behind you and pick them up. But if you leave a trail of flames, all that's going to happen is whoever comes up behind you is going to get burned. It's going to hurt. It's not going to help, and so that's just, when you said that just really stuck out cause. Like him and like myself, my tail, my trail was nothing but flames. It was flames and explosions. Death and destruction. And, the, I could never, it was so bad that I could never turn around and go back down the same road I just came down because there was nothing left. It was that bad. Now, burn bridges everywhere. Now, I drive on streets of gold, people. Come on now. I drive on streets of gold. Amen. Because that's what it says. That the kingdom of God is at hand. If we realize if we are in this kingdom mindset, that where we go is full is full of gold and rubies and emeralds. It talks about in the Bible of all the jewels of heaven and it's magnificent. If you. Believe that's the mindset that you have if you believe that's what God his kingdom is like You will start to walk a whole different way.


The transformation of the mind Yeah, absolutely


the mind even though everything does seem like it's falling around us and everything the news and everything, you know Turn the news off Open your Bible and pray and say God it looks like it's getting really bad give me some peace and then if you ask him he guess what he will He'll give you the peace may not be right when you want it Yeah, he's not an Instagram post You can't just get it right now sometimes But if you continue to stay in that tabernacle of meeting in that secret place and you continually go in there When times are tough even for the small things You're going to start to see how you see things different. You're going to see the trail behind you. People following you because of how you treat people, and how you love God, and how you love yourself. And then you're starting to, the people are going to want to be around you more. Thessalonians 1, 11. Remember, get your Bibles out. Notebooks. Pens. They should be out. Sketchbook. Whatever it is you're doing.


Napkin, whatever, maybe.


Right. It doesn't etch a sketch. Yeah, you can do it. Therefore we also, now this is important, we say this at the end of every episode, therefore we also pray always for you that our God would count you worthy of His calling and fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith with power that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you and you in Him. According to the grace of our God and Lord Jesus Christ. See, when he's in you and you are in him, now you're in a union. You're in a covenant relationship. You're in a, you're a bondservant. You are now, you're becoming, you're in the same spirit with Christ. He's in you. You're in him. Guess what? You're family now. You're family. And and it says we pray. Pray that our God will count you worthy of his calling. If you don't feel worthy, pray. Say, Lord, I want to be counted worthy of your calling. And to fulfill your good pleasure and goodness because I believe that you can do these things in my life. I see what you did with Billy over here. I see what you did with the, they, these people, they're all, they go to church and everything's going good for them and But everything I have is going is terrible because, I don't feel like that I need that. But, fill me with truth so I can understand why people do these things.


I think that's one of the things that's so beautiful about the fruits of the Spirit and walking and dwelling in, in the presence of God is that we need these fruits in our life and it's, we can sit here and talk about it. But it's when those real life applications come into our life. I, I actually like today, I got a phone call from one of the, one of the guys I'm discipling and before I came over here, actually. And there was a direction that he's feeling led that's going a different direction than we've been talking about. And he was scared to talk to me because he thought I was going to cut him off. He thought I was going to just say, well, then if you're not going to go the way I say to go. And I heard him and it was hurtful. It was hurtful to me because he had been feeling this way for a moment and hadn't spoken out of fear. Ah, there it is. Right? And so it was hurtful. But I was able to because I dwell in the presence and I stay in constant connection in prayer. As he was talking, I wasn't just listening to him. I was praying. Father God, I, right now I'm feeling this emotion and I, and if I speak in this emotion, it's not going to be the fruit of goodness. It's out of a hurt place, Lord, so let me sit with this and hear what he's saying. And this is what it looks like, the real life application. And so I heard what he had to speak. And what God spoke to me was that this was an opportunity for the goodness of Christ to teach him of his, young walk. And so I shared with him in love and in correction, I said, you should have spoken to me right away. Yeah, you should have spoken to me while I was afraid and I said well We need to rebuke that fear if you're gonna be a leader that falls in the footsteps of Christ We need to respond We need to be able to dwell and pray and trust God in the process And if I as the one on the other side do not respond in goodness, it's not your place To have to take care of my fruit. So if I don't respond with goodness then that's an opportunity for you to either walk away or correct me. So I need to remove the fear of what man thinks. And I need to allow the fruit of goodness to flow through me. And because I responded with the fruit of goodness, we had a powerful connection and an opportunity for him to grow, to see how it looks like to actually respond to someone that's hurt you. And I called it out and I said, this hurt me. I said, I'm not mad at you. I'm not offended by you. This hurt me because this is something we could have had a conversation with already. Right. I'm thinking we're going one way, but you're pulling this other direction, and I don't know it until you speak to me. I just, I felt like it's really important for us to understand that the goodness of the fruits that we speak of, it's good to talk about them, but the reason we need them is just like... Those that woke up in Gaza didn't know what was coming. Just like the earthquake that came. Like all these things, we don't know what tomorrow has in store for us. Right. We don't know what happens when we step outside the next moment. Right. So we need to be in constant communion and dwelling with God, so that we have an opportunity to respond in love, to respond with goodness. In every situation, and it's so vital that we don't allow our situations to dictate our position with God, but rather our position with God to dictate our situations.


Ooh, that's good right there. Yeah, that's important. That is so important to, to remember those things, and. Don't let, if you have an issue with somebody or if you're feeling some kind of way, don't let it build up until it gets to like a pimple and it starts to pop and then everybody's getting it on them and they don't know why it, to be, don't be afraid to go to somebody and tell him how you feel, if they're going to respond in a certain way, then at least you were honest, at least you got it out earlier than not. And if that causes a rift in the relationship, at least you were being truthful. Amen. Instead of holding it back from somebody because of fear, and then it turned into this bigger thing, and you... Especially if somebody's investing in you and you're investing if you're already you're investing in them, and it goes both ways and people's time is precious and you want to make sure that you're respecting their time and the respect in yours and also with the efforts You're putting to somebody we're in with the biblical values and they're able to receive that way you're on the same page You just like Moses in the same page with God Like they were on the same page. Not every single thing he did, but like the majority of the time they were on the same page, and so it's being fruitful. It's being, understanding the goodness and selflessly and yeah. So looks like that might lead us into somebody's good takeaways. Key takeaways. Mr. Takeaway himself. We


got three, three takeaways for today. Make sure you write these down. Go back and... Just seek the Lord in where were these takeaways? Where do I see them in your word? How do these takeaways speak of God's character? How do they speak of my character? Amen. And how can I actually apply them in my life? Hallelujah. Don't just read them. Meditate. Seek the Lord in what these takeaways mean from this podcast and this word. So take away number one, goodness is not a quality that can be manufactured on our own. Number one, goodness is not a quality that we can manufacture on our own. Key take away number two, how we treat God's people and the less fortunate. Is a direct reflection on how intimate our relationship is with God. So number two, how we treat God's people and the less fortunate is a direct reflection on how intimate our relationship is with God. Amen. And our third takeaway. Goodness flows through our words and actions producing pleasure from God in our life. Goodness flows Freely, I would say. Goodness flows freely through our words and actions Producing pleasure from God in our lives. It's pleasing to take care of our enemies It's pleasing to take care of the less than Fortunate, it's pleasing to correct someone in sin. It's pleasing to do good works with no intention other than to simply step back and watch the goodness of God flow in their life.


Yeah.'cause that's what Christ did for us. Yeah.


While we were still yet sinners, enemies of God. It all


goes back full circle to Christ. This, the, all these things that we don't wanna do. He did it for us first. And so we have to remember that it goes first. Full circle. Full circle to him. Man, it's powerful. I like it. I like it a lot. Don't look at that person that's strung out on the corner as hopeless. Don't. Look at the one who constantly, every time you're at the Circle K or the QT begging you for money. You don't have to give money. Give them some love. Go in and get them a sandwich. Ask them their name. Say, hey man, what are you doing? How long have you been out here? Is there anything we can do to help? Have you looked into resources? Actually act like you care with these people. It's, that could be the only Jesus that they see that day. Is you taking the time, instead of saying, get away from me like they're a rabid animal, but saying, how can I help you? And let's go talk about this. And what's your name, and can I pray for you? And and see how good your day is, how much better your day gets when you do that than when you shoo somebody off like they don't matter, or you flick somebody off in traffic, or you cut somebody whatever it is that you've done, you did that day that wasn't goodness and it was negative, more than likely that's how the rest of your day is going to play out, it's going to be it. You're gonna be agitated more. You're gonna be negative more. You're gonna snap at people more. But if you spend your whole free time throughout the day loving on people, chances are that's how it's gonna be.


I I just feel led to share this as you're sharing and reflecting. I just feel in the spirit, man, that God is saying that there's someone out there. Maybe multiple, but specifically someone listening that was raised up in conditional goodness. Raised up in a home with a false pretense that it's, that goodness is dependent upon the works. And it wasn't even a fairly dependent on works. It was something that was used to dictate, to judge, and manipulate. And you go to a certain extent, and that even in, in your Christian walk, someone, That you've walked with Christ and that the enemy is used to actual people that have the title of a Christian To reinforce that from what was brought up in your childhood And so you have a constant limitation on what goodness can look like in your life because you don't trust God Because of what man has done in it, and I just want to share with you tonight This is why God's word says that we have must die to self to rise with Christ We must die to self daily, which means you have to let go and trust God You need to say God these people have hurt me but your standards above that Would you begin, Lord, I pray right now, you would begin to put good people in this person's life. Would you begin to put good people around him that would teach them what the goodness of Christ looks like, Lord? And I pray Lord, as you're strategically placing goodness around this individual, Father God, that they would begin to just say, Lord, forgive me. I've put limitations on your goodness in my life. I put limitations on the goodness of you in my life because of what man has done to me. And it's wicked and it's manipulated how I view you. And so I pray right now that you would just ask the Lord and say, I repent. I repent of my limitations of your goodness. And I freely receive and give you permission to come in and begin to heal my heart. I'm praying with you right now that you would just begin to ask God, God put people in my life that can show me your goodness. Yes, Lord. Put people around me that can show me your goodness so that I can begin to receive it. And that would be even willing to stand in the place for when I push against it. And so Lord, I release that over this individual right now in the name of Jesus, that the things of old would be done, that it would begin a renewing of their heart and their mind. Yes. That you would, as far as you remember, as you forget the sin fires to the east is to the west, that they would begin to forget Father God. And begin to step into the dwelling place. I pray that they begin to be obedient and disciplined in their walk and your goodness would overflow in them. Yes Lord. And so I thank you Lord. Release it into their life, Father, in Jesus name.


Jesus name, Amen. Amen. Jesus always gets a round of applause on the God Facts Podcast. Man, we ran a little long today, folks, but I'm praying that you're getting some value out of this. These episodes, these are meant for you guys, not necessarily for us. And so hopefully that prayer spoke to you. Hopefully these words spoke to you. Hopefully God spoke


to you. And if he did, I just encourage you. Whether it's on the podcast, whether it's on YouTube, just make a comment, drop a comment, say that was for me.


Like, subscribe, share this stuff, that's how we get the message out there. I'm not trying to, I'm not doing this for revenue streams, I'm doing this to spread the gospel. And you'll... Someone needs to hear this. Someone needs to hear this. Just like all the disciples, they went forth, they became, apostles for God, basically, because they were sent forth. And they spread the message in the face of all the adversity. Thank you, Lord. Amen. So that brings us to the end of our podcast. Once again, for you free thinkers and fact finders, and that's you, here's a little more for you to take away from this episode 6 on goodness. Continue to re read the scriptures mentioned in this episode, but focus on Galatians 5, 22 through 23. Always seek God. And how to build that in your life. Don't forget to pray. If you forget to do anything else today, don't forget to pray. It doesn't take much. You don't even need, you don't even need to have a Bible in your hand. Just say, God, help me. Help me, Lord. Help me, Jesus. Help me, Lord. Help me, Jesus. Help me, Jesus. That's it. Isn't that a song? It is now. It is now. I just messed that song up for everybody. Good. That's right. And so don't forget to pray for the breakthrough in your life. Prayer is breakthrough. Breakthrough is prayer. Amen. And all throughout the Bible, prayer is your weapon. Prayer is how you hear. From God. Also, through the Word. They both help you hear from God. And don't forget to subscribe to the God Facts Podcast on YouTube, on all streaming platforms. Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google, and all others. Tune in, radio, iHeart, all those. And don't forget to tune in next time for episode... Seven titled faithfulness in our nine Part series. Amen. Amen of the fruit of the Spirit. I'm gonna pray us out of here. We're gonna go home Thank you, Jesus Father God. I thank you for these fine folks. These God facts podcast warriors these soldiers for the kingdom He's dedicated Folks who stick around with us time after time for the God to hear your words to spread your truth or to support the cause to see the need for you in their lives. Father God, I pray right now for radical shift in their life, for the spirit of you to settle into them, Lord. You and them and you, Father, for the goodness in their life, Lord. I pray that they go forth in their day, Lord. If it's morning, I pray if they go to sleep. If it's night, Lord, I pray if they're waking up, Lord, that they go about with an attitude of goodness, Lord. Thank you. So they can manifest good things around them. So their day can be better. Their life can be better. Their job can be better. Father God, Lord, their relationships can be better. Their marriage can be better. I release that upon them, Father God, Lord, in the name of Jesus, I pray anything that's not of you, Father, is broken off in their lives right now. Yes, for the break off right now


in Jesus


name, we bind up every wicked assignment, every attack at the enemy that's trying to threaten their lives and their family. We bind that up right now and we cast it out in Jesus name. We cast it into the swine, Father God, we cast it into the wickedness, Lord, into the abyss from which it came. Lord, we speak goodness. Life and abundance overflowing in the name of the Holy Spirit. Have your way to those who are listening. I pray for fire to Holy Ghost right now to fall upon, fill them with your Holy Ghost. I pray for baptism of Holy Spirit across every ear canal. And I get everything that they are hearing, Lord, Father God, I pray that it manifests and changes them from the inside out, Lord, and removes any impurities that's not of you, Father. Let your goodness flow. Let it flow, Father God, Lord. So we thank you, we praise you. In Jesus name we pray. In Jesus name.




Well, we will see you next time on the God facts podcast. Christ said, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself. And where I am there, you may be.