
does kindness kill hate?- Episode 5-Kindness

October 24, 2023 Damien Long Episode 5
does kindness kill hate?- Episode 5-Kindness
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does kindness kill hate?- Episode 5-Kindness
Oct 24, 2023 Episode 5
Damien Long

Are your situations and feelings causing you to be spiteful and unkind? Find it getting harder to be genuinely kind to a certain co worker, spouse, or loud person at church? Come along with us right now and we will show you how to walk in the complete. Kindness of Christ. It's the God facts podcast, a journey for all those seeking the truth of who God is and who we are, where we feed you nothing but the facts of God and how to overcome life struggles with his word.

There are nine parts of the fruit of the Spirit in the Bible. Today's topic is the fifth part, kindness. Amen. I'm getting full of the fruits after these last couple weeks. Amen. Praise God. And once again, our core verses in this series from Galatians 5, 16 through 26 with emphasis again on verse 22 and 23.

this is episode 5 of  9 or the 5 th fruit of 9 in Galatians 5:22-23
recovery podcasts 2023 - More content coming every other week!

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Don't forget to subscribe to the God Facts Podcast on YouTube, on all streaming platforms. Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google, and all others. Don't forget to tune in next time we want to help you guys to have victorious living to come out on the other side of this more on fire for God, or wanting to be on fire for God than you ever have.
And if you don't know God, ask Jesus into your heart. Say, Jesus, come and be Lord of my life. And he will changes everything. It changes everything. So we love you. We'll see you next time on the God Facts Podcast. God bless.


In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen.

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Show Notes Transcript

Are your situations and feelings causing you to be spiteful and unkind? Find it getting harder to be genuinely kind to a certain co worker, spouse, or loud person at church? Come along with us right now and we will show you how to walk in the complete. Kindness of Christ. It's the God facts podcast, a journey for all those seeking the truth of who God is and who we are, where we feed you nothing but the facts of God and how to overcome life struggles with his word.

There are nine parts of the fruit of the Spirit in the Bible. Today's topic is the fifth part, kindness. Amen. I'm getting full of the fruits after these last couple weeks. Amen. Praise God. And once again, our core verses in this series from Galatians 5, 16 through 26 with emphasis again on verse 22 and 23.

this is episode 5 of  9 or the 5 th fruit of 9 in Galatians 5:22-23
recovery podcasts 2023 - More content coming every other week!

Support the Show.

Don't forget to subscribe to the God Facts Podcast on YouTube, on all streaming platforms. Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google, and all others. Don't forget to tune in next time we want to help you guys to have victorious living to come out on the other side of this more on fire for God, or wanting to be on fire for God than you ever have.
And if you don't know God, ask Jesus into your heart. Say, Jesus, come and be Lord of my life. And he will changes everything. It changes everything. So we love you. We'll see you next time on the God Facts Podcast. God bless.


In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen.


Welcome to the God facts podcast where we teach you how to overcome sin and live a life that wins Christ said I go to prepare a place for you And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself and where I am, there you may be also. Are your situations and feelings causing you to be spiteful and unkind? Find it getting harder to be genuinely kind to a certain co worker, spouse, or loud person at church? Come along with us right now and we will show you how to walk in the complete. Kindness of Christ. It's the God facts podcast, a journey for all those seeking the truth of who God is and who we are, where we feed you nothing but the facts of God and how to overcome life struggles with his word. I'm Damian, your host full of the Holy ghost. And please welcome back my cohost, pastor JC. Hey, welcome, brother. Welcome back into the studio. Glad to be back. Come on! Amen! That's right. Don't sleep on God, because He's doing great things for us. Today, in part five and nine, we're going to dig into what the word of God means when it refers to the fruit of the Spirit. There are nine parts of the fruit of the Spirit in the Bible. Today's topic is the fifth part, kindness. Amen. I'm getting full of the fruits after these last couple weeks. Amen. Praise God. And once again, our core verses in this series from Galatians 5, 16 through 26 with emphasis again on verse 22 and 23. So if you have your Bibles, please get them out because we want you guys to follow along with us as always. And just, put the time in, put the work and put the effort in and ask God what his word says. That's right. And then real quick Webster's 1828 Dictionary. Defines kindness as an act of goodwill any act of benevolence, which promotes the happiness or welfare of others, charity, hospitality, attentions to the wants of others or deemed acts of kindness. And that's what this whole episode is going to be about. It's going to be about acts of kindness and what they are. So I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to lead, I think you led last time in the beginning. So I'm going to go ahead and lead us on to some prayer in Jesus name. So Father God, we thank you once again for these lovely people listening worldwide, watching on YouTube or wherever they are, Father God, Lord. We thank you for the technology of social media, Lord, for the good, Lord, for the good, Lord. And I pray right now for these people that are listening and watching, that they have been sticking around, that they're getting value from this, Father. And I pray that they will continue to get value. I pray that the nuggets of your word are going to go forth, Father God. It's going to speak to them. It's going to give them the understanding of what a fruitful life is. What a happy life is, what a kind life is, what a life of joy, peace, love, all the fruit of the Spirit that we're going over in this series, Lord. I pray right now that it comes to fruition and manifests into their lives, into their family's lives, and into their children's lives, Father God. You tell us to train up a child in the way they should go, Lord, and I pray that the words that we speak are of your words, Father God. That your Holy Spirit is the one that guides us into this path, Lord that the path of righteousness for your name's sake, not our own Lord. So I pray right now in this podcast, as we decrease, you increase, Lord, speak through us and speak your word in Jesus name, you pray. Amen. Jesus name. Amen. Amen. All right. I'm fired up. I don't know about you guys out there, but that got me all hot in the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah. Yes. Yes. And Jesus name on my lips. Amen. Jesus name. So brother, go ahead and take us away. What do we got for us today?

Pastor JC:

So I'm going to start with one that's really common and we're going to just dig into it some. Okay. So when we think of kindness, a lot of times we know about going to Ephesians 4 32. It says, and be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. So these are acts, fruits of kindness, right? Be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another. And why do we do it? Because it says, even as God and Christ forgive you, we are kind out of a response to God being kind to us, not because it is deserved. We need to be the example and not wait for or have an expectation or response of others. Damien, I think about... When I was when I was in the world and man, if you ask most people when I was out there and selling drugs and womanizing and very prideful and selfish, if you ask most people about who Jeremy and back then I had a worldly name, even And if most people asked about me, they would say, Oh, he's a gentle person. He's kind. Because I was really good at making people feel like I was doing acts of kindness. But the fruit of it was selfish. I was kind to you with an expectation of what am I going to get in return. If I'm kind to you... Then there's an expectation that you're going to do something in return for me. And if you don't, then I just cut you off and I go on to the next thing. And so we need to understand that, Jesus Christ was kind to us and out of his kindness to us. It's a natural response. That we selflessly, without expectation, are kind to other people. Yeah, it's important the selflessness. Yeah, and I think a lot of us listening can, I know I can, relate to, being kind just to get something out of it. Being kind to the woman they have a place to live, being kind to the homeboy or homegirl or whatever you want to call them so you can get a ride to go have your needs met when you can literally care less about their needs. At the end of the day, you may put on an act in a show of, hey, I'm doing this because I care or I'm saying this because I care about you. But at the day, if your needs aren't met, you probably won't be calling that person again. Yeah, and so this whole series and this episode is designed to put away that stinking thinking as we say and Think the godly way and it's interesting because I feel like you know The more I'm kind to others it Reminds me and reflects of the kindness that Christ the tender Heartedness that he showed me the forgiveness that he gave me and you know when I'm kind to others You The truth of the matter is that I get to blossom. I get to flourish more. I get to experience Christ when I get to see how others Respond not out of a necessity of they have to respond even when they respond with ugliness I still see the love of Christ in it. Yeah, and that's the response piece, it's how would Jesus respond? They spit on him. They kicked and they hit him they all we said this before in a past episode. He still responded with kindness and love. He sure did and so And that,


I think, that's a good segue into, 2 Peter 1, 5 9, if you guys have your Bibles open, go ahead and get those going for us. And 2 Peter 1, 5 9, it's important because it piggybacks off the whole further spirit thing that we're talking about. This is just another way of putting it, in a sense. It's, it all ties into the same acts of Christ's character. And 2 Peter 1 5 9 says, But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith, virtue, to virtue, knowledge, to knowledge, self control, that's another fruit of the Spirit, and to self control, perseverance, to perseverance, godliness, to godliness, brotherly kindness, and that's important, and we're going to touch on that, and to brotherly kindness, love, another fruit. Yes, exactly. Another fruit. For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. That's what it's all about. And it's a promise of God right there. In verse 9 it says, For he who lacks these things is short sighted. Ever to blindness and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins. And it's a declaration and a promise right here, and here we see an example of how to understand kindness in this specific context, brotherly kindness. Kindness in this context from the Greek word is Philadelphia. For a lot of people that don't know that's the root word that we get from Philadelphia is brotherly kindness. That's why they call the city a brotherly love. So it's a little God thing for you there. And then basically which means fraternal affection, and occurs six times in this context in the Bible. Here it's telling us to add this to our faith. We're supposed to add these things. As we grow in our faith, as we get from, they call it, the milk to the meat. So we're adding to our faith, a faith of goodness, and love, and joy, and peace, and kinds. We're adding as we go and we mature until we start to embody those characteristics of Christ. And it's another promise of God. We cannot be unfruitful in Christ if we are kind to one another. It's impossible. It's impossible to be unfruitful in Christ if we're kind to one another because that's what He was, and I want to go back to verse 8 where it says, For if these things are yours, He wants them to be yours just like they're His. They're yours and abound. You will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. It doesn't say God will be unfruitful. It says you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. The knowledge of Christ is the character of Christ. And that's another way to look at the whole kindness piece, huh? It's,

Pastor JC:

whenever we, begin to be aware of and work on these in our life, at first it takes effort and being intentional. Amen. I have to intentionally choose. To not respond in my flesh. I have to intentionally choose, to do acts of kindness. When I don't feel like it. It takes effort and I will tend to stumble. I will make mistakes I will have to ask for forgiveness but the more I Practice the more I'm intentional with being kind to myself first, right? I says that we've talked about before right that we have to love God for to pursue God with all of our mind our heart and our soul and the second commandment the greatest like the first It's to love your neighbors yourself. So if I'm not kind to myself, I can't be kind to others So I have to be kind to me and as I'm kind to me I learned to be kind to others and as I'm kind to others it takes effort at first and then it slowly just becomes a Part of who I am in Christ. His identity is more of me than I was of myself And then the more I do it the easier it is and I'll give you a beautiful example. This was the other night, man We did our podcast here. I had worked all day And then, the person that's at home with us right now is sick and they get sick in the middle of the night and have to throw up in our toilet. We have a bunch of boys living in the house. And the toilet needed to be cleaned and it hadn't been cleaned and I knew it needed to be cleaned. So it's 9 o'clock at night and I'm getting home and no, no joke, not about pridefulness, just truthfulness. About, as we walk in kindness, I was getting home praising God that I got to clean that toilet. Yeah. Because I knew what it meant for that individual. I knew what it meant for them to be able to have a clean space to be able to do the thing that they didn't want to have to do in the first place. Yeah. Kindness and thankfulness go hand in hand. They sure do. You, When you're thankful of the things of God, your spirit is joyful, has peace, and the, in turn, the byproduct of that is that kindness towards others because you start to see the benefit of it. And then, and that becomes an unconscious thing because you're... Lessen the flesh and more in the spirit. Amen. That not only is God kind to us, but he was kind to us while we were enemies of his. That's from, oh, it's going to come from Romans five 10 through 11. So not only is God kind to us, But he was kind to us while we were an enemy of his in Romans 5 10 through 11 It says for if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of his son much more having being Reconciled we shall Be saved by his life and not only that but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ Through whom we have now received the reconciliation So we are kind because God was kind to us even when we were his enemies even when we were against him we see that kindness is a fruitfulness We see that God says that it adds to our character when we're kind to one another and that's a little easier I can be kind to my brother. I know that's what God asked and yeah, and they're usually kind to me Yeah, so that's a little more comfortable, but God goes on to say that or even to show kindness To our enemies. That one gets a little bit heavier. That's a little heavier. And the truth of it is, that we are not possible, it is not possible for us to do that in our flesh, or our human response. Exactly. It's only through Jesus, who dwells in us, that we produce fruit or words and actions that can respond to ourselves and others in this act of kindness. Yeah. That's the only way. That's it. There's It's an impossible probability for that to happen. Amen. Say that again, if it's an impossible probability for that to happen. It's, yeah it's a. It's outside of time and space, so you can't not kind if you're walking with Christ in the manner that the Bible speaks about. If you truly are walking out with these scriptures that we're sharing and you're reading, you can't help but be that way, and so that's just the facts of it, the God facts of it. I remember a testimony from Mike Servin, talking about when he was getting, Brother Mike Servin, shout out to Mike, hope you're listening Brother Mike, salad brother, me and JC have had the pleasure of doing ministry with him and doing events with him and he's awesome. And if you don't know who he is, go ahead and check him out. He is what and you get what and he's as real as they come. And I remember a testimony he was giving where he was sharing Jesus, and these guys jumped him. And he still was praising God. And showing kindness and love to them. Yeah. Talk about dying to the flesh to be physically martyred, right? To be physically beat for the love of Christ. And the response or the fruitfulness. Is to show more love. Absolutely. That's it. That's good right there. What does it say right there in Luke? You love your enemies? But love your enemies Luke 6 35, but love your enemies do good and lend hoping for nothing in return and your reward will be great and you will be sons of the Most High for he is kind to the unthankful and evil Real quick that right there, it said nothing in return. He, that's going back to what he said about the beginning about kindness, how he was expecting things and like I was expecting things. Yeah. It's human nature. Yeah. In the flesh, we have an expectation. I give, and there's a natural response that there'll be something in return. Yeah. Exactly. And, but through this process you change. Amen. I said I'm not, we're a peculiar people. We're not the same. That's right. You're not supposed to be the same. You're supposed to come out and be separate. Because that's what the word says for us to do. You separate yourself from that old thought process and guess what? Now you're walking in fruitfulness. Yeah. Yeah. And it's, just as you shared that, I was just thinking, it's interesting and it's something for us all to reflect on. Our, what are our. What we say in the flesh are non negotiables. The things in the flesh that we we make excuses for it to be okay. I just was thinking about sometimes I hear things from Christians. I'm all good until they talk about my family. Then I get hood. That's the, there it is. You talk about this person and then, oh no. No, that's not what it says. God is the judge. Yeah. Doesn't matter what they say, doesn't matter who they speak of, my wife, my children I kill them with kindness.


Yeah and I wasn't gonna touch on this, but that just, there's a scripture that, that in the Bible where it says, If your enemy is thirsty, give him water. If he is hungry, give him food to eat. For by doing so, you will heap hot coals of fire upon his head. What that means is, in the face of any adversity, You still show them that compassion. You still show them that love, you still give them the things needed for the body, the things that are needful for the body, as it says in the Word. And it's gonna, it's gonna upset them because if they hate you and you're showing love to them, their sin nature is not gonna like that. It's gonna unless they have Christ in them, They're not going to like that because they're nature wants to fight back but here you are standing in the face of adversity not fighting the way they're expecting you to respond. So is that what it means by the heaping of coals? Because many people get a little confused or not understanding. Yeah. How that act is an act of heaping of coals. Yeah it's, and then Proverbs says another way too, it's like to Kindle, where there's no fire that goes out that the... The, on the tailbearer, the kindle strife, the, it goes out, right? In this context, the heaping of coals isn't essentially, it's just them getting, it's, the heaping of coals on them, it burns their head, it's gonna bring them. Either to a place of anger, or it's gonna bring them to a place of repentance. Come on now. And that's really what it boils down to. And you're just, you just keep showing love. If somebody's cussing you out, Hey man, it happens, it's happened to me before. Yeah. I'll be at Circle K and people will cuss and da. I'm like, hey man, you hungry? Yeah, and they have the most puzzled look on their face and either they're gonna either they're gonna humble themselves and be like Receptive and say oh, yeah, I am or they're gonna cuss me worse Yeah, because the person in their life who was supposed to be leading them in the right direction But did them wrong and cussed them their whole life and treated them like dirt. They're expecting you to respond that way And when you don't, it's either gonna break him, or it's gonna, it's gonna set a fuse.

Pastor JC:

When I was I actually, I preached on forgiveness this Sunday. And I actually had that scripture in there. And what the Lord showed me, when it talks about the heaping of the coals I saw it was like, it literally it pours the light of Christ into the darkness. That's good. And so their expectation is darkness with darkness. I respond this way and it pushes you away. It causes everything around me. This is my safety. When I do this, it causes you to respond in the flesh. And then I can go, look, you're just like everyone else. Look, you just reinforce the reason I treated you that way. You're just another one of these people that says one thing, but look how you act when the things come against you. Yeah. When we respond with kindness, it's like the heaping of the coals is literally. Like a beam of light just blasting right in the center of their forehead. That's another way. That's a great way to look at it. And it's like now that light has exposed the light of Christ and now they're going to respond of one, two ways with it. Yeah, and that's, that goes back to the come out and be separate part. When you come out and be separate, they're expecting you to respond in a worldly way, but you respond in a Christ like way. It, I've had people go, come to their knees in tears when I respond like that, because they felt love for the first time in sometimes their entire life, real love. Not no fake love with an expectation of something in return, but genuine agape love and kindness. And to the point where it broke the biggest, toughest, loudest, pitbull of a man down to an infant who just wants to be loved. And sometimes that's what it takes for us to come to the end of ourself, to be loved by the Father and forget what we think we know about things. And I think that brings us good into Romans 8. 8. I wanted to discuss that about, Romans 8. 8 says, So then, who are in the flesh cannot please God. I want you guys to hear this and really take note of what is being said here. So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God. This goes back to 2 Peter 1 verse 8, which is a godly warning and a conditional promise at the same time. If these things are yours, as it says in verse 8, if these things are yours that's God saying, if you practice these things, in the New Testament, it talks about those who practice lawlessness. This is the opposite of lawlessness. He's saying, if you, these things are yours, basically, if you practice these things. Which again goes back to the choice that we make to either be kind to somebody or negative and nasty. Either way, you're gonna bear the consequences and the fruit of the decision whether it's good or bad fruit. Come on. So it's good or it's bad if these things are yours. If you go back to what that verse says, it says for if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren or unfruitful in the knowledge of Christ. It's impossible to bear the bad fruit if you're choosing the good, right? Yeah, amen. And so it's, but again it's if these things are yours it's God saying it's a choice. It's your choice. If they are to practice these things to put them into action and it follows after, it says, add to your faith. There's that additive part again, you're adding it to your faith virtue, knowledge control, self-control, and if these things are yours, that when that happens, guess what? You're not in the flesh and you're pleasing God at the same time. And Acts 28 2 says, And the natives showed us unusual kindness, for they kindled the fire and make us all welcome because of the rain that was falling and because of the cold. So this is Paul in the book of Acts, Paul's ministry. And this is when he ended up on an island and they were it was cold and rainy and they wanted to start a fire. And, but the, these natives were, they were expecting to react in a certain way. It says they showed him unusual kindness. Because you have to remember, at that period in time, Paul was facing a ton of persecution for Christ. Not only from the people he did know when he was persecuting the Christians, but also the new people, and the people who were idol worshippers, and those who denied Christ as the Messiah, the Pharisees, and all the other people that he knew. And so he, he was naturally expecting that pushback. But here it says that he experienced unusual kindness. And so that's what we need to have for people is that unusual kindness, in all situations. And and I believe that it was shown to Paul because he was wholly committed to the Messiah, Jesus Christ, and it was a supernatural encounter. He had Christ with him to such a degree, they were showing him kindness. And then a couple of verses after that, he got bit by a viper and says, and he shook it off his hand and nothing happened to him. Because he was in Christ, holy and completely surrendered and sold out, and he's such a perfect example of of not walking in kindness for most of his life. Yeah. And then actually walking in fulled out, surrender Christ Christ like kindness to everybody he came in contact with after that, no matter what they did to him, throwing him in prison, beating him, stoning him whatever happened to him out there, he still showed kindness. Yeah. Because he saw, he knew that they had to see Christ in him, not him in him. Not the old Saul, not the one that was locking up Christians and throwing them in prison. He had, they had to see his kindness of Christ. In the midst of all that adversity, because he didn't react in the way that they expected him to. These people did not react in the way he was expecting them to either. It goes both ways. It's funny as as you're sharing that, I, it's like, when we walk in the light of Christ, when we abide in Him, when the fruit is the things that we bear in our life, and that's just our lifestyle, right? This isn't just on a Sunday. This isn't just on a Wednesday or when I'm with my... Christian friends going to a movie or whatever. Speaking Christianese. Come on now. I'm just saying, when this is your lifestyle, there are two things that will occur in this walk. When we heap the coals into situations that either The darkness will repel itself away from us. It may be in the midst of us for a moment, but it will naturally repel itself away. Or, it will respond with unusual kindness. Ooh, that's good right there. Unusual kindness, folks. Take note of that. And and that's gonna bring me into 2 Corinthians 6, 3 through 6, but the key, there's some key points in here that I really want you guys to talk about, to take away from this real quick. And it's in verse 2 real quick, it says, we give no offense to anything that our ministry may not be blamed. So that means to be blameless. And if you're showing kindness, you're already on your way to being blameless in man's eyes. Because you're pleasing God and right here. It says the note is if we operate in the gifts of God We remain blameless in the sight of man amen, remember that even in the face of adversity and then right here in verse 6 for it says but in all things There's that all things again. We commend ourselves as ministers of God in such patience in tribulations in needs and in distresses All things. All things. Just like Paul when he was locked up in prison. He was in all kinds of distresses. Trust me, it was not no clean prisons like they got now. It was a prison you don't want to go to. Okay? Just think of some third world country or somewhere where it's not so nice of an area. That is the type of environment that he was in. And right here it says in 2 Corinthians 6. 5 in stripes Imprisonments. Jesus took the stripes. He took it all. He bore it all for us. In tumults, labor, sleeplessness, and in fastings. Fasting is important. Fasting is important because that's how you hear from God. Remember that, guys. And then, verse 6 says, By purity, knowledge, long suffering. There's that long suffering from the last episode you guys loved so much. By kindness. By the Holy Spirit, that's the one driving you to the kindness. That's the conviction that you're supposed to have to practice those things. And then by sincere love in all things, remember that since it's love is in all things, amen. And so that's just something that we need to remember. It's, we give no offense. Don't be offended. Don't be offended. I'm sure there's plenty of situations where you've been offended, but you still show kindness. That's it. We, this faith walk is not a cakewalk. Amen. I say it all the time. And, especially in discipleship, you're going to run into people who are manifesting demonic things in their life. And those demons are going to want to attack you. They're going to want to tell you every nasty thing about your past and who they think you are and what this and that is. If you give no offense to anything like that. Don't take it personal. Don't take it personal, then your ministry can't be blamed. If you're walking in right standing with God, right? In right communion, if you're in covenant with the Lord, you can't be blamed. You say, you know what, yeah, they said this about me, but that's not true. I know who I am in Christ. And that's how Paul was acting, too, and everywhere he went. And then, real quick, Isaiah 5410 says, For the mountains, Isaiah 5410, For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed. But my kindness shall not depart from you, Nor shall my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord. Who has mercy on you? Now, this is the Old Testament. This is prophetic. The whole book of Isaiah is basically prophetic about the coming of Christ right from start to finish and you guys if you ever want a really good reading if you haven't read it read the whole book of Isaiah from cover to cover and then go read the Bible from cover to cover and you will see that it's literally a Bible in a Bible and this is Talking about that. He they can't be room says everything is gonna fall away the mountains the hills But His kindness is forever, because kindness He gave to Christ when He came on this earth for us. And His Holy Spirit gives us the comfort and the kindness and the direction. Let's start with really, He gave man kindness. Oh yeah, absolutely. He gave the angels kindness. Absolutely. And we, out of free will, chose the, first it was Lucifer chose free will. Pride and then man chose free will of pride. So kindness has always been an extension of who God is to us It wasn't until Jesus Christ came there, we say is as the second Adam that he with his free will Chose to walk in kindness and to be kindness Yeah, to be kindness, to be love, to be the, all the fruit of the spirit, right? And then, again God promises kindness, unconditional that, that verse right there says it's a promise. Anytime it says shall not trust and believe it's a promise of God. That's him stating, Hey, this is not, this is going to stay no matter what. So his kindness is going to be there. And. And based on our commitment or covenant with Him, our conscious action of faith. It's a conscious decision for us to say, you know what, I'm going to actively walk in a manner. Amen. Against what I may be thinking or feeling or what people are telling me to do or what, Tick Twitch and Snapchat and whatever thing that people are doing these days is going to lead them astray. He's saying that my kindness won't depart from you. Just walk with me, seek me, and And I just encourage you, if you're listening to this tonight and you're feeling convicted in some areas, but you're not so kind, whether that's to your spouse, your children, yourself, that co worker, if you're feeling some kinds of ways about not being kind and you're like JC, you don't understand what they've done. You don't understand all the dirtiness. And you're right. Myself, Damien, we don't, but God does. Yes. And remember, while you were still an enemy of God, against God, in the world, had no love for Him, He extended His kindness to pull you out of where you were. For you to be here this evening, To feel the conviction and rather than feeling condemnation, allow your prayers to turn to beginning to ask God, How do I extend this in my life? How do I begin to show the kindness that maybe I haven't been shown by others? Yeah, he gave it on the cross guys. That's what it goes. It goes full circle to that. That was his ultimate display of kindness for us was him on the cross getting tortured. Yeah, and it's hard to think about from the natural perspective. How does torture kind? How is being brutalized and mocked and scourged and kicked and hit and all the things that he had to do. How is that love? How is that peace? That's him. Showing all of that to us in Such a crazy manner. That's the level, the depth of God's whole character for us, for His created people. And His Son embodied every single fruit of the Spirit that we're going to be going over here. Jesus had all of them. He had all nine. And and He walked in them perfectly. Amen. In the fullness. Fullness. Fully man, fully God. Fully man, fully God. Nobody can walk in all nine perfectly fully sinless. It's impossible. Only Jesus. So if anybody tells you otherwise, then... They got some pride issues. They got some pride issues. We're always going to tell it how it is. You can strive to have all of those. That's it. You can strive, but you're, it says man falls short seven times, he gets up again. You're gonna fall short, but if you just strive, and it says in there, if if you, if these things are yours, if you speak them, if you proclaim them, if you read them and you walk in them, then you're already doing what you're supposed to be doing. That, that's God seeing your efforts. And understanding that you really, you want a covenant. You want a relationship, an intimate relationship with the Father. Through His Son. So when you do fall, He's like a good father and He goes, Come on, let me dust you off, get back up again. Let's keep going. Don't stay down. But if you stay down defeated over and over again, now you're gonna give the prince of the power of the air, Satan, he's gonna come and take priority over your life. That's right. Because you're in a defeated state. That's right. And kindness guys, kindness. It's, it seems so simple, but. The genuine, godly kindness, it takes a whole changing of your thought process, right? It sure does. To understand what it means to respond in a matter, a manner, if some, it just depends, it doesn't matter where you are, just start thinking about things, if you're getting mad constantly because there's a line at the grocery store or there's a line at the gas station or there's a line at wherever, Dunkin Donuts wherever there and you're always constantly upset. There's some roots that need to be filled up. There's some roots. Absolutely. He said it perfectly. There's some roots. There's some roots there that are, that might need to be trimmed because, are you truly being kind to the person that took your parking spot or the person in front of you? Or. Or your boss or whatever's going on that's constantly giving you aggravation. Are you constantly being kind? Yeah. In all these situations? It goes both ways, guys. Just like Paul. It goes both ways. We gotta begin to pray and ask Him. Yeah, absolutely. And we need to begin, we've talked about this on this before and I'll keep this one short, but it's, we need to, if these things are not, How we've been taught and they're not our natural response. Then we need to believe God's Word More than our own thought process and we need to begin to meditate on the things that are good We need to begin to meditate on his word of what he says about kindness about how we are to respond to the world around us and We start to pray and when we fall short we say Lord. I repent forgive me Show me, your word says this is the fruit I want in my life, and you will begin to bear the fruit as you ask him. Because it tells us that the prayers of a righteous man availeth much. Availeth much, ooh I love that verse. So just pray, seek, he will replace and renew. He will give you a fresh heart, full of knowledge of who God is. Absolutely. And man. Be kind, right? Okay, but yeah, go we got some key takeaways here I'm just gonna let brother JC take those amen key takeaways for tonight I hope you have your notebooks and your pens I hope you've been taking some notes. If not, go back listen again and get your notes Don't take our word for it. Take God's word. That's it. Amen So takeaway number one be kind because God is kind to us Number one is be kind because God is kind to us key takeaway number two Understanding kindness is not only a commitment to yourself and others But most importantly to god key takeaway number two understanding kindness Is not only a commitment to yourself and others But most importantly to god takeaway for tonight extend kindness to everyone Even your enemies. Ooh, full circle. Everyone. Number three, Extended, Extend kindness to everyone. Yourself, your brother, your mother, your wife, your husband, your children, your enemy, your boss, everyone. Everyone. Because he gave it to you. He gave it to you guys. So it's not yours to keep. Amen. It's a free gift Just like salvation. So that brings us to the end of this episode guys You know, we appreciate you guys along for the ride. Thank you so much. Hope you got some value out of it I'm going to go over a few things right here, and then we're going to let Brother JC pray us out of here. For you freethinkers and fact finders, here's a little more for you to take away from this episode. Continue to re read the scriptures mentioned in this episode, but focus on Galatians 5. 22 23, and always seek God's Word on how to build Him in your life. Don't forget to pray for the breakthrough and the kindness, the heart of kindness in your life. All throughout the Bible. Once again, prayer is your weapon. Prayer is how you hear from God. Amen. Don't think he doesn't hear your prayers. They don't have to be fancy or eloquent. Help me. They just have to be heartfelt. Help me God. Amen. Help me. I'm gonna, I'm losing my mind. And just keep praying. Don't stop. It says pray without ceasing in the Bible. There's a reason it says that, because he knows the struggles we're gonna go through. And guys, don't forget to subscribe to the God Facts Podcast. We're on YouTube we're everywhere. YouTube all the streaming platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google, and all others. You're more than likely listening on one of the ones I just mentioned. Don't forget to tune in next time. For episode six, gentleness of our nine part series and the fruit of the spirit. And on that note, I'm going to have brother JC, pastor JC pray us out of this. Amen. Amen. Father God, thank you for your extension of kindness. Thank you, Father God, that you were kind when we were still your enemy. Thank you, Father God, that it's not by our works, but by your might that we can be kind to ourself and to those around us. I pray tonight, Father God, that if there are areas in our life that we are lacking this fruit of kindness. Would you begin to convict us in love? Would you begin to open our eyes and help us not to make excuses and justify our unkindness? Help us not to allow ourself to stay in a state of brokenness and making it okay because we've justified it for so long. And we pray, Father God, that you would just allow us to walk in the fullness of you. May we stay in the light of the Christ. May we be the fruits of the spirit. May they abound in our speech and our acts and may we continuously be kind. We pray these things in Jesus name. Amen. Jesus name. Amen, guys. Amen. Amen. Don't forget to like and subscribe. We love you guys. We'll see you on the next one. Christ said, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself. And where I am, there you may be also.