
Are you suffering for no reason? part 4 of 9_Longsuffering

October 10, 2023 Damien Long Episode 4
Are you suffering for no reason? part 4 of 9_Longsuffering
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Are you suffering for no reason? part 4 of 9_Longsuffering
Oct 10, 2023 Episode 4
Damien Long

In this episode 4 of 9 called " Long-suffering" we  teach you what it means to suffer long for Christ. What it means to be the warrior of endurance in your life!  Are your and feelings causing you to be more than normal? it deal with family and friends nicely? Come learn patience with us now, we will show you the warrior of endurance in your life.

We will be using Galatians 5:22-23 as our core verses for this 9 part series. 
 If you are getting value out of these videos please like and subscribe. Share this with someone you know needs it.  Together we will have victory over sin and this world! God bless you!!

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Don't forget to subscribe to the God Facts Podcast on YouTube, on all streaming platforms. Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google, and all others. Don't forget to tune in next time we want to help you guys to have victorious living to come out on the other side of this more on fire for God, or wanting to be on fire for God than you ever have.
And if you don't know God, ask Jesus into your heart. Say, Jesus, come and be Lord of my life. And he will changes everything. It changes everything. So we love you. We'll see you next time on the God Facts Podcast. God bless.


In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen.

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Show Notes Transcript

In this episode 4 of 9 called " Long-suffering" we  teach you what it means to suffer long for Christ. What it means to be the warrior of endurance in your life!  Are your and feelings causing you to be more than normal? it deal with family and friends nicely? Come learn patience with us now, we will show you the warrior of endurance in your life.

We will be using Galatians 5:22-23 as our core verses for this 9 part series. 
 If you are getting value out of these videos please like and subscribe. Share this with someone you know needs it.  Together we will have victory over sin and this world! God bless you!!

Support the Show.

Don't forget to subscribe to the God Facts Podcast on YouTube, on all streaming platforms. Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google, and all others. Don't forget to tune in next time we want to help you guys to have victorious living to come out on the other side of this more on fire for God, or wanting to be on fire for God than you ever have.
And if you don't know God, ask Jesus into your heart. Say, Jesus, come and be Lord of my life. And he will changes everything. It changes everything. So we love you. We'll see you next time on the God Facts Podcast. God bless.


In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen.


Welcome to the God Facts Podcast, teach how to overcome sin live a life that wins. Christ said, I go place for you and if I go to prepare a I will come again and receive you unto myself where I am there be. Also, Are your and feelings causing you to be more than normal? it deal with family and friends nicely? Come learn patience with us now, we will show you the warrior of endurance in your life. It's the God Facts Podcast, a journey for those the truth of who God is and are, where teach you nothing but the facts of God and to overcome life struggles with His Word. I'm Damian, your host, full of the Holy Ghost, and welcome back with me for episode nine, Pastor J. C. Welcome back, brother. Welcome back. Welcome back to the God Facts Podcast studio, everybody. This episode four of nine, and I just want to clear something up for you guys. You might have caught it. You might not caught it. For the last three episodes, we were telling you that this was a series of seven. We would like to clear up any confusion. It is fact nine parts of the Fruit of the Spirit. We got our wires crossed. I did between the Seven part of the holy spirit and the fruit of the spirit Yeah, the of the spirit. Yeah So yeah, We just caught that ha on us. Hopefully you guys get a chuckle out of that It's not that we don't know our doctrine, it just something that slipped into cracks, that just lets you know, that just you, we can make that there's only one perfect one, and that's Jesus Christ. Don't take us for our word. word. Exactly. And today, in part four nine, we're dig into what the word of God means it refers to the fruit of the Spirit. Are nine parts of the fruit of the spirit in the Bible, not seven. today's topic is the fourth part, patience or Longsuffering. I'm sure that's everybody's favorite part. about you? Not in the beginning. you know, cause us in society today in 2023, we wait on things. You know, the YouTube shorts and Instagram and Facebook, this, and the TikTok, it all lets you know exactly how long we don't like to for things. 30 second span. Exactly. We all have coffee makers, yet the line of Dutch Brothers is always around the building. Interesting how that works. If you think about it, you can actually make it faster at your house. Our verses in this series again from Galatians 5, 16 through 26, with emphasis on verses 22 and 23, which again lists the entirety of the nine of the Spirit. Thank you. Not the seven ones just wanted to throw that out there just to re that there's parts of his series Amen and so I'm gonna start off like I do normally I start off with the 1828 Definition of what long suffering impatience is long in the Webster's 1828 is Patience of offense is the first one other words, staying calm when someone is willfully offending you. And I think that's a really hard, that, that tells you're growing in the Lord. Because I know that in the... world, we're not so good at that staying calm part. Just let somebody, even as a believer, let somebody cut you off in traffic and see how calm you stay. Let's see if keep hands on the wheel and not throwing up sign language at them. yeah And then patience, Is also in there, it's all tied in. Patience and long suffering they mean pretty much the same thing. And so the patience part is the suffering of afflictions, pain, toil, provocation, or evil with a calm, unruffled temper. I like how it puts that. Submission to the Divine will, which is God, a calm temper which bears evils without murmuring or discontent, bearing offenses and injuries without anger or revenge. So yeah, getting upset on that one. And so I think the best way to start this off would be for some prayer. you to lead us some prayer? Heavenly Father, we just thank you for this Yes The audience don't know, but we've spent an hour in patience waiting this to be set up correctly. And so I just thank you Father. I pray for our Spirits to be submissive right now, whether listening or seeing or us here speaking. Just pray for us be patient in the of this lesson. I pray, God, for all distractions. I pray for all the things around us that are fighting for our attention, we would put things aside to be still in your presence. We're praying, Father God, for the Word to go forth, knowing that it does not return void. Father, we are praying, Lord, that you would just open us to receive the seeds to be in good soil, so that we may bear the fruit of patience or longsuffering in our lives. We pray these things in Jesus name. In Jesus name, amen. Guys, I just wanted to let you guys know that we really appreciate everybody that's following us You know I've looked at the metrics and you know for being on this thing for these three our fourth Episode people all over the world are getting value out of this and that is the whole point I'm doing this for me. I'm not we're not doing this for JC Pastor JC We're doing this for you guys to of it. So you guys can receive What the Lord has for you and no matter where you are and that's the beauty of the technology that we use to do this that? You guys that are in Nigeria, Nairobi, I think Kenya, you know, you guys are able to value out of And I don't even know you guys personally, but knows you. He knows your heart. And so unity piece, that's the body of Christ coming together one accord. so I'm very thankful for appreciate you guys downloading that. appreciate guys listening from way across the world. And we're just hoping to reach more people, and I hope the God Facts podcast a household name in as many Christian households as possible, and that people really get some value out of it. You know, I'm hoping to also with people out there, like minded pastors and leaders across the world that might have a podcast in their city or their town. That's something I definitely that I think that in due time we'll be able to do that. I just wanted to out here and thank you guys, tell you guys love you guys. I really appreciate the support. It's been overwhelming and, you know, for being such a new podcast, I think that's a blessing us. gives us the desire to keep going, keep pushing God's Word in the face of, anything. Just wanted to say that. will let you take this away, brother. Alright, amen.

Pastor Jc:

I'm talking about patience or long suffering, and it has been said that long means suffering long. That is a answer, but there's a better definition we need to look at. long suffering in Bible is made up of two Greek words. These are two Greek that make it up, in the first word is makros, which is long, and thumos, which is temper. So long temper, literally long tempered. To be long suffering, then, is to self restraint when is to anger. A long suffering person does not immediately retaliate or punish. he has a long fuse and patiently forbears or waits. Long suffering mercy and grace. It does not surrender to circumstances succumb to trials. Man, that's... Oh man, that's


Oh, man, that's really great. And, you know, he's gonna expound on this, but real it said self restraint. That's part of the fruit of the Spirit, self control, self restraint. So this one part ties so many in together. Yeah. So I'm gonna let him Take that. Amen. I'm gonna read a scripture, and then gonna kind of pick it apart, and I'll just share a little bit of some in there, too. gonna look at Matthew 5. 38 3840. So I have my Bible here, 5, 38 through 40. It says, You have heard it was said, An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth. But I say to Do not resist an evil person. whoever strikes on your right cheek and to him other as well, and if anyone sues you in of law, and takes away your tunic. Let him your cloak also. And so you may be saying, how does in? This right is, talking about going into a judge. They would go before a judge and judge would make a decision. And this is saying that Jesus is talking and saying that it's not for us to take into judgment but to be still and God to be the judge. And know, of retaliating and getting justice, It's telling us we are to endure. We are to allow the situation work itself out as we trust God. Amen. That's it. That's trusting God in all the circumstances. Without... Having a hot temper in the process. Yeah. So that's key. this is what sets us apart as Christian How we respond to the situations, You know, I said it does not, when we were talking about the long fuse or long suffering and saying it does not surrender to circumstances or succumb to trials. So we do not allow the world around us to dictate how we respond. Nope. is such thing. The gift that God gives us we may endure someone that does wrong us yet we Choose to be still and to seek will than responding out of an emotional response Yeah, that's true. And I've been you know myself speaking I've been fiery trials and family things and man this coming up to this point This part of this podcast has been really hard for me. it's, God's me and me and know it's, Stuff came in suddenly unexpectedly. And so my faith been shaken and tested and, This patience and long suffering Is right at the foreground that. Trying to remain steadfast and, you know, like it says right Long, to be, You know, to have self restraint you know, to not retaliate in emotion. Even though wouldn't have been necessarily negative, it still would have been an emotional response. And trying to, Trust God, listen to voice when he says, just wait. I got it. Don't worry. It's okay. You know, that, that piece the longer you wait... the long, the more you know that you're on the right path. And so we're gonna talk about how God gives an example, just want to share this with us, this is look, you know, I don't know where we came into place of of the we say as Christians, but you'll hear them saying, Don't pray for patience. Yeah. But me, as grown and matured as a Christian, that's a silly because you don't pray for to give you patience, Life's gonna give it to you anyway. Exactly. You're gonna go through trials. You can't and You can't pick and choose. What parts of God you want and parts don't. either in or you're all out. If, and look, I'm not saying, you know, God make me suffer, right? That's not it, but this is it. Lord, is an area in my life, is there an area in my life that I am lacking the fruits of the Spirit? Is there an area in my life, maybe I'm hot tempered, maybe I'm quick to respond without thoughtfulness, whatever it be. That's the prayer we should be praying is Lord search me. Yes, If any fruit in me that does not remark let me work on it he will give you Situations to go And I I say that they probably were already there. He's just bringing light Into something that needed be brought anyway shows you the branches that need to be pruned That's it. It shows you the parts that of the resistance you have Against that patients or anything and that's the branches that essentially need be trimmed to be cut off need to be Addressed because it even says he said hey if doesn't bear it it off and I we've touched on that in the last few episodes and That's one of them. If you can't wait on God, that's a heart issue. That's something in you. That's the natural man. That's that fleshly desire in you. That's rising up That's saying I don't have I don't have to have patience on this I want this now, you know, I want on demand like my cable company. Yeah, and God's like I don't work like that One of my one of my favorite Testimonies and one that we don't at least I haven't seen it in a of people's lives of Getting to see the fork in the road where two different of a man's destiny came forth because of patience. And you know, back in 2019. Back in 2019, in a group home I would, I mapped out my was to go school. I have a bachelor's in social work. I was gonna go back to get my master's and my plan was to become a therapist gonna do both secular non secular and get paid as a therapist was my of out the steps in my future was at group home And I worked there for about a year and a and it was a Christian group home And I'll tell you that year and a half went through so many spiritual battles. I went all of suffering after about a year a of just pouring myself out and being completely burnt out and exhausted, I started to look for another work. And in that time I had been praying and God me and said that he was calling me to be a pastor. so in the my okay I'm going to be a pastor, I can't do this kind of work I'm doing right now because I have time for nothing else. And I started put out applications, Things, I was overqualified, nothing getting nothing. And I got to a point, I was so tired and I would literally cry myself to sleep at night sometimes, just tired, burnt. And one was outside and I was in my Washer dryer room on my knees in the cement and i'm just to god asking him he won't let me budge I I heard voice and he said the things i'm and I need not ready yet But if you want to move i'll let you move I have things for you to still do and I I was crushed because yes, wanted to go but God was asking me to suffer long. He was asking me to be patient. it is. And I was like, been patient is what I'm thinking, I'm like, what do you mean? But I said, okay, Lord, I'll submit to you. Okay, Lord, I'll submit to you. And I'll tell you what he doing was preparing a pandemic. he doing preparing a church that would understand the vision I had. What he was Was getting me into a position job that needed to open up I could have the hours That was needed for the work. He had for me to those things needed Time to come into play if I would have just stepped in my own will Who knows how the journey have been for me to get where God intended for me to be in the first place That's powerful that it's you know, that's that stretching piece, you know He was waiting on you're waiting on God and you're like you're almost there and yeah, I'll give it I'll give you this but you wait You need have some patience because it's not ready to play out at this point and can't see these Pandemics or these tragedies or you know, that's like the things I'm going through these were occurrences God sees them he knows our beginning and our end, All right? He knows are getting up and are laying down He the hairs on her as it says in word and so it sounds like you were going through that type that same type of scenario of You know, hey, this is my heart's desire. This is what I to do. But you were like on the between the secular the spiritual. he was stretching you trying to make sure that you were gonna go in the right direction. a of times that's is he gives us patience and situations to go through that are you know, talked in one of the other fruits was know that we go through to build our character. You go through this because life is going happen no matter what. And the only thing that we can do is decide how we're going to respond things going on around us. That's it. It's the resp... How, yeah, exactly. How are you to respond? Is it going to be, again, is going to be long temperedness? Is it going be love? Like the first part, is going to be your joy? Are you going to have joy it? going to be joyful when God's telling you no? to have your spirit even when God's saying not yet? And then is your patience going to endure that long piece? You know, it's, you know, you pray for patience to growth. It's not a bad thing. It's a maturity thing. Yeah. He says, when I was a child, thought as a child, but when I a man, I put away a childish things. It says that in the word. That's part of it. That scripture embodies patience and long suffering because it's showing you maturity in your spiritual walk and like, man, I endured that. However many years ago especially if you were like in sobriety or recovery, like we like we came out of, and you're like, man, no, however long was before I got sober, I would have been completely off rails. It wouldn't even, I wouldn't have even had a chance to have patience because looked like. run the other way into my emotions then just do what I felt was necessary, but again get not to Normally the result that we wanted saying wait on me And you'll get to a result that may not you may it may be what wanted to be one that's gonna benefit you the most just a good father does, right? Amen. you know he's you're like dad. I need this now And he's for it. on, I gotta get this game. It just came out, and he's then work for it. You know, mow the lawn, do whatever. However, whatever you had in your life, it's the same concept, if it's a positive one. You know, good Father's doing the same thing to us. Yeah, they sure do. It's

Pastor Jc:

as you're talking right now must have a little dialogue with God right now, because when we were talking about patience, and it being, you one of the fruits of maturity, And then I heard the is it hurts. And I was like what does that mean, it hurts? He said all the fruits hurt. Why? Because it's a pruning. And the here's the that's beautiful, right? They all take maturity to understand how God the reason that we think okay to for love is because the has made a counterfeit love, so we that it's going to be easier, that there's a counterfeit joy. But the truth really in fruits, there's a pruning process of the circumcision of the flesh, of unraveling and our understandings of the the world looks at these fruits and stepping into the truths of what God says. all the fruits are uncomfortable, but God not called us to a life of comfort. Yes. He has called us step out in faith walk by His word and not by the things that we see and so the patience It's just one that has not been counterfeited. And so we think it's gonna be more But the truth is all uncomfortable Yes, it's how we grow. we mature it's how we are set apart We are in the world, but not of the world. It's How God has us To be a light in the midst of darkness. need all of these fruits and it's for our good. It's so that we can go through these things. And you know, because I was willing to in moment, I've been blessed in last three years to be pastor missionary. That God is, because God has me in a church. God has put me in leadership. God has brought me the world. I've to different countries in three years to spread the gospel and preach and Just forth revival that could have with health all that could have been delayed If I would have been patient in a moment of seeking his will my own. true and hit something that was really powerful real quick was that the circumcision of his flesh That stuck out to me the Spirit spoke to me. And he's back to Galatians 5 24, which is the verse directly after the fruit of the Spirit, which says, And they that in Christ have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. So that that we're showing that patience showing temperance. We're showing the, that we're able to have flesh crucified and circumcised and wait on God, wait on the Lord and say, you know what? I want your spirit guiding me. I don't want the things of my flesh to be the one that dictates how I or think or act or whatever. he said, it's All compassing. All the of the Spirit is It all plays its part, right? It says, let have its perfect work, and that's part work. Amen. Right there. else we got over here? 2nd 3. 9. Ooh. The is not slack promise. And if guys don't have a get Amen. 2nd Peter 3. 9. The Lord is slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness, is long suffering toward us, not willing any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. So he, the God of the universe, the that we serve, patient towards us. know he sure was towards me when I was enemy against God. He patiently waiting my circumstances push me into a place of being at the of myself find the living God waiting with and love. The end yourself. That's powerful. We've said it before, you have to come end of who you you are. Amen. Cause it doesn't matter. Who you once don't matter. Who you think are don't, it only matters what he says about right? this says about you are. And That's all that matters, don't... CNN, don't CNN to find out you or how you should think, because you can be led down a rabbit hole every single time. Wonder why you're walking in circles, for the door. And so it's a beautiful thing. because we cry out to God in the midst of our situations. don't He said, I was patient for you. do you mean? I I don't understand Why it's not He He says, life's not fair, but I was the one that set the standard. and was one who was patient upon you. So that you may not perish how much more suffering and patience has God endured for your children for the next generation So that they may be saved. Hope you guys are taking notes out there. Please, implore you to, know, play more than once. Play this multiple times. And get, cause God's gonna drop nuggets on you guys. The Holy Spirit, if you're being led by Holy Spirit, gonna these you. And every time you listen to it, just time you read Word of God, because that's our is, you're gonna get new revelation. You know, take notes, back, listen to it, re watch it, if you're listening on podcast channels, listen it, if you're watching us on you know, re watch video you're the content from the Lord you guys, take notes, make, then and then make that prayer of heart, whatever you're getting from the Lord. That's perfect, I just, I just heard you someone that's listening right there are probably more than one, but being convicted, right? You're feeling a conviction. notice that you're haughty, that you're quick to response in anger. quick to, to emotionally give out your words specifically, not even just actions. quick with your words And you're, you know, devil will try to do is to make you feel hopeless, to make you feel like that's just the way you've always been. It's okay. Ooh. That's a good And so here's the thing is God is loving merciful. And so that You are to be condemned but convicted and so how do we begin? One and first and if you're convicted right now, means is bringing it to your awareness. Once we become aware of something, we can't un ourself of it. So the first thing making of it right now. so now you know, Damien just said, is you begin to pray. And when you notice there are specific situations or people that trigger you, begin to ask God. How he would you to respond. Exactly. Allow his love and mercy and grace into your situations. And I say that there are probably some roots that need to be dug up of. your parents treated you that way, the sibling way. There are people that, that modeled it you. There people that were quick and unjust, that quick and unfair to, to lash out tear down with their words. so it's learned behavior. And what were talking About dying to flesh or the circumcision that those things were never meant to be how God wanted you to be raised. Those things were never how you to be taught. And so he's saying here tonight through this lesson is that he wants to take through a journey of digging up those roots to walk with you to remove them that you allow God plant the fruit. of long suffering impatience to to bear in your life.


That's it suffer for the in the for your sake, the sake of the kingdom of darkness, he can suffer long for the God something has value, that's actually going to produce something in you that didn't, you didn't have before going that long suffering. Like he just said it's valuable. It's more than you can imagine. And he said conviction. Conviction means you feel. If you're convicted, that means that you were seeking God. If you don't have any conviction about... The things of and stuff then pray for say Lord pray I pray you can reveal these things to Give me a heart that that is hungry for the truth and way you can get that holy Conviction is what gives the change. That's what changes the heart. That's what changes spirit your mind It all coincides at all. It all connects to give you that 2nd says, by purity, by knowledge, by lung suffering, by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, and by sincere love. That's all encompassing right there. That's so many of the valuable fruit of the Spirit right there. By purity, that's walking with God. By knowledge, that's the Word. That's this. So the purity is dying to your flesh, crucifying your like he was talking about the circumcision of the flesh, and so that's, then you're have the knowledge, which is the Word of God, and the long suffering, the patience to read it, and then wait, it, and pray, read it, wait on God, until He gives you direction, and then the kindness is how you treat others around you during that patients process whether it's a family member. got those members that we some patience to Lord help don't act like you don't have that uncle patience to. child. child, the one that, that won't get YouTube, the one that won't get off their video games or whatever the case may be, you know, there's there's that long suffering. And then again, by the Holy Spirit and sincere love. You know, if don't have the sincerity love in your heart, and then it's another thing you need to ask God how come How come I have the sincerity of love? How come why do I feel like I'm superficial when? I tell people I love them It's like we talked about in the first episode that's thrown so lightly that it's not taken seriously You know cuz God when he says that he loves us. It's not something he takes lightly. Yeah We're his creation. We, he loves us. And so that's the agape love. And I just, man, gotta tell you guys, if you have not experienced it's of the most beautiful comes with maturing as follower. And I shared this earlier episode, I believe, but Holy Spirit God gives us. is the most beautiful, not the most, it's one of the most beautiful gifts I have received my walk with God, is be in a situation, be in a circumstance where someone just coming against my family, popping off, that one thing that just gets right under my skin. That boss, that person that's an authority over you. That says thing in, in, man, you could lose your job if respond the way you're thinking, right? And there's this beautiful piece. That surpasses understanding in the moment the Holy Spirit the situation is going like in real time like this pause like everything slows down and you're having this dialogue with God and like downloading in your spirit He's speaking into the situation of respond That actually surpasses situation that makes you in the darkness that makes it so are set apart in your and your actions that baffles and the enemy that and confuses the person that's just hating on you're the other cheek And you're giving your tunic. You're going the extra two miles. going against the situation with love. it completely confuses what's happening because we're not here responding out of an emotional experience. We are in the heavenly realm where our problems are beneath us and not above us. And so we're not quick to respond. Amen. Amen. And, you know, we get to the takeaways you know, Paul said it in 2 Peter 3. 15. He said, consider that the long suffering, Of our Lord is salvation. Come on now. The long suffering is salvation because Jesus suffered long. He sure did. So if we're supposed be embodying Christ be the and likeness of Christ, image bearers, as it says, nor then we're gonna suffer long and that it's of our salvation. And that's heavy and then, you know. According the wisdom given to him is written to you, right? Jesus Christ suffered we could through our sufferings, everybody. By faith in Him. Not faith in the world, faith in Him. true source of our strength, only Him. we get There it is. And so we've ran long on this episode, but I think that it for a reason We could easily stretch this out into four episodes but we to it moving you guys in that way You go like I said go back to it, know But this isn't the end of the road for our shows gonna keep and keep expounding but know, and listen to it You know, God drops, I'm gonna go back and listen to it, cause I know God spoke to me, he's gonna speak to me again, and I'm gonna listen listen to these things over and over not to hear my own voice, trust I do it because God speaks to through Just like he does his word, like he will through this. And just remember that, guys. To suffer long, to have patience, it's not a bad thing. It's an absolutely blessed thing to be able to do that. It's something you to do, not something you have to do. Ask for the patience, ask for the long suffering, it. Because you know why? Jesus didn't want to get, he didn't want to go to cross. He didn't want to do all this stuff that he did. He even asked the Father. said, if it is will, take this cup from me. And that he had to do what he had to do to defeat Satan, to defeat enemy at his own game, to defeat him. this world to give us eternal salvation and life abundant. So he it intentionally Just like have go to intentionally with your prayer with your Christ with your patience So that when you're driving to work tomorrow or whatever if you're right now listening to this Have patience person next you. Amen if let him pass know, I don't if had their blinker on for miles, you know, hey, just let them get over. being said, brother JC don't you go ahead and share some takeaways for us so we can let these people get going.

Pastor Jc:

Key takeaways for today. One, long suffering is never on our feelings, but we will try and use our emotions as fuel. Long suffering never based on our but we and use our emotions as fuel. it's character of Jesus within us that builds our character with a constant expectation of good. Amen. It's the character of Jesus us that builds our character with a constant expectation good. It's a building block. Amen. And third, our ability to be slow to anger or suffer trials with Christ. Hardens our in battle. Mmm. That's it. Amen. that again, cause... Our to be slow to anger or suffer in trials with Christ hardens our armor in Trialed and true. It's the full armor of God. That's what hardens it. It that because we're being tried. in the furnace. So be thankful all things. Amen. That's man, that's good stuff right there. I don't about you, but I got something out of that. Amen. Amen. And then let's see here.


For you free thinkers and fact finders, here's a little more you to take away from this episode four on long suffering and patience. Continue to read the scriptures mentioned in episode and focus on again, Galatians 5, 22 through 23. You can go all the way back to 16 if you want. And you can go as far forward as 26 but the 22 and 23 is going to really you an idea of what fruit the is. The nine of the spirit, not seven, nine. I repent Lord, repent. wasn't trying to lead your sheep astray. I promise. And always seek God and his word and how to build these in your life. Don't forget to pray for the breakthrough in your life. Don't forget pray for the the long suffering. You know. You know, all throughout the Bible, prayer is your weapon. is how you're going to from God. You're to us say that over over and over again. Every episode. If you're not praying, then don't expect to receive. you're not praying, expect God to move in your life. He wants to hear your voice. Just like would go a kid to whoever, mom, your dad, your uncle was around you that made decisions in your you know, you go to and you ask them go do something, You have to wait for them to say, okay. Yes, you can. You can go. Yeah, you can go and play. Okay, you can go get that that, that rocket pop at the ice cream truck, you know, even though you had four already today, you know, it's you prayer is how you're going to hear from God. You know, I think that's gonna cover it. Don't to the God Facts Podcast on YouTube, everybody. We're on all platforms. All streaming platforms. Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google, TuneIn, iHeartRadio. you guys are all listening to one of those. And don't forget tune in next time for episode five titled gentleness of our nine part series The Fruit the spirit. Amen. Amen. everybody I appreciate you guys. I you guys guys And we'll see you on next one. one Christ said, I go to a you I go to prepare place for you, I will come again receive you unto myself and where I am there you may also. You're welcome. You